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Ălyis /ˈaʎis/ is the language of the ĭdharash, former inhabitants of the Mĕzelis Valley, located in the southeast of the southeastern continent of Năshelas, and dwellers of Ĭdharos, the northwesternmost of the Great Islands. The word ălyis itself means simply “speak” or, when referred to as a proper name, “the speak”.

Phonology, pronunciation, and orthography


Consonants Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasals m n ɲ
Plosives p b t d k ɡ
Fricatives f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ ɦ
Flaps & Taps ɾ
Lateral Approximants l ʎ

¹ The sound /h/ is considered a “foreign” sound and usually appears only in loanwords and foreign names, although it can appear as an allophone of /ɦ/.

Vowels Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open-mid ɛ ɔ
Near-open ɐ
Open a


Pronunciation of consonants and vowels

The position in a word doesn't change a consonant sound. The consonant L, however, can become labialized as /lʷ/ before other consonants or in word-final positions.

Vowels, on the other hand, usually don't become nasalized before /m/, /n/, and /ɲ/, but the vowel e is pronounced as /e/ in such positions even when stressed.

  • A: /a/ when stressed, /ɐ/ otherwise.
  • Æ: /e/ when stressed, /ɐe/ otherwise.
  • E: /e/ when followed by /m/, /n/, or /ɲ/, otherwise /ɛ/ when stressed, /e/ elsewhere.
  • I: /i/ in all positions
  • O: /ɔ/ when stressed and followed by /i/, /l/, or /ʎ/, /o/ elsewehere.
  • U: /u/ in all positions


Disyllabic words are, in general, paroxitones, and the stressed vowel — indicated with a macron (ǣ, Ǣ) or with a breve (ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ, Ă, Ĕ, Ĭ, Ŏ, Ŭ) — usually doesn't change with the addition of prefixes and/or suffixes — for example, ănis (life) shinănis (their (f) life); ăle (to love) shăle (they (f) love) shălete (they (f) love you (s)) shiălete (they (f) loved you (s)) oshiălete (they (f) would love you (s)). Exceptions to this rule are the preposition + demonstrative pronoun combinations — ǣkis (this) ĭdækis (of this); words with three or more syllables are, in general, proparoxytones.

When a prefix is linked to a monosyllable, the stress falls on the prefix, as, for example, is the case of iv- (with) + -te (you) = ĭvite (with you).


The above phonemes are rendered in writing as follows:

B b P p D d T t Z z S s G g K k L l R r M m N n
/b/ /p/ /d/ /t/ /z/ /s/ /ɡ/ /k/ /l/ /ɾ/ /m/ /n/
V v F f DH dh, Ð ð TH th, Þ þ ZH zh, J j SH sh, Ʃ ʃ GH gh, Ɣ ɣ KH kh, C c LY ly, Ł ł H h Ħ ħ NY ny, Ŋ ŋ
/v/ /f/ /ð/ /θ/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/ /ɣ/ /x/ /ʎ/ /ɦ/ /h/ /ɲ/

The consonant variants in italics are used when one desires to be as faithful as possible to the native orthography when transliterating.

A a Æ æ E e I i O o U u
/a/, /ɐ/ /e/ /ɛ/, /e/ /i/ /ɔ/, /o/ /u/



Masculine and feminine pronouns are only used when applied to humans.

Personal pronouns (subject)

d- I dh- we
t- you th- you (pl)
s- she sh- they (f)
z- he zh- they (m)
l- it n- they (n)

Personal pronouns (object)

-de me -dhe us
-te you (obj) -the you (pl, obj)
-se her -she them (f)
-ze him -zhe them (m)
-le it (obj) -ne them (n)

Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns

The prefixes are linked to consonant-starting words with the vowel -i-, except when its absence would cause a double consonant; in this case, the consonants merge into a single one.

æg- this noun (close to the speaker) æk- this noun (close to the person spoken to) ærk- that noun
ægis this (close to the speaker) ækis this (close to the person spoken to) ærkis that
æl- many noun [pl] æv- all, every noun æf- no noun
ælis multitude ævis everything æfis nothing


  • Ægrĭs = this sand
  • Ækĕsh = these rocks
  • Æfăus = no dogs
  • Ælăush = many dogs
  • Ævăush = all [the] dogs

Interrogative pronouns

dĭle why tĭle for what
vĭnye who vĭme where
dĭnye whose dĭme whence
sĭnye which tĭme to where
mĭnye how much, how many ĭhæ what

It is possible to omit the copula from a sentence and link the interrogative pronoun directly to the personal suffixes and demonstrative pronouns:

  • Vĭnyete? = Vĭnye tĕne? = “Who are you?”
  • Dĭnyele? = Dĭnye lĕne [ǣgis/ǣkis]? = “Whose is it/this?”
  • Ĭhæle? = Ĭhæ lĕne [ǣgis/ǣkis]? = “What is it/this?”


The only article is the definite, li, and it is only used when the context alone is not enough to precisely identify the object being referred to.


All nouns end in -s, and the plural is made by changing -s to -sh. Nouns derived from verbs usually end in -is.

  • Augmentative: om- + noun
  • Diminutive: um- + noun

If the noun starts in a consonant other than m-, p-, or b-, om- and um- change to on- and un-, respectively. Double consonants created this way merge into one.


  • ĕnish “people”
  • omĕnish “big people”
  • pash “hands”
  • umpăsh “small hands”
  • fais “tree”
  • onfăis “large tree”
  • nuis “hole”
  • unŭis “small hole”


All adjectives end in -n, and the ones derived from other words usually end in -æn or -in; many adjectives are derived from verbs.

  • Comparative of superiority: om- + adjective
  • Comparative of inferiority: um- + adjective


  • ălnyin “good”, “useful” omălnyin “better”, “more useful”

Possessive adjectives

din- my dhin- our
tin- your thin- your (pl)
sin- her shin- their (f)
zin- his zhin- their (m)
lin- its nin- their (n)

If the word being linked to begins with a bilabial consonant, the -n- changes to -m-. Double consonants formed when linking merge into one.


  • nĭzais “father” dinĭzais “my father” zindinĭzais “my father's”


The general structure of a verbal word is [second temporal prefix] + [personal prefix] + [first temporal prefix] + [verb root] + [mode suffix] + [object suffix]. Not all combinations are possible for all verbs.

The three mode suffixes are -e, -i, and -a, and they are used as follows:

  • Infinitive: root + -e
  • Participle: root + -a
  • Gerund: root + -i

For the following list, the -e ending can be changed to -i to give the idea of progression or continuous action. In some cases, it is possible to use the participle mode suffix to express a past, present or future state without using a copula.

  • Indicative:
    • Simple Present: person + root + -e (action in course or true at the moment of speaking)
    • Finished Past: person + -i- + root + -e (action completed in the past)
    • Perfect Past: i- + person + -i- + root + -e (action completed before a past event)
    • Simple Future: person + -o- + root + -e (action to be executed in the future)
    • Past Future: o- + person + -i- + root + -e (a future action relating to a past event)
  • Subjunctive:
    • Ve + corresponding indicative
  • Imperative:
    • + Simple Present


  • ve diĕni = “if I were”
  • hæ tăhe ǣgis = “do this”
  • săla = “she is loved”
  • liărka = “it was weakened”
  • doărka = “I will be strengthened”


Most adverbs end in -ar and they usually come before the word they modify, especially when it is a verb, the exceptions being:

Linked to an adjective Linked to a noun
om- Comparative of superiority Augmentative
um- Comparative of inferiority Diminutive
vi yes
va no
va- not

The adverb prefixes om- and um- can be linked to other adverbs (with the vowel -a- if they begin with a consonant) to change their meanings.


The prepositions in Ălyis are all prefixes (though they can receive endings to become independent words if such is needed) and as such they allow for a case system of sorts. The full list follows.

et- to (destination) id- of el- for (sth)
ip- before (time) ed- since ep- before (sb or sth)
ot- until in- in av- without
ap- after im- between, among ib- under
iv- with it- to eb- on, on top of
al- against il- for (sb) ob- behind

One can omit the verbs ĕne and ĕme (the two generic copulae) and link the preposition to its corresponding word with the vowel clusters -i-, -e-, -ei-, -a-, -oi-, and -o- to convey time information, meaning Perfect Past, Finished Past, Progressive Past, Simple Present, Future in the Past and Simple Future, respectively. The resulting word can then be used as the subject of a sentence.

If the verb cannot be ommited (for reasons of clearness ― see the fourth example), the preposition is linked with the vowel -i-.


  • Ægitadinăus. = Ǣgis itadinăus. = Ǣgis lĕne itidinăus. = “This is for my dog.”
  • Ægiteidinăus. = Ǣgis iteidinăus. = Ǣgis liĕni itidinăus. = “This was for my dog.”
  • Ægiteidinăus ŏmar lălnye. = “This, which was for my dog, is very good.”
  • Ægăleite, ha ăinar zĕne ĭlite. = “This [man] was against you, but now he is for you.”


All conjunctions are independent words.

hi and ho so
that ha but
ve if ĭlæ because


  • Simple numbers: -l
  • Tens: -lal
  • Hundreds: -lel
  • Thousands: -lyal
  • Millions: -lyel

Numbers are writen and read from left to right; round numerals can have two numeral suffixes:

  • 10,001: elălyal hi el
  • 11,002: ĕlal-ĕlyal hi kal
  • 111,222: ĕlel-ĕlal-ĕlyal hi kălel-kălal-kal
  • 9,456,123: mŏlyel hi tŏlel-rălel-gŏlyal hi ĕlel-kălal-fol
  • 9,000,000: mŏlyel hi ŭlel hi ul, to emphasize the number's “roundness”, or simply mŏlyel

The numerals ul, ŭlal, ŭlel, ŭlyal, and ŭlyel can also indicate the idea of emptiness at different degrees.

Trivia: the expression hi ŭlel hi ul is a common expression among the ĭdharash and means “absolutely nothing”.

Number Numeral ×10 ×100 ×1,000 ×1,000,000
0 ul ŭlal ŭlel ŭlyal ŭlyel
1 el ĕlal ĕlel ĕlyal ĕlyel
2 kal kălal kălel kălyal kălyel
3 fol fŏlal fŏlel fŏlyal fŏlyel
4 tol tŏlal tŏlel tŏlyal tŏlyel
5 ral rălal rălel rălyal rălyel
6 gol gŏlal gŏlel gŏlyal gŏlyel
7 zhol zhŏlal zhŏlel zhŏlyal zhŏlyel
8 val vălal vălel vălyal vălyel
9 mol mŏlal mŏlel mŏlyal mŏlyel


To be expanded

Sample texts

Dăne. “I live.”
Dĕme ănin. “I am alive.”
Tălede? “Do you love me?”
Vi, tăve dălete. “Yes, you know I love you.”
Va, vadărete, hi tăvele. “No, I don't hate you, and you know that.”
Vasăve vazărete. “She doesn't know he doesn't hate you.”
Dărle tăze ĭvide. “I want you to come with me.” (lit. “I want that you come with me.”)
Dĭle tărle tăse ăvide? “Why do you want to go without me?” (lit. “Why do you want that you go without me?”)
Vasărle săse ĭvite. “She doesn't want to go with you.” (lit. “She doesn't want that she goes with you.”)
Vadiăvi ziĕmi ălide. “I didn't know [that] he was against me.”
Shoănse! “They (f) will die!”
Odiănse ĭlite… “I would die for you…”
Dinărfis ĭdækis valoĕrne! “My thoughts on this won't change!” (lit. “My thought of this won't change!”)
Ĭnar doĕnme ĭngar. “I will always stay here.”
Vi, dăve ŏmomar dălye. “Yes, I know [that] I speak too much.”
Ăstis lăstethe! “May the light shine upon you!”

To be expanded


To be expanded