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Aribume Nashan

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Aribume Nashan, literally "Operation Firecloud" in Mirselec, was the codename of a military operation undertaken during the Aunidanizon Crisis in 1957 by the Risevan armed forces. Its goal was to demolish 203 Aunidanizon Road, the building which was at the centre of the crisis, as well as to constitute a show of force, following the riots within Nimzon that had taken the lives of 7 Risevani in all.


By 8 June, with chaos in the city continuing and the Kavenain government still recalcitrant in its position, the Risevani government decided finally to activate the armed forces and demolish the building; later reports show that the armed forces had in fact been preparing for an operation from the beginning of the crisis, originally aimed at rescuing the embassy workers in case of an emergency.

Over the next four days extensive preparations were undertaken for the operation. All in all a team of 42 engineers were detailed to carry out the controlled demolition, which was highly risky given the building was only 30 metres away from the Embassy walls; at the same time two infantry companies of 270 men in all, as well as a group of 80 riot police from the Risevan army, were detailed to guard all entrances to the Embassy and set up barricades to prevent entry into the area of the demolition. At the same time 6 large armoured cars, armed with heavy machine guns, were transported in by contained truck and assembled in situ; and one helicopter was dispatched to the Embassy roof, with another two on standby on board the carrier Ismade. Besides the aircraft carrier, two cruisers and five destroyers were also diverted to patrol the area, just off Kavenain territorial waters.

On the night of 12-13 June actions first commenced; barricades were set up and manned outside all the Embassy entrances, as well as to block the roads around the building for safety reasons, while the engineers got to work preparing the building for demolition. In order to avoid disputes, the barricades which were not immediately adjacent to the Embassy were quickly turned over to the Kavenain police by next morning, though significant numbers of armed men remained in and around the embassy compound.

Next morning, angry crowds of Kavenain immediately began to gather around the Embassy and harass the Risevani troops, throwing eggs and rocks; on a 15 a hastily organised march on the Embassy was estimated to contain around 40,000 marchers, who then surrounded the compound. Despite the constant harrassment, which resulted in 11 men wounded over the next five days, the Risevani troops did not open fire with live rounds, though nearly 400 warning shots - all blanks - were fired from the rifles and the heavy machine guns. While the Kavenain government dithered, the Risevani government sent a request on 15 June for demolishing 203 Aunidanizon Road on 19 June, while implying that if any more Risevani soldiers or civilians were to be killed in the rioting the Kavenain would face farther escalation. In the face of this threat, the government reversed its stance held since mid-May and again granted agreement to demolish the building; at the same time nearly 300 Kavenain riot police were finally dispatched to control the crowds.

With the approval, the preparations for demolition went on, and at 1735 on 19 June as another march on the Embassy was stopped at the barricades by Risevani and Kavenain personnel the charges were detonated and the building successfully demolished.