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Æðadĕ [ˈæ.ða.də] is, just like Ayasth and Aθáta, a descendant of the earlier Adāta language developed by Deiniol Jones (aka Dewrad). It was created for the "Derivation Relay" in August 2006 at the zompist board.



Nominal Morphology


The Plural is formed by the prefix oph- (< Adāta "opha", many), which becomes ov- before voiced stops or fricatives and of- before voiceless stops, fricatives and nasals. Additionally, long vowels are shortened because stress shifts to the initial syllable. Remember also that aspirated initial consonants are spoken without aspiration as soon as the prefix is added.


  • thālo moon, ofthalo moons
  • ðjesk king, ovðjesk kings
  • iþki mistress, ophiþki mistresses
  • jādi prisoner, ophjadi prisoners


Æðadĕ, unlike Adāta but very much like its sister languages Ayasth and Aθáta, marks possession with suffixes rather than independant words.

Singular Plural
1 -aj -ajg
2 -aðo -alaw
3 -ag -aga

The following changes occur: wordfinal e and i > j, wordfinal o and u > w and wordfinal a vanishes.


  • ðjesk king, ðjeskajg our king
  • iþki mistress, iþkjaj my mistress
  • iðo noble man, iðwaðo your noble man
  • aðuna girl, aðunalaw your girl


Adjectives follow the noun they describe (ðjeskaj bira my brave king), but they do not change for number (ovðjeskaj bira my brave kings). A Comparative can be formed by suffixing -nez (or -ez if the adjective ends in a non-syllabic n), a Superlative by suffixing -jal (Adāta "ial", very).


  • bira, biranez, birajal - brave, braver, bravest
  • thērn̩, thērn̩nez, thērn̩jal - beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful
  • ðōdin, ðōdinez, ðōdinjal - holy, holier, holiest

For emphasis it is also possible to add jæl very in front of the Superlative. Remember, though, that jæl is never used before the comparative.

Example: ðjesk (jæl) birajal the bravest king

Personal Pronouns

Normal Subjective Oblique Vocative
1 sg -aj -ajg
2 sg -aðo -alaw
3 sg -ag -aga
1 pl
2 pl
3 pl

Verbal Morphology

Sample text