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Faraneit Lexicon

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BAELH = n oak tree, oak sap

BASCITAEJ = v to finish, complete

BEIFIT = adj oldest

BEIFEM = adj older

BEIF = adj old

BES = adj three

BEZAEJ = v to touch, to contact

BICIM = n era, period

BOF = interj whoa!

BOETAV = adj eight

BONICAEJ = 1.v to practice, to use 2. slang, v to eat, to use up


CAMIDEN = adj burnt, smoked

CERIS = prn everyone, everybody

CERIFH = prn everything

CET = adj eleven

CEZITAEJ = v to settle, to colonize, to found

CIH = part that, relative conjunction

CIRAEJ = v to allow, to permit

CONAEVOEM = adj metallic, made of metal

CUESITAEJ = v to lie, to deceive

CUEZEIS = n liar, fraudulent person

CUEDIN = adj mordant, sarcastic, cynical, annoying, decietful, cruel, rude


DAEKIN = prn third person, singular, inanimate, accusitive

DAELH = n life slang gift

DAESCEK = n oblong breed of krill like sea creatures

DEPEIR = n lentils, pulses

DERASC = n krill like sea creatures

DERIVAC = slang, interrog right?, yes?, ok?, clear?

DESCAEJ = v to function, to work properly

DICEL = n alcohol

DICEMOEM = adj sour tasting, alcohol-like flavor

DIK = slang, n fermented fruit juice, particularly from berry origin

DIH = part through, across

DIS = prn third person, singular, possessive

DOEM = prn third person, singular, animate, accusitive

DOEN = adj similar, like

DOEKAEJ = v to be similar to (etym: doen+kaej-->doekaej like+be-->be-like)

DOM = prn third person, singular, inanimate, nominative

DON = prn third person, singular, animate, nominative

DOPAEJ = v to cause

DOP = part denotes action towards locatively, to

DUEFH = adv again, salut (until) again

DUESCEC = prn third person, plural, ablative/dative


FASEIR = n script, orthography, alphabet

FASCAEJ = v to write, to mark

FERIH = prn first person, plural, nominative, inclusive

FEZAEJ = v to think such, to believe

FEZAT = n reasoning, a reason, a motive

FEZINAH = n thought, philosophy

FESCAEJ = v to teach

FESCOEH = n teacher, instructor

FIRET = n height as a quality

FOENIN = prn first person, plural, accusitive


FHAEK = prn both, each

FHANOET = n grain(s)

FHEDAEJ = v to give, to offer

FHEK = interject hell! damn! slang adj/adv a lot, many, very

FHEMAEJ = v to plant

FHENOET = n field(s)

FHEQUT = 1.n amaranth the plant 2.n amaranth grain

FHEIJOK = n flavored meal or porridge, similar to oatmeal, usually from fhequt

FHIKAH = adj two

FHIMEPAEJ = v to harvest, to take

FHINAEJ = v to sow, to plant

FHINEHOEK = n farmer, arch sower, planter

FHIS = part within, inside of

FHUEDOEM = adj adequete, capable


HAELIH = n language, speach

HAET = n spirit, diety

HACAZ = n meat, including poultry

HAH = prn thing

HAJARIN = n city in Kupimiceh, new Hejaz

HAKIH = n devotee to Hakaenah

HAKAENAH = n water diety

HALAEJ = v to speak, to say

HAMEN = n water

HAN = adj yes

HANAKELHIN = n heaven, nirvana

HARAEPAH = n political structure based on cultural symbiosis, specialization

HARAMEV = n the sun

HARAPAH = n political group based on haraepah

HARAPENIN = n symbiosis, co-operation

HARAH = n woman

HARISC = n leader

HAV = prn first person, singular, nominative

HAZAEJ = v to kill, to harm

HAZATOEM = adj amber, golden

HEIM = prn first person, singular, accusitive

HEIJ = n water (not rainfall)

HEJAZ = n city in Laescelh

HEJAZARIFH = n city-state in Laescelh

HEKIH = n egg

HELAT = n life

HELATOEM adj sacred

HELISCIH = n a devotee to twilight goddess

HER = adv well adj happy, healthy

HETIK = adj bad

HEV = 1.adj sole 2.adj one

HEZ = prn first person, singular, possessive

HIDIVIZ = 1.n a tree species 2.n spice produced from the bark of the hidiviz tree

HILIN = adj shorter

HILIT = n peace, life greet/salut similar to shalom

HIP = interj oh, my, well

HIRELANAH = n storm diety

HIRIH = n a devotee to Hirelanah

HIRIDAEJ = v to assist, to help

HIRONUR = n bird

HISCAEJ = v to break

HISCOEM = adj destined to end, impermanent, breakable

HOTAC = n picture, drawing, sketch

HOTIV = n tomarrow

HOENAEJ = 1.v to see 2. v to sense (literal rather than inuitive)

HOET = n day, day time, bright-ness

HUTIR = n wild dog, wild fox

HUESC = n person


JEIKOSC = n fat(s), kurds

JID = conj but, however, nonetheless


KAEJ = v to be

KAELH = interj ugh

KAROETAEJ = v to do

KARASC = slang, noun bitch, whore

KEDES = n blood

KEH = prn second person, plural/formal, dative/ablative

KERIN = slang sure, thanks

KEVAEJ = v to complete, to finish

KUESCAEJ = v to grind (into a powder)

KUET = adj seven

KUPIMICEH = n desert region northwest of Laescelh

KURAEJ = v to give, to donate


LAEVITOEM = adj delicious, sweet

LAEPIR = n pleasure, joy

LAESCELH = n hilly region dominated by the Faranih

LAPILH = n dear, sweet

LEIH = adj all, global adv globally

LEIR = prn arch all things, everything (global sense), all of the above

LESIVAEJ = v sing

LEVEZIH = n a devotee to the star goddess

LIDIN = adj worse

LID = prn that

LIROEDEZ = n breed of melons famous for its sweet and sour taste

LITEH = adj bad, evil

LIZELH = n sapphire like gems exported from alpine regions of Kupimiceh

LOENAEJ = v to be lost, to be confused

LOESCAT = n mud, clay, adobe

LUDIH = n an evil person, a cruel person


LHAEFH = prn this, col thus, this

LHELETAEH = myth heroine of the Lheletimen

LHELETIMEN = n ballad of Lheletaeh

LHINED = n continent containing Laescelh, Kupimiceh, and other regions

LHOECEIM = n river in northeastern Laescelh

LHOMAEJ = v to dance slang to have intercourse with

LHONED = n movement

LHOPAH = n virtuous person, saint


MAEVIPAEJ = v to be able to, can

MERES = prn second person, plural/formal, possessive

MESCIH = n forest, wood

MESCINEFH = n forested region west of Laescelh

MIKANAH = n raindrop

MIKEH = n rain(storm)

MINAESCOEM = adj green, emerald

MISAED = n coast, shore (from Mescinefh, a coastal forest)

MOEZ = adj nine

MOEKIN = prn second person, singular, accusitive

MOELIN = prn second person, plural/formal, accustive

MOLIH = prn second person, plural/formal, nominative

MOQEQ = arch n predictable or seasonal flood, tide

MUZAED = n intent, reasoning

MUEK = adj a few, some


NAKEIR = prn, interrog what, which

NAKUMAEJ = v to flood

NESAER = adj ten

NESCIP = prn, interrog why, for what, for what reason

NIBIDAEJ = v to birth, to create, to fashion

NIH = part denotes action towards in forming ablative/dative case

NIKOL = slang huh, what

NIRIS = prn second person, singular, possessive

NOER = prn second person, singular, nominative

NUEL = n abusive person

NUESCAEJ = v to use, to utilize


PAEFHAEJ = v to continue, to go further/onward

PAMINAH = n tower, large building

PASEREN = adv again, indicates repetition

PENATAEJ = v to trust, to hold in high esteem

PENETOEM = adj brown, dirty brown

PIH = part of, from (spacially)

PEIZAT = n forgiveness, pardon

PISOHAEJ = v to forgive

PORESC = n city

POELEIZIH = n a devotee to Poelesc

POELESC = n god of cities, demonized in non-Poeleizih mythologies

POERAEJ = v to deduce

POEV = n mother

POESCET = n lie, deceit, falsehood

PUKAET = adj six

PURAEJ = v to meld, to join

PUZEIL = 1. n a domesticated tree 2. n the edible roots of that tree


QETARAEJ = arch. v to rescue, to save

QITOEM = adj red, crimson

QIDIS = arch. n war, violence

QIDAEJ = v to fight, to attack

QURAEZOEM = adj pertaining to miltary particularly occupation


RAEJ = v to have

RAETIN = adj fun, enjoyable, interesting

RACUEMIH = n child

RAFH = prep under, below

RAZOER = 1. slang, n penis, phallus 2. n pillar, support

REISCAH = n world, universe

REDAZAEJ = v to hide (transitive or reflexive)

REK = n night, night-time

REN = part until

RIH = conj comperative conjuntion

RIZ = prn third person, plural, possessive

ROENOEH = n forest, wood

RUEVAEJ = v to search (for), to look (for)


SAEN = adj eternal

SAENAEJ = v to swim, slang v to move/shimmer

SAENUR = slang n freshwater bog, freshwater swamp

SEIH = n skeptic, disbeliever

SEROEM = adj bizarre, unusual

SIH = part but, but not

SIMAH = n eye (irregular plural)

SOEMAEF = n eyes

SUQ = interj expresses extreme happiness, yes!, halleluia!

SUREH = adj five


TADAEJ = v to listen, to hear

TASERIV = n truth, statements of truth

TASIP = adj four

TEIP = prn third person, plural, nominative

TEIZAEH = n breast, chest, rib cage

TELHIC = 1. n a domestic fruit tree 2. n the fruit of that tree

TERAEJ = v to wish

TERIPES = prn fourth person

TERISC = greet formal (Poelisem)

TIBIN = prn third person, plural, accusitive

TIH = part for, because (causative)

TILHETAEJ = v to play, to frolic

TIMERITAH = n peninsula on the western coast of Ledan

TIRIJ = salut informal (Poelisem)

TUEFIH = n valley or gorge


VAED = n peace slang submission, subjugation

VAELIB = arch. prn exclusive we, determined as impolite in most groups

VEER/VEIR = adv also, additionally, and

VEISOEM = adj/adv famous(ly)

VEIZIH = n dear, darling

VERINAEJ = v to wonder, to ponder the possibility of

VEZOP = n throat

VIT = part/prep denotes action from, used to form ablative forms

VOEDUR = n begining

VOEDUREIH = fig in the begining (used as once upon a time is)

VOEJEID = n love (emotion)

VOESCEIH = n lover, partner

VOP = part as, while, at the same time as

VONABEP = 1. n a crop native to Laescelh, raised for its fibers 2. n cloth made from those fibers

VORAEJ = 1. v to find 2. arch. v to experience (through)

VOZIS = prn first person, plural, possessive

VOSCERAEJ = v to love, to cherish

VUFHIC = prn first person, plural, ablative/dative

VUSAEJ = v to lust (after/for)

VUSEIT = n lust

VUESCAH = n good friend


ZAEV = adj never, not ever

ZAET = adj none, not one

ZAS = no

ZAH = adv not

ZANIT = interrog no? not really? (like French ...n'est-ce pas?)

ZELAEJ = v to steal, to take

ZER = part denotes locative movement away from, from

ZILH = n lip


SCEP = slang, adv used to show unenthusiasm, similar to whatever

SCETAEJ = v to be necessary (to be done); similar to falloir

SCIBAEJ = v to come (from), to arrive (from)