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Nemuti: Building

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Table of Phonemes

MOA nasals stops sibilants fricatives tap affricates approximants vowels
/n/ /ŋ/ /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /s/ (/θ/) /z/ (/ð/) /ʃ/ /ɸ/ /h/ /ɾ/ (/ʁ/) /ʦ/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/ /j/ /w/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /o/ /u/ (/ɯ/)
Latin m n ŋ p b t d k g s z x f h r ċ j y w i e a o u


  • aqueduct, neboriſe.
  • bridge, riſe.
  • canal, oŋi.
  • hut, tuwi.
  • log house, nifopoje.
  • house, oje.
  • tent, nitowi.
  • tower, pifo.

Rooms - Raw̨i

  • bathroom, wonerawi.
  • bedroom, manorawi.
  • dining room, pigarawi.
  • hall, futi.
  • kitchen, xotorawi.
  • living room, tisutorawi.
  • pantry, pitoyirawi.
  • sauna, wodarawi.
  • workroom, ripiferawi.

Parts of a house – Ojecog̨o

  • balcony, wiŋpiŋe.
  • banister, pazofe.
  • chimney, ampuxo.
  • court, mehi.
  • door, pugefi.
  • doorframe, pugefiyito.
  • doorhandle, pugefiriſo.
  • door-, -post, -jamb, '.
  • doorsill, '.
  • eaves, mute.
  • fireplace, bimfu.
  • floor, woti.
  • flue, '.
  • gate, tibu.
  • handrail, pazofe.
  • hearth, bimfu.
  • hearth grate, gese.
  • lintel, tinuŋe.
  • platform, ambima.
  • roof, wima.
  • roof tile, tihifi.
  • roof thatch, niŋu.
  • sill, ſete.
  • smoke hole, tanofimi.
  • step, bima.
  • steps, bimatone.
  • stair, bima.
  • stairs, staircase, bimatone.
  • threshold, ſete.
  • window, zuwo.

Construction - Tesoŋe

  • adobe, poke.
  • beam, rife.
  • brick, , faŋi.
  • build, teso.
  • ceiling, pamcu.
  • construct, teso.
  • crossbeam, zengiŋa.
  • dowel, bigu.
  • joist, zengiŋa.
  • keystone, '.
  • mortar, roŋeme.
  • rafter, pifote.
  • rafter joint, '.
  • roof-tree, ridgepole, ridge beam, '.
  • shingle, '.
  • slate, zategi.
  • wall, tiga.
  • wattle, fetiŋa.

Furnishings - Zumixotaŋ̨a

  • bathtub, wogoma.
  • bed, mani.
  • brazier, regije.
  • blanket, nuho.
  • cabinet, '.
  • carpet, copima.
  • chair, eſe.
  • closet, uſefa.
  • couch, midezo.
  • cradle, wotidu.
  • cupboard, '.
  • curtain, fimse.
  • drape, fimse.
  • furniture, piece of, tido.
    • furniture, tidotone.
  • ladder, paſe.
  • mat, noſefu.
  • mattress, hopumo.
  • oven, ruŋfo.
  • quilt. hozoni.
  • rug, copima.
  • shelf, pimi.
  • sink, midiſe.
  • sofa, midezo.
  • table, xotoŋa.
  • toilet [fixture], gamte.
  • wardrobe, fedoŋe.

Nemuti: Clothing