csmf - Compleat Sound-change Modelling Framework
csmf -c [ configpath ]
csmf rulespath [ -v [ v [ v ] ] [ stream ] ] [ -o savepath ] [ -s sourcecorpus ] [ -t targetcorpus ]
-c, --configure Set various configuration settings
-v, --verbose Log rules as they are processed, to stream ID stream (the default is stream 1, i.e. STDOUT). This increases run time a small amount.
-vv, --noisy Log details of each step of processing each rule, to stream ID stream. This increases run time linearly.
-vvv, --tmi Dump the state tables as well as the -vv details, to stream ID stream. This increases run time geometrically.
It is possible to specify multiple logging switches, and redirect the output of each one to a different stream, in which case each stream will contain only the information added by that switch. Logging switches persist into the generated script.
-o Saves the generated script after creating and running it. This is useful if you need to use the same changes on several corpora. Specifying a filename of "-" writes the generated script to stdout. If you do this while using any of the logging switches, you probably want to redirect them to a different stream.
CSMF will be a script generator, written in Perl, that takes a file in the .csmf format as input and creates a Perl script that enacts those changes on its input. Optionally, that script may be immediately invoked on any data piped to csmf.