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Nemuti: Prepositions

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Table of Phonemes

MOA nasals stops sibilants fricatives tap affricates approximants vowels
/n/ /ŋ/ /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /s/ (/θ/) /z/ (/ð/) /ʃ/ /ɸ/ /h/ /ɾ/ (/ʁ/) /ʦ/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/ /j/ /w/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /o/ /u/ (/ɯ/)
Devanagari स़ त्स पि इ पे ए पा अ पो ओ पु उ
Latin m n ŋ p b t d k g s z x f h r ſ c j y w i e a o u

List of Prepositions

  • bipe बिपे - in place of, replacement or preference: for, instead of, in lieu of, rather than.
His mother gave him an apple instead of a pear.
Te haha ya mu ifa ŋ̌ipa me ifa feŋu yo bipe miſe.
te haha ya mu ifa ŋ̌ipa me ifa feŋu yo bipe miſe
the mother SBJ of he give\PST to he apple OBJ instead.of pear
  • co denotes duration or extension through space literally or figuratively: (all) over, through(out).
She spilled the water all over the floor.
  • dima denotes situation or partition between two or more entities: among, (in) between, through, with.
The girl is standing between her father and mother.
  • fate denotes done on behalf of, for the benefit, sake, or interest of someone: for.
Let's cook supper for the family.
  • fiŋa denotes from a past time: since.
She's been sick since yesterday
  • gubi denotes comparison: compared to, than.
He is stronger than me.
  • ika denotes anterior to in time or space: before, in front of, ahead of, against, in advance of, previous to.
We left before sunrise.
  • jeti denotes proximity: near, about, beside, by, next to, on, close to, against.
Our village is near the mountain.
  • jiŋu denotes motion towards literally or figuratively: to, toward, at, into, -ward.
The birds are flying seaward.
  • jofa denotes exception: apart from, beside, besides, but for, except, save, not to-, -speak of, -mention, other than, outside.
I have all the ingredients, except for eggs.
  • joŋu denotes the in the middle: middle.
The islands are in the middle of the ocean.
  • jowo denotes removal from or location at a certain place or time either literally or figuratively, away from, or separation from support, attachment or position: from, off (of), of.
The child ran away from her mother.
I am from America.
Then he fell off the log.
  • me denotes the indirect object of the verb: for, to; or indicates a relationship to an adjective: to.
I will give the flower to my daughter.
  • me denotes stationary position or location in time or space: at, in, on, to.
He and his wife stood at the door.
  • miti denotes movement into: into.
The meat fell into the fire.
  • mono denotes : beyond, on-, to-, -the other side of.
Our people come from beyond the sea.
  • mu denotes possession: of.
The man's house is on the mountain.
  • nede denotes to or on the side of a person or thing toward the south when facing the rising sun: on, to-, -the right of.
You'll see the oven to the right of the house.
  • nepu denotes change to, toward or at a lower place either literally or figuratively: down (through), down from.
The child climbed down the tree.
  • nixo denotes possessing a special characteristic: with.
My father is the man with the spear.
  • noti denotes having the front in the direction of something else: facing.
The man remained facing the danger.
  • ŋabi denotes in the course of: during, for, in, in the process-, -course-, -of, on, through, throughout, under.
They hid in the cave during the storm.
  • pezo denotes relating to someone or something: toward, in relation to.
What are your feelings towards him?
  • pina denotes purpose: for.
They're cooking this for the party.
I made this spear for the hunt.
  • pu denotes accompaniment in time or space; in company with, along with.
He came with his sister.
  • puzo denotes from one side to another: through.
He hurried home through the rain.
  • refe denotes to or on the side of a person or thing toward the north when facing the rising sun: on-, to-, -the left.
The girl stood to the left of her father.
  • ruru denotes the manner, method, way by which something is done: with, through, in.
The child opened his gifts with joy.
  • some denotes having a lack of something: without.
You will have to do this without my help.
  • suŋe denotes in a parallel direction: along, alongside (of).
The boy is walking alongside his father.
  • ſepi denotes at or to a lower level than something else literally or figuratively: below, behind, beneath, under(neath).
She hid the cup under the bed.
  • ſiŋze denotes similarity or likeness: as like, similar to.
Your hands smell like roses.
  • tice denotes up to a limit: at the edge of, as far as, as many as, to, till, until, up to.
We will stay with you until tomorrow.
  • tifi denotes movement or direction from the inside to the outside: (out) of, from (within).
The people ran out of the burning house.
  • tuti denotes in exchange for, literally or figuratively: (in-, -exchange-, -return-) -for.
I will give you eight coconuts for that raft.
  • weru denotes posterior to in time or space literally or figuratively: after, around, behind, by, outside, past, following.
The people returned after the fire.
Now the boy is walking behind his father.
The sun shone after the storm.
  • wufe denotes agency: by.
He was bitten by the snakes.
  • wutu denotes motion from one side to the other: across, on the other side of, over.
The child ran across the beach.
  • yame denotes change to, toward, or at an elevated place literally or figuratively: up, up to.
The child climbed up the tree.
  • ye denotes position on top of literally or figuratively: atop, over, to, on, upon.
The woman placed the flowers on the table.
  • yeŋa denotes to or at a higher level than something else literally or figuratively: above, over.
The bird flew over the forest.
  • yife denotes encirclement or in or to various directions or locations: around.
The animal ran around the lake.
  • yuŋo denotes instrumentality: with, by means of.
Cut your meat with a knife.
  • ziti denotes in opposition to, in contact with: against, contrary to, into, on, opposed to, opposite, up, with:
The child ran into the tree.
  • zuda denotes interiority: in, within, inside.
The woman is in her house.
  • zupu denotes on the exterior of: outside, without.
Their father stood outside the cave calling the boys.
  • zuye denotes cause: because of, due to.
Because of the rain, we stayed home.