Uínlītska Phonology

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Syllable Structure


Not quite right yet

COREVOWEL ::= 'i' | 'ə' | 'ɑ'
EXTVOWEL ::= 'e' | 'o'
C ::= 'ʃk' | 'sk' | 'p' | 't' | 'tʃ' | LIQUID | SIBILANT | NASAL
LIQUID ::= 'w' | 'j' | 'l'
NASAL ::= 'm' | 'n'
SIBILANT ::= 's' | 'sj' | 'f' | 'h' | 'z' | 'hl'


The first syllable of any root takes primary stress. Secondary stress in words of three or more syllables falls immediately before the last consonant.

Thus, stress falls on the bold and italic vowels in a, ka, kafta, kaftasa, kaftasat.


p t   k ʔ
f s z ʃ x  
  ɬ l      
m n   [ŋ]  
w   j    

The phoneme /n/ has the allophone [ŋ] when immediately preceeding to a dorsal phoneme.

Summary of consonant changes from ON

hr > ɾ̥ > ɹ̥ > ʃ
kr > kɾ̥ > kʀ̥ > kx > x
ɡr > ɡɾ > ɡʀ > ɡɣ > ɣ
r > ː / V _ (also listed under vowels)
rr > ːr / V _ (by implication)
r > j / (t,d,n,s,z) _
r > n / _ (t,d,s,z)
r > d / # _
r > l
sl > ɬ
(x,ɣ) > (k,ɡ) / s _


In strong syllables

i iː    
e eː ə əː o oː
ɛ ɔ
    ɑ ɑː

In weak syllables

i ĩ    
  ə ə̃  
    ɑ ɑ̃

Summary of vowel changes from ON

o > ə
y > i
yː > iw
œ > e
œː > ew
œy > oj
ɛ > e
ɛː > ɛ
ɛi > ej
æ > e
æː > ɑj
u > o
uː > iw
ɒː > ɑw
ɒ > ɔ
ɒu > əw
υr > υː (also listed under consonants)

Further vowel changes in weak syllables

e > i
o,ɛ > ə
ɔ > ɑ
υː > υ
υ(j,w,l,∅)(n,m) > υ̃(j,w,l,∅)

Sound adaptation in borrowed words

Every foreign phoneme (if possible) maps to the identical phoneme in Fínlǣsk.

The following general rules tend to apply to phonemes from various languages without exact duplicates in Fínlǣsk:

Foreign q ɢ ɴ ɟ ɰ ʌ
Fínlǣsk k ɡ ŋɡ* j w kw ɑ

*Inuktitut /ɴ/ becomes /ɡ/ word-initially.

Sandhi / Liaison

Metaphonemic Symbols

For Vowels

Symbol ← ↑ → ↓ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ η υ ω ◌̽ ◌̾ ◌́ ◌̆
Meaning Nothing Umlaut Vowel (Unrounded) (Rounded) Broken Merged Long Short

For Consonants

Symbol τ κ γ θ σ ζ ρ
Meaning Nothing Stop (Voiceless) (Voiced) Fricative (Voiceless) (Voiced) Liquid



η υ ω ◌̽ ◌̾
a æ ų á á ę ǫ á á a ǫ aƿ a
e ej i o ę i œ̨ ę e œ e
ę ęj e ǫ æ e œ a æ ę œ̨ ę
i í í u e í œ e i je i
o œ u ó ǫ u ǫ́ œ̨ e o ǫƿ o
ǫ œ̨ u o a œ o á æ ę ǫ æƿ ǫ
u ju ú o ú ó œ i u ƿe u
ų e i u a i ę ǫ ų u ų
æ ǽ ę a ǽ ę œ̨ a ǽ æ œ̨ æƿ æ
jo ju ᵫ́ ju jǫ́ jœ̨ je jo aƿ


  Default i u e œ ų o ę œ̨ ǫ æ a í ᵫ́ ú é œ́ ų́ ó ę́ œ̨́ ǫ́ ǽ á
i η > jη í ᵫ́                     íj                      
υ > ƿυ

ω > jω

  ᵫ́       ǫj                       ƿę́            


Long Clusters

CCC sequences are phonotactically disallowed, though note that this means phonemic sequences (things like tj /tʃ/ are considered single consonants under these rules). The following is a simple summary of the rules, in the order they are applied, along with contrived examples.

  • If an orthographic j occurs anywhere in the CCC sequence, it is moved to the end: mantj /mɑntʃ/ + kun /kun/ > mantkjun /mɑnttʃun/
  • Phonemic "double" or "long" consonants lose their first orthographic component: mantkjun /mɑnttʃun/ > mankjun /mɑntʃun/.


Some general rules apply to the sandhi process that occurs when compound words are formed:

Description Pattern Example
From To From To
Stop+Stop with same voicing are unaffected κ1κ2 κ1κ2 -k+t- -kt-
γ1γ2 γ1γ2 -b+d- -bd-
Stop+Stop with different voicing take regr voice assim γ1κ2 κ1κ2 -ɡ+t- -kt-
κ1γ2 γ1γ2 -p+ɡ- -bɡ-
Stop+Fric with same voicing become Fric-Stop κ1σ2 σ1κ2 -k+s- -xt-
γ1ζ2 ζ1γ2 -d+v- -zb-
Stop+Fric with different voicing take progr voice assim κζ κσ -k+v- -kf-
γσ γζ -b+s- -bz-
Fric+Fric with same voicing become geminated stops σ1σ2 κː1 -s+s- -tː-
ζ1ζ2 γː1 -v+v- -bː-
Nas+Nas take retr POA assim & progr voice assim μ̥1μ2 μ̥ː2    
μ1μ̥2 μː2    

Blanks below denote "no deviation from the above"

  b d ð f ɡ ɣ h j k l ɬ m n ŋ p r s ʃ t θ v w x z
b     vd v     pk   m mn ŋɡ pp   bz pt ndʒ      
d     ð dv   ðɡ   tk   nm n ŋɡ tp   dz tt ð zb    
ð zb     ðv     ðð   θk   θt nm n ŋɡ θp   θs tt θθ zb   θk dd
f vv  
ɡ bb  

All sound changes in CSMF format

# Standard rules to turn ON orthographic into IPA, assigning classes and attributes along the way
use 'read-ON-as-IPA.csmf'

#t > s, tt > st, d > t, dd > ʔt (et al)
τ > σ / V _ V
τ > h / _ κ
h > ʃ / _ κ[+velar]
h > s / _ κ[-velar]
δ > ʔ / _ κ[-voice]
δ > ∅ / _ κ[+voice]
δ > τ

#More fricathivization
hr > ʃ
kr > x
ɡr > ɣ
θ > ɬ
ð > z
s > ʃ / # _ T

o > ə
y[+long] > iw
y > i
œy > oj
œ[+long] > ew
œ > e
ɛi > ej
ɛ[-long] > e
ɛ[+long] > ɛ[-long]
æ[+long] > ɛj
æ > ɛ
ɒ[+long] > ɑw
ɒu > əw
ɒ > ɔ
u[+long] > iw
u > o

#Eliminate 'r'
υr > υ[+long]
r > j / κ[+dental] _
r > n / _ κ[+dental]
r > d / # _
r > l

σl > ɬ
σ > τ / σ _

#Vowel reduction in unstressed syllables
e[-stress] > i
(o,ɛ)[-stress] > ə
ɔ[-stress] > ɑ
υ[+long][-stress] > υ[-long]
υ[-stress]μ > υ[+nasal]
υ[-stress]ρμ > υ[+nasal]ρ

#Deal with glide and/or vowel clusters
j > i / ρ _ κ, κ _ ρ
w > o / ρ _ κ, κ _ ρ
υ > ː / $1 _
υː > υ[+long]

#Convert IPA to standard Finla orthography
use 'write-IPA-as-Finla.csmf'

Sound Change rules in sc.py format

# First, read Old Norse to IPA

# Includes some shenannigans to workaround multi-char symbols and funky mappings

* ǫ́ ǫː _

* e ɛ _

onlng = áéíóúýœæ

onsht = aeiouyøɛ

* 0 ː <onlng>_

* <onlng> <onsht> _

nonipa = aǫþvh

ipa = ɑɒθwx

* <nonipa> <ipa> _

blb = pbfvφβmλρ

alv = tdθðsznlr

vlr = kgxɣфвŋля

tv = bdg

tu = ptk

t = tu~tv

sv = vzɣ

su = fsx

spri = fsxvzɣ

ssec = φθфβðв

s = su~sv

cv = tv~sv

cu = tu~su

c = cu~cv~ʔʃ

v = eioɛɑɒə

vt = jjwjʔwɣ

fv = eoɛɒ

uv = iəəɑ

r = λρlrля

w = λρlrляwj

rt = bbddgg

ro = lrlrlr

rv = əəiiɑɑ

n = mnŋ

nt = bdg

nr = wlj

na = ɑɑɑ

fipa = ɑəɛɒw

fnonipa = aøęǫu

fsht = aeioø

flng = áéíóǿ

fnas = ā‽ī‽ø

#t > s, tt > st, d > t, dd > ʔt (et al)

* <tu> <su> _<^v>

* <tu> <su> #_

* <tu> <su> <^su>_#

* <tu> s _<tu>

* <tv> ʔ _<tu>

* <tv> 0 _<tv>

* <tv> <tu> _

#More fricathivization

* s ʃ #_<c>

* s ʃ _<vlr>

* θ ɬ _

* ð z _

* x c ʃ_

* ʃ s _c

* ʃ s _<c>


* o ə _

* øy oj _

* øː ew _

* ø e _

* yː iw _

* y i _

* ɛi ej _

* ɛ Ω _ː

* ː 0 Ω_

* ɛ e _

* Ω ɛ _

* ɒː ɑw _

* ɒu əw _

* uː iw _

* u o _

#Eliminate 'r'

* r ː <v>_

* r j <alv>_

* r n _<alv>

* r d #_

* r l _

* l ɬ s_

* l ɬ s_

* s 0 _ɬ

#Vowel reduction in noninitial syllables

* 0 Ω <v><^v>*<v>_

* 0 Ω Ω<^v>*<v>_

* <fv> <uv> _Ω

* ː 0 Ω_

* <n> ƞ Ω_

* <w><n> ƞ#1 Ω_

* Ω 0 _

#Deal with glide and/or vowel clusters

* j i j_

* w o w_

* 0<v> #2`v`vt#2 <v>_ 

* 0<v> #2`v`vt#2 <v>ː_ 

* <v> ː %_

#Convert IPA to standard Finla orthography

* <alv>ʃ #1j _

* <vlr>ʃ #1j _

* ʃ0 sj _

* <r> <ro> _

* ə ø _

* <fipa> <fnonipa> _

* <fsht> <flng> _ː

* ː 0 _

* <fsht> <fnas> _ƞ

* øƞ ø̄ _

* ƞ 0 _

* 0 h _ɬ

* ɬ l _

* x h _