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Senjecas dict. z

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ त्व त्य इ ई

पि पी
ए एै

पे पै
अ आ

प पा
ऒ ॵ

पॊ पॏ
ओ औ

पो पौ
उ ऊ

पु पू
तं तऺ तॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /tʷ/ /tʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


arb cyr dev geo grk heb run tng
ż ﻅﺽ ѕ ձ ϡ צּ Ungwe
  • Ż, że̋lo जे॓लो, from the word że̋li, spearmint, is the 14th letter of the Senjecan alphabet, the second in the muitűko, the clan which contains the alveolar consonants.
  • The tengwar are not visible on Frathwiki.


  1. afx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, e.g., ż(ĭ, ŭ)-, verb prefix indicating to an excessive degree, e.g., żĭȝe̋ka, talk too much.
  2. cpd = compound of two or more words, e.g., żerı̋ı̋vko, strong box, safe.
  3. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., ż- + a̋a̋m̃a, listen = ża̋a̋m̃a, t.v. eavesdrop.
  4. There are 37 root words (lemmata) of which 22 are verbs and three are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 68 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • afx ż(ĭ,ŭ)-, verb prefix indicating to an excessive degree, e.g., żĭȝe̋ka, talk too much.
  • afx -ż- noun suffix that augments the meaning of the noun, e.g., a̋a̋þe, fire; a̋a̋þże, conflagration.
  • ż001 ża̋a̋|da, 1. t.v. spread, scatter, strew, bestrew. 2. i.v. spread, scatter [> Turkish yaymak, spread]. -ðműűlo, strewing herb.
  • ż002 ża̋a̋l|a, 1. t.v. invite, ask in. 2. i.v. invite [> Mongolian ǯala-, invite]. –o, invitation.
  • drv ża̋a̋m̃a, i.v. listen secretly (to, o), eavesdrop (on, o).
  • ż003 ża̋a̋r|a, 1. t.v. cry (out), exclaim. 2. i.v. cry, cry out, exclaim [> English care]. -o, cry, exclamation.
  • ż004 ża̋, adj. eight. [> Japanese やつ yatsú, eight]. -dı̋lm̃i, adj. eight years old. -ga̋mi, adj. eightfold, octuple. -o, octet. -s, adv. eight times. -ti, adj. eighth. -u, octet. -ża, adv. eight at a time.
  • ż005 ża̋|ba, 1. t.v. make a show of, assume, affect; look-, -at, -upon. 2. i.v. look, gaze, view. –vlu, (on)looker.
  • ż006 ża̋f|a, t.v. pick-, catch-, take-, -up, hold, extract [with tongs, etc.], tong [> Korean 잡다 jap-, catch]. –lo, tongs, pincers.
  • ż007 ża̋|gi, adj. ugly [> Georgian ʒag-, be ugly]. -gı̋d̨a, t.v. disfigure. -ƣta, ugliness.
  • ż008 ża̋k|o, jeer [> Tamil cakkaṭṭam mockery]. -a, i.v. jeer (at). -ı̋d̨a, t.v. scoff, jeer, taunt.
  • ż009 ża̋l|a, 1. t.v. leak. 2. i.v. leak, seep [> Duruwa jalug, place where water oozes]. -o, leak. -ra, leakage, seepage. -ri, adj. leaky.
  • drv ża̋m|i, adj. fraternal. -ɪ̋ȝu, fraternity. -ta, brotherhood, fraternity.
  • ż010 ża̋n|a, i.v. stride, pace, stalk [> Duruwa jaŋga, stride]. -o, stride, pace, gait. -re̋e̋ita, timing.
  • drv ża̋v|o, branch [candlestick], rung [ladder]; rod; department, section [< ża̋vo, branch]. -a, i.v. branch (off), ramify. -ra, ramification.
  • ż011 ża̋xo, rubble, detritus [> Manchu ǯaχara, pebbles].
  • drv że̋e̋ȝ|a, i.v. germinate; arise, develop, stir [< że̋e̋ȝo, germ]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. germinate.
  • ż012 że̋e̋n|a, t.v. recognize, discern, distinguish, tell apart, take cognizance of; diagnose; betoken, credit [> English know]. -o, mark, brand. –ra, recognition, credit, diagnosis.
  • ż013 że̋e̋r|i, adj. old, aged [> English geriatric]. -a, i.v. grow old, age. -ta, old age. -u, elder.
  • ż014 że̋fa, 1. t.v. eat [of animals]; feed on. 2. i.v. eat; feed [> English chaff].
  • ż015 że̋i|da, 1. t.v. digest, assimilate. 2. i.v. digest, assimilate. –ðra, digestion, assimilation.
  • ż016 że̋ila, 1. t.v. run up to, rush against; call at, touch [a port]. 2. i.v. make land.
  • ż017 że̋is|o, pebble [> German Keis, gravel]. -i, adj. pebbly. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. pebble. -ı̋ȝo, gravel.
  • ż018 że̋n|a, i.v. be born [> English congenital]. -a̋ha, birthday. -antĕvi, adv. a-borning. -aþe, litter. -da̋mo, congenital disease. -o, birth.
  • ż019 że̋nta, nature, disposition, constitution; temperament, temper, frame of mind.
  • cpd żer|ı̋vko, strong box, safe. -te̋ro, strong room.
  • ż020 żı̋ı̋bo, outdoor camp fire.
  • ż021 żı̋fo, musk [> Turkish yıpar, musk].
  • ż022 żı̋n|a, 1. t.v. amass, accumulate, cumulate, accrete, accrue, raise [money]. 2. i.v. accumulate, accrue [> Japanese ひろう hìrou, pick up]. –ra, accumulation; composure.
  • drv żĭme̋na, i.v. wait patiently, wait and see; hold on.
  • drv żĭte̋xa, t.v. receive-, -in addition, -into the bargain.
  • ż023 żőőn|a, t.v. procreate, beget; generate, engender, breed, reproduce. –aþu, [one’s own] child [cf. ṡı̋ṡu]. –lu, parent. –ra, procreation, reproduction. -re̋nu, generation.
  • ż024 żőőr|a, trickle [> Kannada jōru, trickle]. -o, trickle.
  • ż025 żőő|ża, i.v. quarrel [> Nanai ǯoǯa-, quarrel]. –zsi, adj. quarrelsome. -żo, quarrel.
  • ż026 żóku, adv. nearly, almost [> Japanese よく yoku, often].
  • ż027 żőlo, coil of hair at the back of the head [> Kannada colleya, pointed end of a female's bundle of hair at the back of the head].
  • ż028 żűűm|a, 1. t.v. remember, recall, think, be mindful-, -of, keep in-, bear in-, call to-, -mind, commemorate. 2. i.v. recollect [> Manchu ǯono-, remember]. -ȝe̋xno, motto. -me̋xto, souvenir, memento. -m̃i, adj. commemorative. -o, memory. -ra, memory, recollection, remembrance, commemoration. –ri, adj. mindful. –ta̋a̋ino, monument, memorial. -tűso, memorandum. -że̋e̋no, medal.
  • ż029 żűba, t.v. grit the teeth [> Manchu ǯu(n)-, grit the teeth].
  • ż030 żű|ka, i.v. pause [> Japanese よける yokeru, avoid]. –xra, pause.
  • ż031 żűr|i, adj. courageous, valorous, intrepid, dauntless, undaunted [> Manchu ǯurǝhan, justice]. -ta, courage, valor, intrepidity, mettle.
  • ż031 żűr|i, adj. courageous, intrepid, dauntless, undaunted [> Manchu ǯurǝhan, justice]. –ta, courage, intrepidity, valor.
  • ż032 żűs|a, t.v. enjoy, have the use of, relish. –ra, enjoyment.
  • ż033 ż̬e̋ra, i.v. emit light and be hot [> Lithuanian žiūrėti, look at].
  • ż034 ż̨a̋x|a, t.v. rent [> Manchu ǯiχa, money]. –o, rent.
  • ż035 ż̨őő|ko, corner, angle, nook, quoin [> Japanese よこ yoko, width]. -ki, adj. cornered, angled, angular. -kı̋d̨a, t.v. (form a) corner (with). -xta̋a̋ino, cornerstone.
  • ż036 ż̨őőn|o, echo [> Turkish yan, echo]. -a, i.v. echo. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. echo.
  • ż037 ż̨űra, t.v. skim (off) [> Korean chirı-, skim off].

Senjecas dict. a