The PC languages were spoken by the aboriginals of the northeast of Rilola, and possibly also the northwest. They had been diverging for about 15000 years by the time of contact with Play speakers, but it is likely that one group overtook the rest at some point, perhaps multiple times, rather than having them diverge from each other for all 15000 years.
This may replace Haswaraba, despite the fact that cultures are in different places. See Outer Poswob languages for details, though I may have lost all records of the sound changes. It is possible that they are [1], and if so the phonology I was using for the parent language is very different from what it is now (it even had /f/).
Source phonology
Bilabials: p b m Linguolabials: þ ð Alveolars: t d n l r s Postalveolars: ň ř Palatals: ć ń y Velars: k ġ ŋ (Ø) x Labiovelars: kʷ ġʷ ŋʷ (w) xʷ Glottals: h
The vowels were probably at least /a i u ə/ with two or more tones. There were no long vowels.