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Spoken in: Gjatá
Timeline/Universe: (unnamed)
Total speakers: 436,391,390
Genealogical classification: (unnamed)


Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: Inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Created by:
maailmaniag 2006

The language of the Gyatalin people (Eng: Gyatalin, Nat: Gjatálin) is a language spoken on the planet of Meishuko, in an alternate universe. It is spoken by approximately 436,391,390 people, and is the most widely spoken of the Shalian languages found on the planet.

The language itself superficially (and sometimes even semantically) resembles some of the Slavic languages (particularly Polish), partly due to the fact that it was, indeed, the Polish who exposed the Gyatalin people to the Latin alphabet and several semantic ideas.



Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Retroflex Post-alv. Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive p b t d k g
Ejective p' t' k'
Fricative f w s z š ž ś ź ch h
Approximants j
Lateral Approximant l


bj bl bn bw bẃ
dj dl dw dẃ
džl džw džẃ
dźj dźw dźẃ
fj fl fẃ
gd gj gl gw gẃ
hl hm hn hẃ
kj kl kn ks kš kś kw kẃ
k’j k’l k’n k’s k’š k’ś k’w k’ẃ
lj lẃ
mj mẃ
nj nẃ
pf pj pl ps pw pẃ
p’f p’j p’l p’s p’w p’ẃ
sf sk sk’ sl sm sn sp sp’ st st’ sw sẃ
šf šk šk’ šl šm šn šp šp’ št št’ šw šẃ
śj św śẃ
tj tl ts tw tẃ
t’y t’l t’s t’w t’ẃ
tšl tšw tšẃ
tśj tśw tśẃ
w wj wl wẃ
chj chw chẃ
zd zg zj zm zn zẃ
žd žg žj žm žn žẃ
źj źw źẃ


Front Central Back
Close i ü u
Lax Close y
Close-Mid ë o
Open-Mid e ö
Near-Open ä
Open a


There are six diphthongs in Gyatalin, and no more:

aj, ej, ij, oj, uj, yj /ai Ei ij oi uj yj/

Vowel Length

There are a total of 2 vowel lengths in Gyatalin: long and short. The short vowels are marked as previous, and the long vowels are marked as follows:

Front Central Back
Close í ù ú
Lax Close ý
Close-Mid è ó
Open-Mid é ò
Near-Open à
Open á

Long diphthongs are formed in exactly the same way: áj éj íj ój új ýj

The Cases

Gyatalin makes use of six grammatical cases: the nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, locative, and vocative. Each case is marked, normally in with a different ending for each case.


Personal Pronouns

Among other things that decline into each of the six cases, the personal pronouns do.

Personal Pronouns
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive Locative Vocative
1 singular mny mne ym moj
2 singular ty doj
3 singular m. žoj žë žu ža žü žu
3 singular f. žaj žy žä ži žö žy
3 singular n. žej žej žu že žy žo
1 plural inclusive il il ẃim wi jeg il
1 plural exclusive yl il mil myl
2 plural jätś wjej wjo wjo joź joj
3 plural anim. fën dau dwò dwo
3 plural inanim. dèn dwò dwó

Verbal Morphology

Like many Indo-European languages, verbs decline by person and number. However, Gyatalin verbs do not decline by tense; they decline somewhat by aspect, but the conjugations of the verbs don't match up exactly in meaning. The closest natural language aspect is the telicity found in Finnish or Estonian.

For the sake of neatness, already existing grammatical aspects are used to name Gyatalin aspects. However, a brief description of what the actual Gyatalin aspect is will follow the heading.

Before actually viewing the verbal morphology of Gyatalin, it is important to look at the structure of the verb infinitive (which ALWAYS ends in -t'j).

There are two classes of verbs, so aptly named Class 1 and Class 2. Class 1 verbs have either: a, y, o, u, ë, or a consonant before the typical t'j ending. Verbs in Class 2 have either: e, i, y, ü, ä, or ö before the t'j ending. It is impossible to tell whether a particular -yt'j verb is from Class 1 or Class 2.

To discover the stem of the verb, simply remove the vowel and the t'j ending. In the case of the consonant+t'j endings, only remove the t'j.

Perfective Aspect

This is the simplest of the aspects. In Gyatalin, this aspect implies that the action being referred to has been completed.

Class 1 Verbs

Class 1, Perfective Aspect
Ending póchat'j ytyt'j wlùbot'j źlut’j gànśët’j títant'j
-u póchu ytu wlùbu źlu gànśu títanu
-ešt póchešt ytešt wlùbešt źlešt gànśešt títanešt
žoj -oj póchoj ytoj wlùboj źloj gànśoj títanoj
žaj -aj póchaj ytaj wlùbaj źlaj gànśaj títanaj
žej -ej póchej ytej wlùbej źlej gànśej títanej
il -my póchmy ytmy wlùbmy źlmy gànśmy títanmy
yl -li póchli ytli wlùbli źli gànśli títanli
jätś póché yté wlùbé źlé gànśé títané
fën -ju póchju ytju wlùbju źlju gànśju títanju
-jut póchjut ytjut wlùbjut źljut gànśjut títanjut

Class 2 Verbs

Class 2, Perfective Aspect
Ending pljanet'j bytit'j žùdžyt'j kwalüt’j mächtät’j polöt'j
-ju pljanju bytju žùdžju kwalju mächtju polju
-iš pljan byt žùdž kwal mächt pol
žoj -joj pljanjoj bytjoj žùdžjoj kwaljoj mächtjoj poljoj
žaj -jaj pljanjaj bytjaj žùdžjaj kwaljaj mächtjaj poljaj
žej -jej pljanjej bytjej žùdžjej kwaljej mächtjej poljej
il -ymi pljanymi bytymi žùdžymi kwalymi mächtymi polymi
yl -yli pljanyli bytyli žùdžyli kwalyli mächtyli polyli
jätś -je pljanje bytje žùdžje kwalje mächtje polje
fën -ja pljanja bytja žùdžja kwalja mächtja polja
-jat pljanjat bytjat žùdžjat kwaljat mächtjat poljat

Progressive Aspect

The progressive aspect implies that the verb is happening, but has not been completed. This aspect also carries the meaning of the intention of completing the action. (for example, with the verb "to go there", in the progressive aspect, English would represent the meaning as "to be on one's way there, and having an intention of reaching the final destination")

Imperfective Aspect

The imperfective aspect implies almost the opposite ot the perfective aspect. The verb is happening, and has not yet been completed, but the subject has no intention of finishing the said action.

Prospective Aspect

The prospective aspect implies to the listener that the action has not yet been started; however, the speaker has intentions of finishing the action.