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Senjecas wildlife

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


  1. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., ba̋ri, adj. thick + a̋mo, skin = bara̋me, pachyderm.
  2. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., pa̋a̋ðme, marsupial < pa̋a̋do, pouch, pocket.
  3. pol = a word with a meaning similar to an original word, e.g., ðűno, (beaver’s) lodge < ðűno, citadel.
  4. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  5. At the end is a legend, Total: 105/0+0 = 0%. This means that there are 105 root words (lemmata) of which none are verbs and none are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that zero percent of the vocabulary is verbs.
  6. Words in red indicate an object that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  7. Specific names, with their binomials, will be found in the respective taxonomies.
  8. Names of domesticated animals will be found in "animal husbandry".




  • 001 aƣne̋ƣe, whale [> Yupik aʁvǝq, whale].
  • cpd bara̋me, pachyderm [< ba̋ri, adj. thick; a̋mo, skin].
  • drv be̋ke, young mammal [< be̋ki, adj. young].
  • drv ȝőre, male mammal [not caprids, ovids, or cervids] [< ȝőri, adj. male].
  • drv pa̋a̋ðme, marsupial. [< pa̋a̋do, pouch, pocket].
  • drv ƣ̌e̋re, wild animal. [< ƣ̌e̋ri, adj. wild].
  • drv zűre, female mammal [< zűri, adj. female].


  • 002 a̋lte, female ungulate [> Sami al'do, full-grown reindeer female which has a calf in that year].
  • 003 be̋ȝe, male ungulate [> Evenki bejūn, an ungulate].
  • 004 bilőṡe, lamb [> Viscayan bildots, lamb].
  • 005 e̋ine, deer [> Latin īnuleus, young deer, roe].
  • 006 e̋nge, young ungulate [> Mongolian unaɣa(n), foal].
  • 007 e̋rme, female wisent [> Tamil erumai, female buffalo].
  • 008 gőle, male wisent [> Turkish göle, heifer].
  • 009 ǧa̋lde, camel calf [> English colt].
  • 010 ɠűle, male deer, stag [> Evenki gilge, reindeer].
  • 011 hőre, male wild boar [> Ancient Greek χοῖρος, pig].
  • 012 kara̋de, female bear [> Tamil karaṭi, black bear].
  • 013 ke̋e̋ƣe, doe, female of any small ungulate [> Sanskrit chaga-, he-goat].
  • 014 kı̋ðe, female kid [> English kid].
  • 015 kűnge, male-, -ass, -onager, -donkey.
  • 016 le̋sme, female yak [> Finnish lehmä, cow].
  • 017 ma̋nde, elk (moose) bull [> Mongolian manǯi, male elk].
  • 018 me̋se, ram [> Komi mež, ram].
  • 019 mőise, ewe.
  • 020 műűne, small female deer [> Old Turkish mujɣaq, female maral].
  • 021 műme, bear cub [> Japanese mami, badger].
  • 022 na̋me, reindeer calf [> Korean yeomso, goat].
  • 023 na̋rge, wisent calf [> Manchu ńarχuča, young elk].
  • 024 ne̋fle, elk calf [> German Rentierkalb, reindeer calf].
  • 025 pőrþe, yak calf [> Armenian hort, calf]
  • 026 pőṡe, fawn [ > Finnish poro, reindeer].
  • 027 ƣema̋re, kid [> German Gemse, chamois].
  • drv rűse, ruminant [< rűsa, i.v. chew the cud].
  • 028 sa̋rfe, ass-, onager-, donkey-, colt [> Turkish sıpa, donkey colt].
  • 029 sűűe, sow [> English sow].
  • 030 sűűke, female large deer [> Mongolian soɣu, female deer].
  • 031 s̨ore̋xe, large female ungulate [> Evenki surki, pregnant female].
  • drv s̨űðme, artiodactyl [< s̨űdo, cloven hoof].
  • cpd ṡaxe̋ine, brocket [< ṡa̋xo, fork; e̋ine, deer].
  • 032 ṡ̨a̋de, female-, -ass, -onager, -donkey [> Mongolian dudurai, donkey foal].
  • 033 ta̋a̋ne, wild boar young [> Turkish domuz, pig].
  • 034 þőőre, male camel [> Turkish deve torun, young camel].
  • 035 þ̨űűþe, female camel [> Middle Turkic titir, female camel].
  • 036 vűże, buck (goat) [> English buck].
  • 037 x̨őre, small male deer [> Manchu iren, deer].


  • 038 kade̋ȝe, panther [> Naikri khaṛeyak, panther].
  • cpd seeƣna̋a̋ȝe, bloodhound [< se̋e̋go, blood; na̋a̋ȝe, dog].
  • 039 ṡe̋ṡe, hare [> Old Greek κεκήν, hare].
  • 040 tala̋a̋ke, male bear [> Lithuanian lokys, bear].
  • cpd x̨uspe̋d|e, fissiped. [< x̨űṡo, paw; pe̋do, foot]. -i, adj. fissiped.


  • cpd šem̃pe̋de, pinniped [< še̋m̃a, i.v. swim ; pe̋do, foot].
  • 041 na̋rȝe, young seal [> Inupik natsiaq, young seal].
  • 042 teƣa̋ƣe, rutting seal.


  • 043 bőőde, chick, young of any bird [> Telugu bōda, young of bird].
  • 044 f̨a̋ne, hen, female bird [> Japanese hína, chicken].
  • cpd gemm̃e̋ȝe, bird of prey, raptor [< ge̋ma, t.v. prey upon; m̃e̋ȝe, bird].
  • cpd hurkőőze, waterfowl [< hűro, water; kőőze, fowl].
  • 045 kőőze, fowl [> Tamil kōẓi, fowl].
  • 046 pa̋ute, nestling [> Latin putus, boy].
  • 047 pűűnże, cock, rooster [> Kannada puñja, cock].


  • 048 d̨a̋ge, fish [> Japanese ùo, fish].


  • 049 mixűle, lizard [> Georgian xvl-iḳ-, lizard].
  • 050 mǫ̋lge, salamander [> German Molche, salamander].
  • drv m̃e̋ipe, snake [< m̃e̋ipa, i.v. writhe, wriggle].
  • cpd raasd̨a̋ge, tadpole [< ra̋a̋se, frog; d̨a̋ge, fish].
  • drv tı̋ȝe, constrictor [< tı̋ȝa, t.v. constrict].
  • 051 t̨a̋a̋me, tortoise [> Tamil yāmai, tortoise].
  • 052 że̋be, toad [> Mingrelian žvabu-, frog].


  • 053 aha̋ine, tick [> Guipuzkoan akain, tick].
  • 054 aske̋re, grasshopper [ > Greek ἀκρίς, grasshopper].
  • cpd aasm̃őrme , glowworm [< a̋a̋sa, i.v. glow; m̃őrme, worm].
  • 055 ba̋be, spider [web-building] [> Georgian borbala-, spider].
  • 056 dőőme, mosquito [> Kannada dōme, mosquito].
  • 057 gőpe, grasshopper [> Malto qopo, grasshopper].
  • 058 he̋e̋me, caterpillar [> Albanian dhémje, caterpillar].
  • 059 kontőőre, maggot .
  • 060 k̨űme, engorged tick.
  • 061 mı̋ı̋de, gnat [> English mite].
  • 062 n̨eze̋de, crab [> Tamil ñaṇṭu, crab].
  • 063 pűsle, flea. [> English flea].
  • 064 pűze, larva, grub [> Malto pocru, larva].
  • 065 sı̋ro, nit [> Tamil īr, nit].
  • 066 ṡe̋le, hunting spider. [> Tamil cilanti, spider].
  • 067 ṡı̋ı̋me, bug.
  • 068 t̨e̋e̋e, moth [> Latin tinea, larva].


  • 069 k̬ǫ̋me, leech [> Lithuanian kirmėlė, worm].
  • 070 m̃őrme, worm [> English worm].


  • 071 arűto, seal skin.
  • 072 aṡőko, fish bone.
  • 073 ma̋is|o, velvet [antlers] [> Sanskrit meṣá-, fleece]. m̃i~a, i.v. shed velvet.
  • cpd b̨uðde̋e̋lo, ruff [pigeons] [< b̨űdo, curl; de̋e̋lo, collar].
  • cpd ð̬esȝa̋mo, blowhole [< ð̬esa, i.v. breathe; ȝa̋mo, hole].
  • cpd eeþte̋fo, eider down. [< e̋e̋þe, eider duck; te̋fo, down)
  • 074 e̋m̃|o, fin [> Finnish evä, fin]. -i, adj. finny, finlike. -mi, adj. finned.
  • cpd erpe̋d|o, webbed foot [< e̋ro, oar; pe̋do, foot]. -mi, adj. web-footed.
  • 075 ga̋to, fur on an animal’s foot [> Japanese kutsú, shoe].
  • 076 ge̋e̋vo, gill [> English jowl].
  • 077 ǧı̋ı̋no, hide, pelt.
  • cpd hásṡalűfo, carapace [< ha̋ṡe, back; ṡalűfo, turtle shell].
  • 078 ke̋lso, spine, quill [on animals].
  • 079 kupe̋no, fish bladder [> Finnish kupinas, fish bladder].
  • cpd k̬ál|geuðṡ̬ı̋lo, ambergris [< k̬a̋le, whale; geudo, gut; ṡ̬ı̋lo, wax]. -niimṡ̬ı̋lo [< nı̋ı̋mo, head; ṡ̬ı̋lo, wax], spermaceti. -niim̈a̋żo, whale head oil [< nı̋ı̋mo, head; ma̋żo, oil]. –piim̈a̋żo [< pı̋ı̋mo, fat; ma̋żo, oil], whale blubber oil. -pı̋ı̋mo [< pı̋ı̋mo, fat], whale blubber.
  • cpd muþpőɫo, scut [< műta, t.v. cut off; pőło, tail].
  • cpd m̃eeȝa̋mo, blowhole [< m̃e̋e̋a, i.v. blow; ȝa̋mo, hole].
  • cpd m̃isrı̋ı̋so, fang [< m̃ı̋so, venom; rı̋ı̋so, tooth].
  • cpd nérṡalűfo, plastron [< néra, under; ṡalűfo, turtle shell].
  • 080 nı̋ı̋b|o, bill, beak. -a, i.v. bill. -i, adj. -billed.
  • 081 nűko, snout, muzzle, trunk [> Lithuanian snùki-s, snout].
  • cpd n̨óóft̬alta̋im̃o, lore [< n̨óópa, before; t̬a̋lo, eye; ta̋im̃o, region].
  • 082 ǫ̋fo, fluke, tail of sea mammal.
  • drv pe̋nlo, spinning orifice, spinneret [< pe̋na, t.v. spin; -lo, instrument suffix].
  • 083 pı̋ı̋no, pectoral fin [> English fin].
  • 084 pőɫ|o, tail. -i, adj. –tailed [> Mordovinian pulo, tail].
  • cpd seef|be̋so, tentacle [< se̋e̋pa, t.v. grasp; be̋so, arm]. -pőɫo, prehensile tail.
  • 085 sőőmo scale [> Finnish suomu, scale].
  • cpd šempe̋do, flipper [< še̋ma, i.v. swim; pe̋do, foot].
  • 086 s̨ű|do, cloven hoof [> Uzbek siɣraq, cloven hoof]. -ðmi, adj. cloven-hoofed.
  • 087 ṡa̋a̋r|o, antler [> English keratin]. -a, i.v. grow antlers. -mi, adj. antlered.
  • 088 ṡalűfo, turtle shell [> German Halfter, halter].
  • cpd ṡax|pe̋zo, furcula [< ṡa̋xo, tree fork; pe̋zo, bone]. -ṡa̋a̋ro, forked antler.
  • 089 ṡı̋|do, horn [of an ungulate] > Kolami sit-, gore]. -di, adj. horned. -ðko , antenna.
  • 090 ṡilűƣo, dorsal fin [> Inupik sulūn, dorsal fin].
  • 091 ṡőőgo, peacock’s tail [> Kannada sōge, peacock’s tail].
  • 092 ṡőnxo, shell [> English conch].
  • 093 ṡűƣo, baleen, whale-bone.
  • cpd tamɠődo, gizzard [< ta̋ma, t.v. chew; ɠődo, stomach].
  • 094 ta̋a̋zo, hinge [of shells].
  • 095 tűƣ|o, tusk [> Yupik tuɣǝʁ-, tusk]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. gore with tusks.
  • cpd t̨oola̋mo, tapetum [< t̨őőla, t.v. reflect; a̋mo, skin].
  • 096 va̋k|o, claw [ > Malto bake, forceps]. -a, i.v. claw. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. claw.
  • 097 va̋nso, crop, maw [> Tulu bañji, stomach].
  • cpd veeðva̋ko, talon [< ve̋e̋ða, hunt; va̋ko, claw].
  • cpd xast̬a̋lo, compound eye [< xa̋so, net; t̬a̋lo, eye].
  • 098 xűn|o, shed skin. -a, i.v. shed-, cast-, -the skin, exuviate, molt. -ra, ecdysis.
  • 099 x̨űṡ|o, paw. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. paw.


  • cpd babőőrno , spider web, cobweb [< ba̋be, spider; őőrno, web].
  • cpd beemta̋se, host [for parasites] [< be̋e̋ma, t.v. extend hospitality to; ta̋se, animal].
  • 100 dűp|o, nest [> Kolami tuppa, nest]. -a, i.v. nest. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. nest.
  • pol ðűno, [beaver’s] lodge [< ðűno, citadel].
  • drv éperı̋ȝo, sounder [< epe̋re, boar; -ı̋ȝo, collective suffix].
  • drv ge̋m|le, predator, predatory animal [< ge̋ma, t.v. prey upon]. -aþe, prey (animal).
  • 101 kűð|o, frog-, fish-, -spawn, roe [ > Finnish kute-, spawn]. -a, i.v. spawn.
  • 102 lőpo, nest of rodents.
  • cpd mokőőuȝo, fly-blow, fly egg. [< mőke, fly; őőuȝo, egg].
  • cpd moxra̋ȝo, molehill [< mőxe, mole; ra̋ȝo, hill].
  • pol m̃ı̋ı̋s|o, venom [< m̃ı̋ı̋so, poison]. -i, adj. venomous. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. envenom. -t̬i, anti-venin.
  • cpd m̃iṡa̋a̋ra, i.v. shed antlers [< m̃i-, conversive prefix; ṡa̋a̋ra, grow antlers].
  • 103 rűṡo, cocoon.
  • 104 sa̋nko, bird dung [> Turkish sank, bird dung].
  • 105 ṡa̋ð|o, rut [> Finnish suota, mare herd]. -a, i.v. rut. -ke̋isa, rutting season.
  • 106 ṡı̋t|o, lair, den.

Total: 107/0+0 = 0%


male female young
fowl pűűnże f̨a̋ne bőőde
bird pűűnże f̨a̋ne pa̋ute
mammal ȝőre zűre be̋ke
ungulate be̋ȝe a̋lte e̋nge
wisent gőle e̋rme na̋rge
yak pa̋rse le̋sme pőrþe
goat vűże ke̋e̋że kı̋ðe
sheep me̋se mőise bilőṡe
large deer ɠűle sűűke pőṡe
small deer x̨őre műűne pőṡe
reindeer sa̋rte þa̋rbe na̋me
elk, moose ma̋nde s̨ore̋xe ne̋fle
ass kűnge ṡ̨a̋de sa̋rfe
boar hőre sűűe ta̋a̋ne
camel þőőre þ̨űűþe ǧa̋lde
bear tala̋a̋ke kara̋de műme