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Senjecas - Against Ambition

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Pronunciation table

निथॊ ज़ूऀस़ेँनॊस़्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective) DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


  • Mark 9:33-37; Matthew 18:1-5,10; Luke 9:46-48
  • As this is a cento of verses, the numbering indicates the number of Senjecan sentences, not of the Biblical verses.


þalȝaalta̋s þóósa - Against Ambition
mukánȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • New American Bible
  • Literal Greek Translation
  • Senjecan Translation
  • 1. They returned to Capernaum and Jesus, once inside the house, began to ask them, "What were you discussing on the way home?"
  • and they.came into Capernaum and in the house being he.questioned them what on the way you.were.arguing.about
  • da éȝus kĕfarnaxűmam éna e-ǧe̋ma da—méti nómþi e-vűűa—ȝe̋su éȝun e-me̋ta: m̃a ȝus atős éna xom e-ṡa̋a̋ma m̃ar:
da éȝ-us kĕfarnaxűm-am éna e=ǧe̋m-a da méti nóm=þi e=vűű-a
and 3-N.p Capernaum-A.s into PST=come-IND and when home=LOC PST=be-IND
ȝe̋s-u éȝ-un e=me̋t-a m̃a ȝ-us at-ős éna x-om e=ṡa̋a̋m-a m̃ar
Jesus-N.s 3-A.p PST=ask-IND QUOT 2p-N way-G.s on what-A.s PST=argue-IND QUOT

  • 2. At this they fell silent, for on the way they had been arguing about who was the most important
  • they but were silent with one.another for they argued on the way who greater
  • de ananűs o e-sa̋a̋ma—hi atős éna—xu mĭme̋żu e-vűűa—e-ṡa̋a̋ma:
deűs o e=sa̋a̋m-a hi at-ős éna x-u mĭ~me̋ż-u e=vűű-a e=ṡa̋a̋m-a
but other.other-G.s to PST=be.silent-IND for way-G.s on who-N.s EL~great-N.s PST=be-IND PST=argue-IND

  • 3. So he , who knew their thoughts, sat down and called the Twelve around him and said, "If anyone wishes to rank first, he must remain the last one of all and the servant of all."
  • and having.sat.down having.perceived the thought of.the heart of.them he.called the twelve and he.says to.them if someone desires first of.all last and of.all servant
  • da sĭse̋dantu da eȝu-suðős me̋inom aa̋uðantu főőd̬o éȝun e-ha̋m̃a da eȝúm o te̋e̋a: m̃a ébi tévu þűntu vűűa piire̋ȝa. toári orűm műgu da orűm nı̋ı̋xl' u-e̋sa m̃ar:
da sĭ~se̋d-a-nt-u da eȝu=suð-ős me̋in-om a~a̋uð-a-nt-u főő.d̬o éȝ-un e=ha̋m̃-a
and PRF~sit-IND-AP-N.s and their=heart-G.s thought-A.s PRF~perceive-IND-AP-N.s ten.two 3-A.p PST=call-IND
da eȝ-úm o te̋e̋-a m̃a ébi tév-u þűnt-u vűű-a piir-e̋ȝa
and 3-G.p to say-IND QUOt if someone-N.s first-N.s be-IND desire-SBJ
toári or-űm műg-u da or-űm nı̋ı̋x-l-' u=e̋s-a m̃ar
then all-G.p last-N.s and all-G.p serve-AG-ELIS FUT=be-IND QUOT

  • 4. He called a little child over and stood him in their midst, and putting his arms around him, said to them,
  • and having.called child he.set him in middle of.them and having.taken.into.arms him he.said to.them
  • ṡı̋ṡum hĭha̋m̃antu eȝúmĕ medéna éȝum e-ðe̋e̋a da éȝum pŭpőmantu eȝúm o e-te̋e̋a:
ṡı̋ṡ-um hĭ~ha̋m̃-a-nt-u eȝ-úm-ĕ med.éna éȝ-um e=ðe̋e̋-a da éȝ-um pŭ~pőm-a-nt-u eȝ-úm o e=te̋e̋-a
child-A.s PRF~call-IND-AP-N.s 3-G.p-EP 3-A.s PST=place-IND and 3-A.s PRF~embrace-IND-AP-N.s 3-G.p to PST-say-IND

  • 5. I assure you, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of God.
  • Amen I.say unless you.change and you.become like the children never you.will.enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
  • m̃a va̋a̋ ȝúm o te̋e̋a: m̃a ši me̋iþa da ṡiṡűm sóma ı̋la—d̨em̃a̋m reeƣa̋a̋ram tı̋ra neánu:
m̃a va̋a̋ ȝ-úm o te̋e̋-a m̃a ši me̋iþ-a da ṡiṡ-űm sóma ı̋l-a d̨em̃-a̋m reeƣ.a̋a̋r-am tı̋r-a neánu
QUOT indeed 2p-G to say-IND QUOT unless change-IND and child-G.p like become-IND heaven-G.p king.realm-A.s enter-IND never

  • 6. Whoever makes himself lowly, becoming like this little child, is of greatest importance in that heavenly reign.
  • whoever therefore will.humble himself like the child this is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens.
  • k̬énu sááru i-ṡiṡű' sóma eȝu-mı̋um u-tapı̋d̨a—su d̨em̃a̋m reeƣaara̋s éna mĭme̋żu e̋sa:
k̬én-u sááru i=ṡiṡ-ű-' sóma eȝu=mı̋-um u=tap-ı̋d̨-a s-u d̨em̃-a̋m reeƣ.aar-a̋s éna mĭ~me̋ż-u e̋s-a
whoever-N.s therefore this=child-G.s-ELIS like his=self-A.s FUT=humble-TRZ-IND this-N.s heaven-G.p king.domain-G.s in EL~great-N.s be-IND

  • 7. "Whoever welcomes a child such as this for my sake welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes, not me, but him who sent me."
  • whoever one of.the children receives in the name me receives and whoever me receives not me receives but the having.sent me.
  • k̬énu mu-feetős éna þűn ṡı̋ṡum súm sóma ǧe̋ra—mum ǧe̋ra da k̬énu mum ǧe̋ra—ne mum de mumĕ mĭmı̋þantum ǧe̋ra:
k̬én-u mu=feet-ős éna þűn ṡı̋ṡ-um s-úm sóma ǧe̋r-a m-um ǧe̋r-a
whoever-N.s my=name-G.s in one child-A.s this-G.p like receive-IND 1s-A receive-IND
da k̬én-u m-um ǧe̋r-a ne m-um de m-um=ĕ mĭ~mı̋þ-a-nt-um ǧe̋r-a
and whoever-N.s 1s-A receive-IND not 1s-A but 1s-A=EP PRF~send-IND-AP-A.s receive-IND

  • 8. See that you never despise one of these little ones. I assure you, their angels in heaven constantly behold my heavenly Father's face.
  • see not look.down.upon one of.the little of.these I.say for that the angels of.them in heavens through all see the face of.the father of.the in heavens
  • kisid̨e̋ȝa da pinűm þűn n̨ażabe̋ȝa mee—hi ȝús o te̋e̋a—ȝa d̨em̃a̋m éna eȝu-anga̋rus visánu d̨em̃a̋m éna mu-taata̋s mőőrom na̋ka m̃ar m̃ar⁝
kis-id̨-e̋ȝa da pin-űm þűn n̨a.żab-e̋ȝa mee hi ȝ-ús o te̋e̋-a
sure-TRZ-SBJ and little-G.p one down.look-SBJ not for 2s-G to say-IND
ȝa d̨em̃-a̋m éna eȝu=anga̋r-us visánu d̨em̃-a̋m éna mu-taat-a̋s mőőr-om na̋k-a m̃ar m̃ar
that heaven-G.p in their-angel-N.p always heaven-G.p in my=father-G.s face-A.s see-IND QUOT QUOT