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Senjecas - The Anointing

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Pronunciation table

nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective) DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


  • Mk 14:1-9; Mt 26:6-13; Luke 7:36-50; Jn 12:1-8; my additions
  • As this is a cento of verses, the numbering indicates the number of Senjecan sentences, not of the Biblical verses.


mazra̋s naalka̋þaþo - Diatesseron of the Anointing
garáiȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • Literal translation of Greek
  • Senjecan text
  • 1. And six days before Passover being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper Jesus reclined at table.
  • da betan̨a̋s éna ṡimoonűs rudesműs m̃eesős éna vűűantu ȝesu sa̋a̋ðta aha̋s pĕsaxa̋s fésa serős éna e-ṡe̋la.
da betan̨-a̋s éna ṡimoon-űs rudesm-űs m̃ees-ős éna vűű-a-ntu-Ø ȝes-u pĕsax-a̋s fésa sa̋a̋ðt-' ah-a̋s
and Bethany-G.s in Simon-G.s leper-G.s house-G.s in be-IND-AP-ABS Jesus-N.s seventh-ELIS day-G.s Passover-G.s before
ser-ős éna e=ṡe̋l-a
table-G.s at PST=recline-IND

  • 2. And behold a woman who was in the city, a sinner, and having.known that approached him having an.alabaster jar of.ointment, pure expensive nard.
  • da eenő riȝős éna e-vűűantu ǧe̋nu a̋ƣlu da serős éna éȝum ṡe̋lu sĭsa̋a̋raþu páiṡ̬it̨őno ba̋a̋nom ma̋zt̬im pőugi m̃űsi na̋ldim ƣe̋vantu éȝum e-ȝőba:
da eenő riȝ-ős éna e=vűű-a-ntu-Ø ǧe̋n-u a̋ƣ-l-u da ser-ős éna éȝ-um ṡe̋l-u sĭ~sa̋a̋r-a-þ-u
and behold city-G.s in PST=be-IND-AP-ABS woman-N.s sin-AG-N.s and table-G.s at he-A.s recline-SUP PRF~know-IND-PP-N.s
páiṡ̬it̨őno-Ø ba̋a̋nom ma̋zt̬im pőugi-Ø m̃űsi-Ø na̋ldim xéma éȝ-um e=ȝőb-a
made.of.alabaster-ABS jar-A.s oil-A.s pure-ABS expensive-ABS nard-A.s with he-A.s PST=approach-IND

  • 3. Having stood behind at his feet crying, with.the tears she began to wet his feet and with.the hairs of her head she.was.wiping and was.kissing his feet
  • da eȝu-pedőm éna pósu ṡĭṡűrantu ɫı̋ı̋gantu kinőm xéma eȝu-pedőn ma̋a̋nu e-tőda da eȝu-niimős pilőm xéma eȝu-pe̋don e-tűdak̬' e-kűsak̬e.
da eȝu=ped-őm éna pósu ṡĭ~ṡűr-a-nt-u ɫı̋ı̋g-a-nt-u kin-őm xéma eȝu=ped-őn e-maan-a̋s-a da eȝu=niim-ős pil-őm xéma
and his=foot-G.p at behind PRF~stand-IND-AP-N.s cry-IND-AP-N.s tear-G.p with his=feet-G.p PST=wet-INC-IND and her=head-G.s hair-G.p with
eȝu-pe̋don e=tűd-a=k̬-' e=kűs-a=k̬e
his=feet-A.p PST=dry-IND=and-ELIS PST=kiss-IND=and

  • 4. And, having.broken the alabaster.jar, was anointing them with the ointment.
  • da páiṡ̬it̨őno ba̋a̋nom ȝĭȝa̋fantu. mazt̬ı̋s xéma éȝon e-ma̋ża:
da páiṡ̬it̨őno-Ø ba̋a̋n-om ȝĭ~ȝa̋f-a-nt-u mazt̬-ı̋s xéma éȝ-on e=ma̋ż-a
and made.of.alabaster-ABS jar-A.s PRF~break-IND-PP-N.s oil-G.s with they-A.p PST=anoint-IND

  • 5. And the house was.filled with the odor of.the ointment.
  • da m̃e̋e̋so mazt̬ı̋s odős ha pe̋e̋laþo e-ı̋la:
da m̃e̋e̋s-o mazt̬-ı̋s od-ős ha pe̋e̋l-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a
and house-N.s oil-G.s odor-G.s with fill-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 6. And having.seen the disciples were.angry.
  • da nĭna̋kantu tűnlus ge̋gus e-vűűa:
da nĭ~na̋k-a-ntu-Ø tűn-l-us ge̋g-us e=vűű=a
and PRF~see-IND-AP-ABS learn-AG-N.p angry-N.p PST=be-IND

  • 7. And Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples, the one him, says, "Why this waste of.ointment has.happened?
  • da ȝĕhuda̋hu ískar̨őőþu. eȝu-tunlűm þu éȝumĕ mőṡu sííra vűűantu te̋e̋a: m̃a i-mazt̬ı̋s ƣőősa xávu e̋e̋ba:
da ȝĕhuda̋h-u ískar̨őőþ-u eȝu=tun-l-űm þu éȝ-um-ĕ mőṡ-u sííra vűű-a-nt-u te̋e̋-a
and Judas-N.s Iscariot-N.s his=learn-AG-G.p one he-A.s-EP betray-SUP be.IND-AP-N.s say-IND
m̃a i=mazt̬ı̋s ƣoős-a xávu e̋~e̋b-a
QUOT this=oil-G.s waste-N.s why PRF~happen-IND

  • 8. For this ointment (for) more.than three.hundred denarii and to.the poor."
  • h' i-ma̋zt̬i deenaar̨őm űpo tı̋r satőm ṡ̨óga fa̋a̋raþ' ı̋lu da peedűm o dőőaþo ı̋lu e-ma̋ƣa m̃ar:
h-' i=ma̋zt̬-i deenaar̨-őm űpo-Ø tı̋r sat-őm ṡ̨óga fa̋a̋r-a-þ-i ı̋l-u da peed-űm o
because-ELIS this=oil-N.s denarius-G.p above-ABS three hundred-G.p for sell-IND-PP-N.s become-SUP and poor-G.p to
dőő-a-þ-o ı̋l-u e=ma̋ƣ-a m̃ar
give-IND-PP- become-SUP QUOT

  • 9. And they scolded her.
  • da éȝus éȝum e-ga̋da:
da éȝ-us éȝ-um e=ga̋d-a
and they-N.p she-A.s PST=scold-IND

  • 10. But he.said this, not because about the poor it.mattered to.him but because thief he.was and the having the.being.put he.was removing.
  • éȝu de som e-te̋e̋a. ne hi eȝús o pe̋e̋dun sépa e-vı̋na. þóósi hi vőőurlu e-e̋sa da doþma̋kom ƣe̋vantu e-ðe̋e̋anton e-őȝa:
éȝ-u de s-om e=te̋e̋-a ne hi eȝ-ús o pe̋e̋d-un sépa e=vı̋n-a þóósi hi vőőur-l-u e=e̋s-a
he-N.s but this-A.s PST=say-IND not because he-G.s to poor-A.p about PST=matter-IND but because steal-AG-N.s PST=be-IND
da doþma̋k-om ƣe̋v-a-nt-u e=ðe̋e̋-a-nt-on e=őȝ-a
and purse-A.s have-IND-AP-ABS PST=place-IND-AP-A.p PST-remove-IND

  • 11. And having.known Jesus said to.them, "Leave her, that for the day of.the burial she.may.keep it.
  • da sĭsa̋a̋rantu ȝe̋su eȝúm o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a éȝum he̋ne. táádi mu-ðoova̋s aha̋s fára éȝom auke̋ȝa:
da sĭ~sa̋a̋r-a-ntu-Ø ȝe̋s-u eȝ-úm o e=te̋e̋-a m̃a éȝ-um he̋n-e táádi mu=ðoov=a̋s ah-a̋s fára éȝ-om auk-e̋ȝa
and PRF~know-IND-AP-ABS Jesus-N.s they-G.p to PST=say-IND QUOT she-A.s permit-IMP in.order.that my=burial-G.s day-G.s for it-A.s keep-SBJ

  • 12. Why trouble for.the woman? For a.good work she does for me.
  • ȝus xávu ǧe̋num gaası̋d̨a: mús éra va̋do kı̋om kı̋a:
ȝ-us xávu ǧe̋n-u-' gaas-ı̋d̨-a m-ús éra va̋do-Ø kı̋-om kı̋-a
2p-N why woman-A.s trouble-VLZ-IND 1s-G for good-ABS work-A.s PRF~do-IND

  • 13. For always the poor you have with yourselves, and when you.wish for.them good, but me not always
  • hi ȝus ȝu-miús súna vísum pe̋e̋dun u-ƣe̋va. da—méti ɫe̋e̋la—eȝúm o va̋dom kı̋' u-ma̋ƣa. de ne vísumĕ mum u-ƣe̋va:
hi ȝ-us ȝu=miús súna vísum pe̋e̋d-un u=ƣe̋v-a da méti ɫe̋e̋l-a eȝ-úm o va̋d-om kı̋-' u=ma̋ƣ-a
because 2p-N your=self-G with always poor-A.p FUT=have-IND and when will-IND they-G.p to good-A.s do-SUP
de ne vísum=ĕ m-um u=ƣe̋v-a
but not always=EP 1-A.s FUT=have-IND

  • 14. What she.had she.did.
  • éȝu—tom e-ƣe̋va—e-kı̋a:
éȝ-u t-om e=ƣe̋v-a e=kı̋-a
she-N.s what-A.s PST=have-IND PST=do-IND

  • 15. For having.put she this ointment upon my body prepare.for.burial me she.did (it)
  • hi. mu-bődom éva i-ma̋żom ðĭðe̋e̋antu. éȝu ðoova̋s o mum fa̋ru tááda éȝom e-kı̋a:
hi mu=bőd-om éva i=ma̋ż-om ðĭ~ðe̋e̋-a-ntu-Ø éȝ-u ðoov-a̋s o m-um fa̋r-u tááda éȝ-om e=kı̋-a
because my=body-A.s on this=oil-A.s PRF~put-IND-AP-ABS she-N.s burial-G.s for 1s-A prepare-SUP it-A.s PST=do-IND

  • 16. And truly I.say, wherever is.preached this in whole world, also what she did in her memory.
  • da va̋a̋ mu ȝús o te̋e̋a—k̬enáru őru v̌eetűs o i-vaðte̋e̋om űűaþo ile̋ȝa—tom étu e-kı̋a—eȝu-żuuma̋s éna te̋e̋aþo u-ı̋la m̃ar:
da va̋a̋ m-u ȝ-ús o te̋e̋-a k̬enáru őru-Ø v̌eet-űs o i=vað-te̋e̋-om űű-a-þ-o ı̋l-e̋ȝa
and amen 1s-N 2p-G to say-IND wherever all-ABS world-G.s to this=good-news-A.s proclaim-IND-PP-N.s become-SBJ
t-om étu kĭ~kı̋-a eȝu=żuum-a̋s éna te̋e̋-a-þ-o u=ı̋l-a m̃ar
what-A.s also PRF~do-IND her=memory-G.s in say-IND-PP-N.s FUT=become-IND QUOT

  • 17. And he.said to.her., "Have.been.forgiven your sins."
  • da eȝús o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu-a̋gon dűűraþon ı̋ı̋la m̃ar:
da eȝ-ús o e=te̋e̋-a m̃a tu=a̋g-on dűűr-a-þ-on ı̋~ı̋l-a m̃ar
and she-G.s to PST=say-IND QUOT your=sin-A.p forgive-IND-PP-A.p PRF~become-IND QUOT

  • 18. And began the reclining-with to.say among themselves,"Who this is who even sins forgives?
  • da sunṡe̋lantus eȝu-miúm ȝúṡa e-teea̋sa: m̃a xu su e̋sa—tu étu a̋gon dűűra m̃ar:
da sun=ṡe̋l-a-nt-us eȝu-mi-úm ȝúṡa e=tee-a̋s-a m̃a x-u s-u e̋s-a t-u étu a̋g-on dűűr-a m̃ar
and with=recline-IND-AP-N.p their=self-G.p among PST=say-INC-IND QUOT who-N.s this-N.s be-IND who-N.s even sin-A.p forgive-IND QUOT

  • 19. And he.said to the woman, "The faith has.saved you. Go in peace."
  • da ǧenűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu-őőa tum nĭne̋sa: miirta̋s ena a̋te m̃ar⁝
da ǧen-űs o e=te̋e̋-a m̃a tu=őő-a t-um nĭ~ne̋s-a miirt-a̋s ena a̋t-e m̃ar
and woman-G.s to PST=say-IND QUOT your=faith-N.s 2s-A PRF~save-IND peace-G.s in go-IMP QUOT