Conlang relay

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Revision as of 02:50, 27 February 2008 by PeteBleackley (talk | contribs) (Added Conlang Relay 16.)
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A conlang relay is a translation game involving conlangs. It is similar to the game called by names such as Telephone or Chinese Whispers, where a message is whispered from person to person, often in the process being changed beyond recognition. Instead of by whispers, in a relay the text is passed by translation: it is translated from the conlang it is received in, into one's own conlang, and then passed to the next person to be translated. The resulting text is generally much changed; a tendency noticed in early relays was for the original texts to mutate into creation myths.

Conlang Relay 16 will begin on March 31st 2008, and the results will be hosted here.

External links

Former relays