Khangaþyagon/dictionary/Khangaþyagon to English
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While this dictionary mainly gives roots, the present participle is also given for verbs, due to the variability in its form and meaning.
Table of contents | ||||||||||
b | u | kh | s | t | a | v | p | o | h | z |
d | e | f | m | þ | sh | r | i | k | n | ð |
zh | l | g | ng | y | w | au | æ | oa | œ | eu |
- bukh
- (n) ritual 8b
- burr
- (v) rub
- burron
- rubbing
- burra
- (adj) proud 18
- burrhakh
- (n) dog
- bultan
- (n) tub, barrel
- bulzhir
- reveal
- bulzhiront
- revelation
- babal
- (n) butterfly BT
- babru
- (n) shoulder 13
- bavru
- (n) neck
- basti
- (n) interesting thing 13
- bashtr
- (v) require, demand, ask 19
- bashtron
- requirement
- baruna
- (n) a musical instrument madd of animal horn, with fingerholes.
- bartinn
- (n) enamel
- bardakh
- (n) shield
- baktun
- (n) unfounded rumour, idle gossip
- ban
- (n) stone 8b9BT19
- bant
- (numeral) six
- balkhæ
- (n) hospitality; reciprocal social bond or obligation; person or family with whom one has such a bond; belonging to such a bond
- baln
- (v) request, plead
- balnont
- requesting
- bagir
- (v) keep
- bagiront
- keeper
- bolri
- (n) mouth
- bowi
- (n) a legendary shape-shifting creature, noted for its beautiful song
- beb
- (conj) and 88a8b9101113141515b15c17IR2BTpoem1819
- beb... beb
- both... and 15c
- bel
- (n) day 88b141719
- beltush
- (n) heir
- belk
- purple
- beng
- (n) reason 8a8b1315a15cBT19
- brakht
- (n) wand
- braþ
- (v) imagine, envisage
- braþont
- imagination
- birn
- (n) finger
- bilbit
- (v) chatter, witter on 19
- bilbiton
- chattering
- blovra
- (n) ox-drawn wagon
- bæg
- (v) walk 13
- bægon
- walker
- bœshi
- (n) pastry 11
- u
- (conj) such that 88a8b9101113141515a15b15c{17{KBT}}poem1819
- ubil
- (n) stirrup
- ubrun
- (n) cow, ox
- ukhra
- (n) gap
- ukhros
- (n) cave
- ukhrin
- (adj) wicked 88a1017
- ussu
- (n) health 14
- ussakh
- (n) fur as material for clothing; pelt; item made from fur (v) skin an animal
- ussakhont
- furrier
- ustirn
- (n) oath
- usk
- (v) suck
- uskont
- sucking
- uslif
- (n) sleet
- utald
- (n) temporary shelter, bivouac, tent (v) camp
- utaldont
- camp (n)
- uvesk
- (n) parsnip
- uvne
- (n) nose
- upraþi
- (adj) solemn, serious
- udul
- (n) mushroom, edible fungus
- udraf
- (n) mask
- umgan
- (n) boot
- uþarni
- (n) demon that imitates a person. Murder is needed to summon it, and it can only speak in lies.
- uþrish
- (n) cider
- uþkap
- (n) marble
- ushu
- (conj) neither/nor 15
- ushel
- (n) rain
- ushra
- (n) marsh
- uruld
- (n) yolk
- urs
- (n) sole
- urves
- (v) spread
- urveson
- spreading
- urre
- (n) road
- urgaf
- (n) toadstool, toxic fungus
- urœ
- happy {{R19]]
- ukrast
- (n) human faeces
- ukil
- (n) armpit
- unsev
- (n) sledge
- untiri
- (n) brooch chain
- unvir
- (n) vaginal fluid
- undal
- (n) home IR2
- undil
- (n) pendant
- uzhna
- (n) insect larva, grub, maggot
- ulbor
- (n) octopus
- ulsir
- (n) saffron
- ult
- (v) hinder, obstruct 15cIR2
- ulton
- hindering
- ulta
- (n) navel
- ulvan
- (v) sleep 19
- ulvanont
- sleeping
- ulhakh
- (n) awe
- uld
- (adj) common to a group or category of things
- ulev
- child 101418
- ulm
- (v,n) chant
- ulmont
- chanting
- ulþ
- (n) silt
- ulðak
- (n) group or category defined by a common feature; species; school of thought.
- ullsa
- (adj) wide 19
- ullen
- (n) butter
- ulgr
- (v) rot, decay, putrefy
- ulgron
- rotting, decaying, decay (n), putrefaction
- ulwe
- (n) labia
- uwla
- (n) bowl, dish, portable basin
- khupor
- (n) cauldron
- khurti
- (n) knotted cord used for measuring distances, measure of distance equal to 30 drær (20 yards), used for measuring land
- khurr
- (v) purr
- khurron
- purring
- khun
- (adj) short 15b
- khull
- (n) ear
- khasra
- (n) a malevolent spirit, believed to turn dogs against their owners. Said to resemble a wolf, but can only be glimpsed indirectly
- rabies
- khartiþ
- (n, v) feast
- kartiþon
- feasting
- kharm
- (n) fate 17
- kharraf
- (n) starling
- khosaf
- (adj) humble, generous, pious, honest, unselfish
- khoshn
- (n) north
- khorasi
- (n) a legendary winged dog or wolf, similar to the Persian simurgh or the Slavic simargl.
- khorr
- (n) fire BT
- khorrd
- (v) burn
- khorrdon
- burning
- khorris
- (v) fire, bake BT
- khorrison
- firing
- kholont
- hearer 19
- kheþes
- (n) steam
- kheng
- (n) bow
- khrat
- (v) steal 9
- khraton
- theft
- khratap
- (n) thief 8b
- khrold
- (v) earn
- khroldont
- earning
- khlūra
- (n) mortar BT
- khlatul
- (n) the space inside a hollow tree.
- khlem
- (n) sound 15a15c
- khæls
- (n) wind 14IR2
- su
- (adj) all, whole 8a11141515b15c16BTpoem1819
- suþbal
- (v) plant, especially trees or other perennials; plan for the future; cast spell intended to take effect over the long term
- suþbalon
- planter
- suþral
- (n) candle
- sura
- (n) year 13
- suraþ
- (n) message, idea
- (v) carry messages
- suraþont
- messenger
- surash
- (v) display as a sexual offer
- surashon
- displaying as a sexual offer
- surval
- (n) face 18
- surni
- (n) jet
- sukoss
- (v) finish, complete, conclude
- sukossont
- completion, conclusion
- sulb
- (v) quench, snuff, extinguish
- sulbont
- extinguishing
- sulkhan
- (n) antler
- sulv
- (v) belong to
- sulvon
- belonging to
- sulvas
- (n) offal, giblets
- sullat
- (adj) gentle
- sulgæ
- (n) map of imaginary places, used for magical purposes
- suwelo
- (n) lark
- stulp
- (v) refuse, reject
- stulpon
- refusal, rejection
- stav
- (n) sign (v) write
- stavont
- writer
- stagrun
- (n) tree-trunk
- stagris
- (n) route marker, signpost, symbol on map (esp. roskil) showing the way to go
- (v) lead, guide, direct
- stagrisont
- guide (n)
- sabal
- (n) pack
- sabalont
- packing
- sasa
- (adj) usual 15c
- sasor
- (v) buy
- sasoron
- buyer
- satri
- (n) apex, peak, summit, zenith
- savu
- (n) nipple
- sadas
- (n)paternal aunt
- sadre
- (n) heart 1416
- safesh
- (n) milk
- safk
- (n, v) brush
- safkon
- brushing
- sarvak
- (v) embrace
- sarvakon
- embracing
- sarmik
- bismuth
- sarmne
- (n) friend
- sarsh
- (n) lip
- sarka
- (n) felt cap with ear flaps
- sarg
- (v) bet, wager
- sargon
- (n) bet, wager
- salba
- (n) musical scale, key or mode
- sala
- (adj) flat 11IR2BT
- salde
- (adj) moist
- salle
- (n) surface BT
- sallm
- (n) table
- salgi
- (n) glue
- sagwil
- (n) dry, coarse vegetable fibre, suitable for rope-making
- sangel
- (n) stream, brook
- speran
- (n) shaft, pole
- spirraþ
- (n) hay
- (v) make hay, dry out
- spirraþont
- haymaker
- spirrokh
- (n) mouse 19
- sofrin
- (n) jay
- sofrin
- (v) heed, pay attention (to), be aware (of) concentrate
- sofrinont
- attention
- sorna
- (n) wrist
- sograf
- (n) rush, reed, thatch
- sekhast
- (n) sickle, hook, crescent moon
- (v) reap, harvest
- sekhaston
- harvester
- setril
- (n) jewelled pin
- sevrat
- (n) tunic
- sedæ
- (adj) full, replete, satisfied, well-fed
- semma
- (n) strawberry
- serra
- (n) eyelash
- sek
- knife
- selda
- (n) water 11
- segun
- follow
- segunont
- follower
- segrep
- (adv) already 8a
- smetl
- (v) entangle
- smetlon
- entanglement
- smin
- (n) tip
- srint
- (v) drive, herd
- srinton
- drover
- siss
- (v) crawl 13
- sissont
- crawling
- sidraf
- (n) birch
- sifak
- (n) maternal uncle
- sifra
- (n) tail
- sint
- (numeral) five
- silde
- (n) willow
- silpe
- (n) otter
- silgan
- (n) wheel
- sigel
- (n) mirror (v) reflect
- sigelon
- (n) reflection (adj) reflective
- skurran
- (n) kiln, furnace
- skulta
- (n) shell
- skalt
- (adj) vast
- sket
- (v) cut 11
- sketont
- cutting
- skraða
- (n) tree bark (adj) rough
- skiþa
- (n) lamp with exposed wick
- skilp
- (v) shine 14
- skilpont
- shining 14
- sklaf
- (v) damage by friction or overuse, abrade, erode, wear
- sklafont
- abrasion, erosion
- snurkh
- (n) cold (illness)
- snurr
- (v) tire
- snurront
- tiring
- snulli
- (n) puffin
- snarut
- (v) fall IR2
- snaruton
- falling
- snaug
- (n) fault, flaw 16
- snægr
- (v) hate
- snægront
- hatred
- slenna
- (n) clay BT
- swud
- (n) bandage
- swæð
- (v) swive, copulate
- swæðont
- copulation
- saugah
- (n) a sea monster that, according to sailors' tales, dwells in the depths of the ocean and devours whales in a single bite. It rises to the surface only in the fiercest storms, and sighting it is said to doom a ship.
- saupi
- (adj) soft
- soallm
- (v) sink (of the sun) set
- soallmon
- sinking
- tuvul
- (n) jade
- tump
- (n) shame
- turel
- (n) flute, especially end-blown flute, recorder
- tuntun
- (n) hedgehog
- tuðn
- (n) arrow
- tulvik
- (n) bridle
- tulla
- (n) garden 13
- tullis
- (adj) long
- tabuka
- rhythm, beat, musical or poetic metre, time signature
- tasko
- (n) sacrum
- tavan
- (n) cumin
- tavot
- (n) peg, stake
- tapil
- (n) wren
- tamat
- (n) paternal uncle
- tamok
- (n) chest (part of body)
- tamit
- (v) believe. Refers particularly to speculation or unfounded belief. 818
- tamitont
- false belief, superstition
- taþr
- (v) send person or message
- taþron
- sending
- taþras
- (n) flax, linen
- tarv
- (v) receive (a guest etc)
- tarvont
- receiving
- tarvos
- (adj) solid, firm, reliable
- (n) foundations, axiom
- tarrs
- (n) rest, remainder
- tarrm
- (n,v) need 8b16
- tarrmont
- person in need
- talp
- (n) mountain IR219
- talþus
- (n) cheese
- talsh
- (numeral) eight
- tagdiln
- (n) scaffold, crane, hoist
- tang
- (n) hammer
- tayiri
- (n) appearance of a person in somebody else's dream
- tosis
- (n) pubis
- tombol
- (n) drum
- tosha
- (n) badger
- tosha
- (n) pouch, pocket, purse
- tors
- (v) turn 1515c
- torson
- turning
- toral
- (n) a legendary creature said to resemble a monstrous, flesh-eating horse with spines along its back
- torog
- (n) any natural object which appears to have a human face.
- tols
- (adj) personal 15
- tolm
- (v) undress
- tolmont
- undressing
- te
- (n) young bird, chick
- tesr
- (v) care 10
- tesront
- one who cares
- tesya
- (n) pearl
- tevrin
- (n) soldier
- tehun
- (n) person who, while holding no formal position, is recognised as having authority by their community
- tezn
- (v) sit 1318
- teznon
- sitting
- tedan
- (v) rouse, awaken 18
- tedanont
- awakening
- temba
- (n) war 14
- tembarn
- (n) battle
- temv
- (adj) much 19
- terb
- (n) master
- terkha
- (n) oak IR2
- terek
- (n) spice 11
- tek
- (adj) wrong 8b
- tens
- (n) seat, chair
- tena
- (n) disc
- teld
- (v) happen 1015a
- teldon
- happening
- telk
- (n) beak 9
- tellat
- (n) glory
- tra
- (adj) strong 101415b18
- tramn
- (n) word 8b14BT
- trans
- (n) nature 15b
- troha
- (n) pig
- trefk
- (n) meat 11
- tresh
- (v) eat 1011
- treshon
- eater
- tibilun
- (n) heap or assortment of small objects; this and that; trivia; frivolous matters.
- tiskr
- (v) bind
- tiskron
- binding
- tirz
- (adj) different 15a15c
- tirr
- village
- til
- (adj) small quantity 1116
- tilse
- (n) snow IR2
- tleb
- (v) mount
- tlebon
- mounting
- tæp
- (v) command
- tæpont
- commanding
- a
- (interjection) commanding attention 13BT19
- aba
- (n) wife 14
- aborið
- (n) a legendary creature, half-man, half bear, said to lead travellers astray in forests.
- abr
- (v) melt, thaw
- subject is a substance
- abront
- melting, thaw (n)
- akhtir
- (n) courage
- akhrum
- (n) deer
- akhita
- (n) robin redbreast
- akhnel
- (n) ginger
- assak
- (n) coriander
- astirk
- (n) staff, walking stick
- asik
- (n) brother
- asnab
- (v) accost 8
- asnabont
- one who accosts
- atusi
- (adj) early
- atref
- (n) meal
- avrish
- (adj) delicious 19
- ap
- (v) make, cause 8a1113141515c16BT18
- apont
- maker BT
- ahrung
- (adj) erect
- azo
- (adj) most 15b
- azz
- (n) bee
- ada
- (n) father
- afret
- (n) chaff (v) winnow
- afretont
- winnowing
- amp
- (v) put 11
- ampon
- putting
- amr
- (adv) also
- amraþ
- (v) visit 15a
- amraþont
- visitor
- amiyu
- (n) incense
- amyen
- (v) conceive
- amyenon
- conception
- aþuris
- (n) rose
- aþras
- (n) fur, especially of a living animal
- aþros
- (n) alkanet, dyer's bugloss
- aþil
- (v) read
- aþilont
- reading
- ashrash
- (v,n) skate
- ashrashont
- skating
- ashri
- (n) ink
- ashkul
- (n) a legendary foxlike creature that is always truthful but never honest
- (v) deceive with truth
- ashkulont: true but misleading
- ashkla
- (n) hearth
- ashla
- (n) felt
- arb
- (n) root
- arkhap
- (n) bark
- artoþ
- (n) spear
- arvel
- (n) hip
- arell
- (v) renew
- arellon
- renewal, New Year
- arþen
- (n) range, scope, territory, suzerainty
- arshen
- (n) goat
- arrkh
- (adj) rough 19
- arra
- (conj) than, as, like 1515a15c
- arraks
- (n) larch
- arrag
- pain 88b13
- arrot
- (n) host, mass 14
- arriþ
- (n) track left by animal; omen
- arrish
- (n) shin
- arkaþ
- (v) confess, repent, apologise, take responsibility
- arkaþon
- repentance, repentant
- akþor
- (n) eagle
- akron
- (n) burial cairn, barrow, above ground tomb
- ansidi
- (pr) itself 19
- anal
- (n) joy 131415b15c
- anþel
- (v,n) love (esp. familial love)
- anþelont
- loving
- annartis
- (n) sapphire
- anwet
- (v) enjoy 15b
- anweton
- enjoyment
- aðr
- (v) change something deliberately
- aðron
- deliberate change
- alten
- (n) organ
- alva
- (n) dawn
- alviss
- (n) kite
- aldoþ
- (n) map as a repository of knowledge about the world
- alfold
- (n) age, era
- alþi
- (adj) high 19
- aliþra
- (n) grey squirrel
- allb
- (numeral) ten 17
- allsh
- (adj) young 914
- agtr
- (v) oppose
- agtron
- opposition
- agos
- (n) path IR2
- agz
- (v) blink
- agzon
- blink, eclipse
- aglit
- (n) holly, expecially male tree; holly leaf
- angud
- (v) die (n) death (adj) dead 17
- angudont
- dying
- angraf
- (n) furrow, a unit of distance equal to 16 khutir (320 yards)
- angl
- (v) arrive 13
- anglont
- arrival
- vursali
- wood-sorrel
- vates
- (n) whale
- vash
- (n) lash, whip, scourge
- varkhat
- (n, v) poison (adj) poisonous
- varkhaton
- poisoning
- varrag
- (n) lust
- varn
- (v,n) blame, accuse
- varnon
- blaming
- vor
- (n) heel
- vort
- (n,v) lie 18
- vortont
- liar
- vornu
- (n) ship (large, sea-going sailing vessel)
- vetrem
- (n) carriage 13
- velso
- (n) mead
- vella
- (n) bat 19
- vegra
- (n) lizard
- vrat
- (n) brick BT
- vret
- (adj) sharp 919
- vrim
- (v) flee
- vrimont
- one who flees
- vlon
- allow
- vlonont
- allowing
- vlond
- (n) wound
- pullen
- (n) lake
- pulg
- (n) hoof
- pulgi
- (n) plum
- pavrik
- (n) service
- paþas
- (n) flock or herd of land-dwelling animals
- paþriss
- (n) family
- parushk
- (n) purpose 9101315a15bBT19
- pak
- (v) blend
- pakont
- blender
- panmab
- (n) copper
- panne
- (adj) (describing motion) smooth, fluid, easy
- plavi
- (adj) mottled
- palh
- (v) wear
- palhon
- wearing
- paldokh
- (n) abstract geometrical pattern or decoration
- palm
- (v) serve
- palmont
- servant
- palk
- (n,v) hit, strike, impact, blow
- palkon
- hitting
- poh
- (n) woman 8a10
- polþas
- (n) bundle, pack
- polloð
- (n) bottle
- petesh
- (v) scamper 19
- peteshont
- scampering
- pefd
- (v) hold
- pefdon
- holding
- pesht
- (v) run
- peshtont
- runner
- perret
- (n) window
- pellak
- (n) carrot
- pelgul
- (n) fruit preserved in honey (v) make, give or share honeyed fruit
- pelgulont
- fruit preserver
- prakau
- (n) meaning; symbolism; effect of a spell
- pivru
- (n) eyelid
- pidago
- (n) palm of the hand
- pirr
- (n) sun 919
- pill
- (n) light 14
- pluska
- (n) ass, donkey
- plurva
- (n) muscle
- plagrakh
- (adj) unwieldy, cumbersome, burdonsome
- (n) diffcult burden, unreasonable task
- (interj) expression of frustration
- plawan
- (n) ford
- (v) wade
- plawanont
- wading
- pleh
- (v) cover, wrap, apply
- plehont
- covering, application
- obashk
- lodestone
- okhlo
- (n) vagina, vulva
- ostikh
- (v) cure, pickle; (n) substance used to cure or pickle food; (adj) cured or pickled
- ostikhon
- curing, pickling
- oskash
- (n,v) echo, repeat speech or music
- oskashont
- echoing
- oþrips
- (n) legendary creature, said to resemble a bull with bronze scales
- oshal
- (n) almond
- orpi
- (n) sex
- orokh
- (n) element
- orresh
- (adj) missing, absent
- orrelþa
- (n) maze
- orþops
- tongs
- orl
- (n) law 8
- orng
- (v) should 8a
- orngon
- obligation to...
- orwe
- (adj) sad 15c
- okol
- (v) enclose
- okolon
- enclosure
- onma
- (n) night 1419
- olven
- (n) honey
- oltok
- (adj) busy poem
- olles
- (n) saddle
- olw
- (v) might 891013
- olwon
- it being possible that...
- hubra
- elephant
- hup
- (n) coot
- humost
- (n) work undertaken as a payment; time spent working on a havrin's land; turn; rota
- hushra
- (n) fan
- hurf
- (n) smoke 18
- hurras
- (v) explore
- hurrasont
- explorer
- hurg
- (n) ogre; a sabre-toothed man-eating giant
- hurrza
- (n) swarm 19
- huna
- (n) world BT
- hulz
- (v) attempt
- hulzon
- attempter
- hulwif
- (n) lapwing
- huwis
- (n) wool
- habras
- (n) barn
- hassass
- (n) snake, serpent
- hasrif
- (n) whisker, vibrissa
- haskur
- (n) roof
- havrat
- (n,v) mine, quarry
- havratont
- miner, quarryman
- havrin
- (n) a person who barters services, especially a craftsman whose clients farm land on his behalf
- (v) barter services
- havrinont
- bartering of services
- hapap
- (n) happenstance, chance 15a
- hahah
- (v) laugh
- hahahont
- laughter
- hazt
- (n) skin
- hashn
- (n) west poem
- harbukh
- (n) canvas, sailcloth, awning
- harpet
- (n) bridge
- harl
- (n) stripe
- harr
- (n) ice
- harr
- (v) freeze
- harront
- freezing
- harras
- (n) winter 913IR2
- harre
- (adj) cold 13
- hazhim
- (v) meet for the first time, introduce
- hazhimont
- introduction
- halmur
- (n) a heavy woollen cloak, fastened with a belt, sash or cord
- hagra
- (n) coarse, gritty powder
- hob
- (n) bag 13
- hoss
- (v) stroke
- hossont
- stroking
- hotr
- (vt) melt, smelt
- Subject is a person or heat source, object is a substance
- hotron
- melting, smelting
- horbekh
- (n) madder
- hol
- (n) person 88a8b101515a15b15c16BT1819
- holbos
- (n) social gathering or group (v) meet socially
- holbosont
- associate, acquaintance, member
- holag
- (n) moustache
- heska
- (n) cormorant
- hemas
- (n) cloud 18
- heþ
- (n) bone
- herr
- (v) flee
- herront
- fleeing
- hrunek
- (n) penis
- hrab
- (adj) red 131718
- hraþ
- storm
- hraþak
- roc; a lengendary eagle-like bird of monstrous size
- hrebnit
- (n) ruby
- hreng
- (n) claw 9
- hræf
- (n) flame
- hrœgas
- (n) hypocrite; one who enjoys criticising others, but does no good himself
- hime
- (adj) white 1118
- hiþros
- (n) sand
- hishwa
- (n) feather
- hirr
- (v) fly 19
- hirron
- flight
- hiris
- (n) basil
- hilkh
- (v) blow
- hilkhon
- gust of wind
- hilne
- (n) wine
- hlang
- (v) marr, wound, spoil
- hlangon
- marring
- hwast
- (adj) grey
- hwæl
- (v) slip, slide
- hwælon
- slinding, slippery
- hœl
- (n) wood
- heul
- (v) stir
- heulont
- stirring
- zumen
- (adj) ripe
- zurvas
- (n) ineffective folk magic, superstitious practice
- zurvin
- (n) thyme
- zurril
- (n) star anise
- zulbar
- (n) service performed as reparation for wrongdoing
- (v) offer or perform such service
- zulbaront
- person undertaking such service
- zulið
- (n) urine, (v) urinate
- zuliðon
- urination
- zam
- (n) tool 15a
- zar
- (n) plank, board, tablet, writing surface
- zarre
- (adj) easy 15a
- zalt
- (adj) precious
- zaldep
- (n) treasure 88b
- zorref
- (n) cirrus cloud
- zehrab
- (adj) female
- zerrish
- (n) bird 9
- zel
- (n) foot 9
- zrak
- (v) pull
- zrakont: pulling
- zeul
- (n) fool
- dapt
- (v) be the weather
- dapton
- weather
- darid
- (v) cook 11
- daridont
- (n) cook, chef
- dosk
- back
- de
- (pr) obviate 3p pronoun, see pronouns for details. 8b910131515b15c16poem1819
- devokt
- (v) campaign
- devokton
- campaigning, campaign (n)
- dris
- (v) comfort 13
- drison
- comforter
- dræ
- (n) arm 18
- dimut
- (v) abandon
- dimuton
- abandoning
- dwall
- (v) weave 15
- dwallont
- weaver
- eban
- (v) summon
- ebanont
- summoner
- estraf
- (n) dry material suitable for kindling
- esard
- (n) feeling, emotion 15b16
- eskr
- (v) ride
- eskront
- rider
- esled
- (v) drink 18
- esledont
- drinking
- eþol
- greet
- eþolon
- greeting
- eþlin
- (n) body
- erig
- (n) husband 14
- ekrif
- (n) grain 14
- en
- (n) thing 88a8b1011141515a15a15c15c16BTpoem19
- enþ
- (v) trade IR2
- enþon
- trading
- ennit
- (adj) lithe 915
- eða
- (n) daughter
- elru
- (n) music 1515a15a15c
- ell
- (adj) new poem
- ellbas
- (n) flower 9
- elnus
- (n) semen
- elg
- (v) lick
- elgon
- licking
- egrim
- (v) assign
- egrimont
- assigner
- enge
- (conj) even/still
- engru
- (n) elbow
- engl
- (v) squander, waste
- englon
- squanderer, profligate, wastrel, prodigal
- englam
- (v) perceive 15c
- englamont
- perception
- eyag
- (n) tongue
- full
- (v) grow 9
- fullon
- growth
- faskur
- (n) large vase or urn
- fazran
- gate
- fadra
- handle, haft, hilt
- falispa
- sparrow
- faln
- (v) wrap
- falnont
- wrapping
- falna
- (adj) safe
- fost
- (v) stop BT
- fostont
- stopping
- forvesh
- (n) string, twine, cord
- folne
- (n) mind 15
- feshna
- (n) breast
- feld
- (adj) each 16BT
- frakh
- (n) charcoal (v) char
- frakhon
- charcoal-burner, hermit, mystic
- frin
- (adj) plain, clear
- fi
- (n) harmony, beauty arising from the unity of several things 15
- fikhos
- (n) lynx
- figde
- (n) field 14
- flarr
- (v) pour 14
- flarron
- pouring
- musten
- (v) dress, clothe
- mustenont
- dressing
- mushk
- (v) ferment, brew
- mushkont
- brewer
- murril
- (n) ring
- murrðesh
- (n) soot, lampblack
- murni
- (n) cheek
- mulsa
- (n) blanket IR2
- muldrim
- (n) weld, dyer's weed
- mulv
- (v,n) cuddle
- mulvon
- cuddling
- mulva
- (n) cream
- mulk
- (v) hurt
- mulkon
- hurting
- mulli
- (n) onion 11
- mulgra
- (n) salmon
- mabdur
- (n, v) lock
- mabduront
- locking
- maskret
- (n) beaver
- mateb
- (n) guard 8
- matf
- (v) seize
- matfon
- seizing
- madil
- (n) awl
- mashril
- (n) weaver's shuttle
- marush
- (n) chestnut
- marrushk
- (n) chain
- mavris
- (n) twilight, anything considered liminal
- martu
- (n) odd-one-out
- marvi
- (n) dried fruit, especially raisin
- martep
- (v) guard 8b914
- martepon
- guarding
- marmos
- (n) seal
- mark
- (n) chief, leader 15
- marks
- (n) plan, counsel 1515a
- marlun
- (n) opal
- makind
- (v) rest, relax (esp after being busy)
- makindon
- relaxation, ease
- manst
- (v) stand, stay 19
- manston
- standing, staying
- malvur
- (n) ground that is dangerous to walk on
- maldri
- (n) maple
- maldræ
- (n) rowan
- malk
- (v) stick, cling, adhere
- malkon
- sticky
- mall
- (adj) holy 88a8b14BT18
- mag
- (n) tree 1419
- margal
- (n) hedge
- mokh
- (v) count (n) number
- mokhont
- arithmetic
- most
- (n) garment
- motarþ
- rammed earth, cob, adobe
- mop
- (n) toe
- mod
- (numeral) one 88b141517BT19
- morsk
- (v) flood, inundate, overflow, overwhelm
- morskon
- flood, deluge, inundation
- morvin
- (n, adj) unseasonal weather, out of place, ill-timed
- morvin
- (n) scythe
- (v) mow
- morvinont
- mower
- morga
- (n) head
- mokel
- (n) pond, pool
- moldrid
- (n) fog
- mezzal
- (adj) together 111416
- men
- (n) name that has a significant meaning BT
- melst
- (adj) next
- meg
- (v) step 915
- megont
- step (n) 9
- megro
- (n) sulphur, brimstone
- misu
- (adj) alone 8b15a15a18
- misse
- (n) virgin
- mituran
- (n) ladybird
- mihyu
- (n) cat 13
- mir
- (n) call 17
- milta
- pie
- mæb
- (n) size 11
- mæn
- (numeral) eleven
- mœtas
- (n) an act which, while not morally wrong, is avoided for social, cultural, or ritual reasons.
- mœtes
- (n) animal dung
- mœvrisa
- (n) sloe (adj) sour
- mœviras
- (n) fatigue caused by illness
- mœz
- (numeral) 144, a gross
- mœza
- (adj) great 813141515a15a19
- mœshu
- (n) dough 11
- mœrash
- (v) disrupt, interrupt, distract
- mœrashon
- interruption
- þusti
- (n) top BT
- þuru
- (n) owl
- þursi
- (n) turf
- þursin
- (n) smith
- (v) forge metal
- þursinont
- forging
- þurmis
- (n) fine, non-abrasive powder
- þurn
- (numeral) twelve
- þun
- catch
- þunont
- catcher
- þuni
- sister
- þultur
- (n) a large vessel for fermenting drinks
- þaskit
- (n) limit, boundary, border
- þarba
- (n) loom, frame
- þakr
- march
- þakront
- marching
- þangush
- (n) event 10
- þal
- side
- þoben
- (n) token, coin
- þossan
- (n) milestone, distance of 6 angrafar (1920 yards), symbol on map (esp. roskil) used to indicate distance between two places
- þodra
- (n) elk
- þoms
- (v) doubt 16
- þomson
- doubter
- þoma
- (adj) calm poem
- þorga
- (n) oven 11
- þemol
- (n) month 13
- þerkos
- (n) bramble
- þenos
- (n) peace
- þel
- (v) live 915c
- þegin
- (n) flock of birds
- þruda
- (n) large ceramic storage jar, measure of capacity equal to 15 lalpir
- þrugis
- (n) fir tree
- þrast
- (adj,v) free (n) freedom
- þraston
- liberation
- þrokh
- (n) thirst, drought
- þrogash
- (n) grave, underground tomb, vault or burial chamber
- þrel
- (v) spill 18
- þrelon
- spilling
- þrenti
- (n) excitement, anticipation
- þirras
- (n) red squirrel
- þinosh
- (v) entrance 13
- þinoshon
- entrancing
- shubr
- (v) send object, animal or unwilling person
- shubron
- sending
- shuþ
- (n) thanks, gratitude
- shuþ
- (v) thank 14
- shuþont
- grateful
- shushil
- (n) strap, shoelace
- shulba
- (n) bean, especially broad bean
- shuldr
- (v) cultivate
- shuldron
- cultivation
- shulir
- (v) influence the behaviour of something by magic
- shuliront
- magical influence
- shullan
- (v) flock
- shullanont
- flocking
- shav
- (v) purge
- shavont
- purging
- shavu
- (n) waist
- shadil
- (n) needle
- shafre
- (n) ash
- sharun
- (n) fungus, especially one that is neither edible not toxic.
- sharra
- (n) hare
- sharren
- (n) harbour
- shannis
- (n,v) comb
- shannisont
- combing
- shallist
- (n) lapis lazuli, ultramarine
- shosh
- (conj) but 88a8b131515b15cIR2
- shorg
- (n) woad
- (v) dye or stain with woad, outlaw, exile
- shorgon
- dyeing with woad
- shevras
- (n) a stimulus that triggers a memory
- shest
- (v) wash, bathe
- sheston
- washing
- shelu
- (n) calf (part of leg)
- sheng
- weapon
- sheyag
- (v) deny BT
- sheyagont
- denial
- shrakhan
- (v) thresh (n) flail
- shrakhanont
- thresher
- shrak
- (v) tear to pieces 10
- shrakont
- tearing to pieces
- shilaf
- (n) straw
- sheurr
- (v) seclude 8
- sheurron
- seclusion
- rubina
- (n) hood
- rus
- (n) young wild or carnivorous animal
- ruse
- (n) spoon
- ruvka
- (n) anus
- ruh
- (v) change (intransitive) especially as a result of a natural process
- ruhont
- natural change
- ruhos
- (n) autumn
- rukund
- (n) attention to detail (adj) thorough
- runa
- (n) bed
- rulbe
- (n) mole
- ruldu
- (n) soil
- rulmug
- (v,n) vomit
- rulmugont
- vomitting
- rakha
- (n) arousal
- raskun
- (n) axe
- raskul
- (n) bristle
- raskans
- (adj) complete
- rasna
- (n) testes, scrotum
- ravor
- carpenter's plane
- ravnul
- (n) galley (large, sea-going vessel propelled by oars)
- raplat
- (adj) hard, solid, rigid
- rad
- (numeral) three
- rafk
- (v) kill
- rafkont
- killing, murder
- rarn
- (n) flank
- rak
- (v) thrust
- rakont
- thrusting
- rakus
- (n) mould, (v) mould, cast
- rakusont
- moulder
- rakist
- (n) scraper
- (v) scrape
- rakiston
- scraping
- rand
- meet, especially as individuals or on a particular occasion
- randon
- meeting
- ralbond
- fence
- rall
- (n) ball 11
- roskil
- (n) waymap, showing the sequence of key landmarks between two places, and what to do at each.
- rovok
- (n) buttocks
- rosh
- (n) wave
- ronep
- (n) belly
- rol
- (v) move 15a15b15c1819
- rolont
- mover
- rown
- (v) pity
- rownont
- pity
- retan
- (v) appear, manifest 18
- retanon
- appearance, manifestation
- revits
- (v) penetrate sexually
- revitson
- sexual penetration
- rembont
- narrator
- remma
- (n) paw 13
- rennad
- (n) silver 8b
- relg
- (n) house 88b101318
- regosh
- (v) change the properties of something by magic
- regoshont
- magical transformation; spell to change the properties of something
- rissu
- (adj) swift, fast
- ritorþ
- (n) arid scrubland
- rimak
- (n) crime 8
- riþ
- (v) flow
- riþon
- flowing
- rik
- (n) man 88a8b17BT
- rinta
- (n) hammered dulcimer
- rintokh
- (n) wedge
- raubaum
- (v,n) bellow, noise made by large herbivorous animal
- raubaumont
- bellowing
- rœhel
- (n) colour
- istul
- (n,v) dye, stain, tint
- istulon
- dyer
- isk
- (n) son BT
- iskraþ
- (n) leftover food, especially after a feast
- (v) reuse or distribute leftover food
- iskraþon
- distribution of leftovers
- imanþ
- (n) wolf
- imrak
- (n) pine
- imnil
- (n) dimple
- ishfir
- (v) wander 8b
- ishfiront
- wandering
- irib
- (n) door 8
- irrul
- (adj) round 11
- ikt
- (n) key 8
- ikol
- (n) egg
- ikna
- (n) spine, spike
- iðu
- eye 17
- iðuzh
- (v) see 8a131515a15bIR2BTpoem1819
- iðuzhon
- vision, sight
- iðra
- (n) river
- ilbirna
- (n) hyacinth
- illunt
- (n) gold 11
- illeng
- (n) festival
- illit
- (n) star 14
- ilgar
- (n) a legendary creature with the feet of a serpent, the teeth of an eagle, the wings of a fox and the hair of a fish
- ingraþ
- (n) holly, expecially female tree, particularly when carrying berries
- iyauh
- (n,v) howl
- iyauhon
- howling
- kubist
- (n) heather
- kusten
- (n) amber
- kutœ
- (adj) smooth
- kuvel
- (n) cardamom
- kuvik
- (n) ankle
- kudr
- (v) grind, mill
- kuþant
- (n) discover 19
- kuþantont
- discovery
- kuruþ
- (n) horn
- kurþris
- (n) a legendary catlike creature that lives in mountains and guides travellers who answer its riddles correctly, but leads those who answer wrongly astray.
- kukur
- (v) repeat task or action,iterate
- kukuront
- repetition, iteration
- kuðrez
- fox
- kulb
- (n) fish
- kulde
- (n) personal taste, preference
- kulesti
- (n) chalk downland
- kulþu
- (n) blister
- kulkul
- (n) beetle
- kuln
- (n) slab 18
- kulgwið
- (n) plant gall, oak-apple
- kugus
- (n) spleen
- kaborna
- (n) beam, strut, joist
- katost
- (n) billhook, (v) prune, pollard
- katoston
- pruning
- katol
- (v) put in order
- katolon
- one who puts in order
- kadirga
- blade, cutting edge, long single-edged knife
- kams
- (adj) few BT
- kaþ
- (n) grace, beauty of action15
- kaþriks
- (n) a chart for navigation at sea, made of a network of chords stretched over a frame.
- (v) navigate
- kaþrikson
- navigator
- karv
- (numeral) four
- karsta
- (n) thigh
- karga
- (n) bracken
- karra
- (n) body of knowledge; corpus; library; tradition; expertise
- karrast
- (n) beam; strut; joist; structural timber.
- karrkak
- raven poem
- kakstan
- (adj) complicated 15c
- kandrina
- (n) woodpecker
- kannit
- (numeral) hundred 17
- kalkh
- (n) scale (of animal)
- kalvis
- (n) morsel, snack, treat, appetiser
- kaldak
- (n) lightning
- kalw
- (v) pay
- kalwon
- paying
- kagal
- (n) pebble
- kost
- (n) hook, sickle, crescent
- kosvan
- (n) beard
- kodrok
- (n) tortoise
- kodrest
- (n) a mythical creature that dwells in caves. Sometimes it appears as a man, sometimes as a fish. To pass safely through the caves, you must outwit the kodrest. If you kill a kodrest, you will become one yourself.
- koþr
- (v) forage
- koþront
- foraging
- koþra
- (n) belt
- koreþ
- (n) grandparent, ancestor
- korru
- (n) brow, forhead
- koriþas
- (n) monster, legendary creature, cryptid, paradox
- korilsh
- (n) dangerous stream or current, rapids, false ford
- korkron
- (n) ochre
- kolpu
- (n) thumb
- kogra
- (n) a basin that is fixed in place
- kokel
- (n) pear
- konne
- (n) wall
- koloska
- (n) scales, balance
- kest
- (n) hail
- kest
- (n) beehive, skep
- keskœ
- (n) pair of breeches, trousers or similar garment
- kedan
- (v) disappear 18
- kedanont
- dissapearance
- kemmif
- (n) grass 19
- kemno
- (n) city BT
- kemni
- (adj) green 19
- kerurg
- (n) mental block
- kerun
- (v) barter goods
- kerunont
- bartering of goods
- kelv
- (v) spend
- kelvon
- spending
- keless
- (n) swan
- kengu
- (n) shard (adj) jagged
- kra
- (n) bull, breeding male of domestic animal
- kravosh
- (n) sibling
- krambas
- (n) woodlouse
- kraþ
- (n) heath
- kraþ
- (v) scratch
- kraþon
- scratching
- krote
- (n) fatigue caused by exertion
- kretuk
- (v) panic
- kretukont
- panic, panicky
- krez
- (v) clean
- krezon: cleaning
- kria
- (n) blood
- krivo
- (n) skiff, barge
- kivek
- (n) pepper
- kipast
- (n) wedge
- kiþur
- (n) land suitable for grazing but not for cultivation
- kishta
- (n) bush, shrub
- kirat
- (v) chase away 1317
- kiratont
- one who chases away
- kirp
- (n) spark (v) flash
- kirpont
- flashing
- kirf
- (n) seed
- kirrl
- (n) effort 15
- kilbul
- (n) rice
- klamb
- (v) confine
- klambon
- confining
- kæstu
- (n) a rattle made by putting gravel in an animal skull
- kæshro
- (n) crystal
- kœ
- (adj) warm 14
- kœsh
- (n) bath (v) bathe
- kœshont
- bathing
- navrot
- (n) tally, inventory, storehouse keeper
- naz
- (n) way, manner 111515a15b15cIR2
- narr
- (v) betray (n) treachery (adj) treacherous 818
- narron
- act of betrayal
- nakr
- (v) close
- nakront
- closing
- nir
- (v) leak
- niron
- leaking
- nirak
- (v) reply
- nirakont
- replying
- nið
- (v) look 18
- niðont
- looking
- nil
- (n) young domestic or herbivorous animal
- nægi
- (n) lime, especially quicklime (adj
- neunat
- job, task
- ðurda
- (n) compost, mulch
- ðurdi
- (n) grape
- ðanna
- (n) small of the back
- ðonu
- (n) river delta
- ðersh
- (n) land IR2BT
- ðerren
- (v) survive 9
- ðerrenon
- survival
- zhurin
- (v) remit
- zhurinont
- remitting
- luns
- (v) weep
- lunson
- weeping
- lunse
- (n) tear 8b
- lugs
- (n) moon 14
- luwes
- (n) the unpleasant feeling that you are being watched by an unseen presence
- laborn
- (n) perfume, scent
- lakhshi
- (n) sky, heaven 15a
- lateus
- (n) fatigue caused by interrupted or insufficient sleep
- lahakh
- (n) cinnibar, vermilion
- lambab
- stumble
- lambabont
- stumbling, clumsy
- lara
- plant
- larnol
- (n) spine, backbone
- lansa
- (adj) slow 13
- lannt
- (n) amount
- lalam
- (v) balance 13
- lalamont
- balancing
- lalpi
- (n) jug, liquid measure somewhere between a pint and a quart
- langun
- (n,adj) a day's journey. Distance depends on terrain, mode of transport, etc.
- losk
- (n) weight (object), (adj) heavy, (v) weigh
- loskont
- weighing
- lot
- father 10
- lotan
- (v) beget
- lotanont
- begetting
- lorm
- (v) own 17
- lormont
- owner
- lol
- (conj) because 8a15c
- levot
- (n) oar
- levni
- (n) inner thigh
- lepsu
- (n) an object used to express the owner's emotions
- leshn
- (n) east BTpoem
- lerv
- (adj) due, proper
- leng
- (v) sing (n) song 101415b
- lengont
- singer
- lisk
- (adj) dear
- liþ
- (v) forget 18
- liþont
- forgetting
- lirn
- (v,n) awe
- lirnont
- awesome
- læ
- (adj) pleasantly strange; arcane; esoteric; surprising; eye-opening
- lœp
- (n) toy
- g
- taste
- gon
- tasting
- gosht
- flavour
- go beb vo
- understand instinctively
- gubur
- yeast
- gubri
- frog
- gutme
- (n) bread, loaf
- gushn
- (n) south
- gulba
- (n) sea-sponge
- gulvash
- (n) bowl, goblet, gibbous moon
- (v) share wine or mead, pass round
- gulvashont
- sharing of wine or mead
- gulshe
- (n) marsh
- gator
- (n) order, sequence
- gavagæ
- (n) rabbit
- gavram
- (v) seduce selfishly
- gavramon
- seduction with selfish intent
- gafat
- (v) scatter BT
- gafaton
- scattering
- gam
- (v) try 16
- gamont
- trying
- gampa
- (n) cart drawn by horses or donkeys
- gar
- (n) mace, club
- garmost
- (n) remainder
- garsh
- (n) rage 88a19
- garrt
- (adj) harsh
- garrtu
- (adj) fierce 19
- garrþa
- (n) heron
- garku
- (n) chicken
- garw
- (v) take 1315
- garwon
- taking
- gan
- hill
- galbi
- (n) lute
- galm
- (adj) steady
- galgu
- (adj) difficult 131515aIR2
- gog
- or 101819
- gde
- (adj) unnaturally wrong, creepy
- ge
- (adj) true 8a8b1015a15b16BT
- gevra
- (adj) certain 16
- geruss
- (n) fruit
- gel
- (v) go 8101719
- gelon
- going
- gelna
- (n) leg
- grund
- (n) wasteland (adj) barren
- grakheþ
- (n) bear
- gravd
- (n) beast 91319
- gram
- (v) rise 14{{R19}
- gramon
- rising
- graþa
- (n) desert
- gral
- (n) stem, tube, pipe
- grosheng
- (v) warp, distort, deform
- groshengon
- distortion, deformation
- greþi
- fingernail, toenail
- grenna
- (n) shore, beach IR2
- griv
- (n) farm
- grikht
- (v) irritate 10
- grikhtont
- irritating 10
- groam
- (v) repay
- groamon
- repaying
- groaln
- (v) deserve
- groalnon
- deserving
- givrok
- (n) earth 9
- gins
- (v,n) dance 91515a15b15c
- ginson
- dancing 1515a15c
- ginnet
- (n) bead
- gildron
- (n) a legendary creature to which strange noises in the night are attributed.
- gilfra
- (n) ivy
- gla
- (n) salt 11
- glaf
- (n) horse 17
- glaurr
- (n) a substance used in black magic, made by mixing the blood of an animal sacrificed to a demon with molten sulphur. (interj) a swearword
- glæs
- (n) spirit 8a8b1415b18
- gwend
- (v) hide 88a8b1315
- gwendont
- hiding 15
- gaurrukh
- (n) person who evades his humost, freeloader
- (adj) lazy, greedy, expecting something for nothing
- gærri
- (n) tower BT
- gæl
- (n) valley 19
- gœmwe
- (adj) jealous 10
- gœshwa
- (adj) nauseous, queasy
- ngab
- (numeral) seven
- ngabr
- defy
- ngabront: defiance
- ngang
- unless
- ngip
- (int) On the contrary, yes
- ngimri
- (n) an apparent weakness that is actually a strength
- y-
- (pr) Personal pronoun, determined by person ending. 88a8b9101113141515a15b15c1617IR2BTpoem1819
- yub
- (v) marry 14
- yubont
- marriage
- yurish
- (adj) good 8a1415a16IR219
- yap
- wall 13
- yaru
- (adj) ready 11
- yalte
- (n) sheep
- yag
- (v) say, speak 88a8b1417BT19
- yagon
- speech, language BT
- yorr
- (numeral) nine
yebran: (v) participate in a ceremony
- yebranont
- participant, congregant
- yelt
- (adj) bold
- yelmit
- (v) honour 14
- yelmitont
- honour (n)
- wuþom
- (v) curl up, roll up
- wuþomont
- rolling up
- wavet
- storage pit, cubby-hole, cellar, alcove
- wars
- (v) pass 19
- warson
- passing
- warl
- (v,n) yawn
- warlon
- yawning
- wargaf
- (adj) barren, desolate, inhospitable (n) inhospitable place or landscape
- waka
- (n) duck
- walpa
- (n) soap
- waldris
- (n) note, annotation, caption
- (v) annotate
- waldrison
- annotating
- walng
- (v) lay
- walngon
- laying
- worulb
- (n) seaweed, especially kelp
- worza
- (n) goose
- wold
- (v) mix 11
- woldont
- mixer
- wolgan
- (n) tonsil
- wenu
- (int} indeed not 10
- wit
- (v,n) play 91015c
- witont
- player
- wiþ
- (v) have 811131415BT
- wiþont
- possessor
- wirss
- (v) hurl 8
- wirssont
- one who hurls
- waun
- (n) tide
- aurush
- (n) orgasm
- æmash
- (v) seduce lovingly
- æmashont
- seduction with loving intent
- æmrag
- (adj) important 16
- æþli
- (n) yew
- æsh
- (n) wing
- ærkr
- (v) heal
- ærkront
- healer
- ælg
- (n) shade 14
- oang
- (v) conquer
- oangont
- conqueror