The Matrix was a political party founded in 4177 as a more militant offshoot of the already violent Raspara political party. The Matrixes promised to enslave all non-Matrixes, but focused their efforts on physically small tribes such as the Swamp Kids since they were easier to intimidate. They legalized all forms of crime against non-Matrixes, and then limited party membership to males; therefore all rape of women was legal.
The Matrixes chose their name to symbolize their approach to politics. Whereas other parties such as the Raspara and the Crystals believed in a coherent political ideology, the Matrixes rejected ideological commitments in order to ensure that they could always be on the winning side of every war. Their only loyalty was to the Matrix.
The founding population consisted of a mere 3200 soldiers, but they quickly captured more than 100000 slaves.
The Matrixes spoke their own language, although their reign as a political power was so short that the only monolingual generation reached adulthood after their reign had ended.
Early history
In the year 4167, the Play party took over the western state of Tata, part of the vast empire of Anzan. The Players were of the Paaapa tribe, who had originated in Paba. The Dreamlandic-speaking inhabitants of Tata mostly welcomed the Players, and they came to live as one and consider themselves to be Tataans. However, within a few years, a war erupted, and the citizens of Tata found themselves caught in the battleground between the two great empires of Anzan and Dreamland.
Led by a party named the Tinks, Anzan won its war, but was too weak to begin a full occupation of Tata. The Andanese considered the Baywatchers to be more traitorous than the aboriginal Dreamlandic people, and some Baywatchers fled into Dreamland even though Dreamland was now hunting down Andanese people in the assumption that they were Tinks.
The Tinks shared their empire with the predatory Raspara people, who were much taller and stronger than the Andanese tribes, and believed that their role in life was to control and abuse weaker peoples. The Raspara produced propaganda to convince the Tinks to start more wars, knowing that any territory the Tinks gained would soon come under Raspara control. When the Raspara leaders realized that Anzan had conquered Tata but then pulled back, they were upset; they promised each other that they would soon force the Tinks into another war against Tata, and then station Raspara troops in Tata once the land had been cleared of resistors.
The Tinks soon renamed themselves the Swamp Kids (Nuaaā) and came to take pride in their small body size. They promised to show the world that it was possible to win a war without relying on raw physical strength, and promised that their soldiers would not run from battle against the taller tribes around them. Although Tata's Baywatch party was simply a branch of the Tinks, the majority of Tata was of Dreamlandic ancestry, and Dreamers were a fairly tall and sturdy people.