Senjecas geography
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Pronunciation table
p | b | f | v | m̃ | m | t | d | þ | ð | ɫ | l | ṡ | ż | s | z | r | n | k | g | x | ƣ | h | ȝ | š | s̨ | i | e | a | ǫ | o | u | ĭ | ĕ | ŭ | ||||||||||||
/p/ | /b/ | /ɸ/ | /β/ | /m̥/ | /m/ | /t/ | /d/ | /θ/ | /ð/ | /l̥/ | /l/ | /ʦ/ | /ʣ/ | /s/ | /z/ | /ɾ̥/ | /n/ | /k/ | /g/ | /ç/ | /ʝ/ | /j̊/ | /j/ | /sʷ/ | /sʲ/ | /i/ | /e/ | /ä/ | /ɒ/ | /o/ | /u/ | /ɪ/ | /ɛ/ | /ʊ/ |
- Africa, afrı̋ka
- America, ámerı̋ka
- America, Central, meþámerı̋ka
- America, North, kuðámerı̋ka
- America, South, lum̃ámerı̋ka
- Antarctica, ȝeƣna̋a̋la (ice land)
- Asia, a̋s̨a
- Australia, austĕra̋l̨a
- Eurasia, eura̋s̨a
- Europe, eurőpa
- Algeria, mázƣandı̋mos (Mazƣan Islands)
- Angola, angőla
- Bahrain, d̬oma̋ra (two seas land)
- Benin, főn̨a (land of the Fon)
- Botswana, ṡ̬a̋n̨a (Tswana land)
- Cameroon, sa̋on̨a (land of the Sao)
- Cape Verde, ðálsirdı̋mos (green cape islands)
- Comoros, zeerdı̋mos (moon islands)
- Djibouti, żibűt̨a
- Egypt, kuma̋ta
- Eritria, pűnta
- Ethiopia , áþt̨ab̨a
- Ivory coast, ȝe̋e̋nriisk̨űda
- Lesotho, sőþ̨a (land of the Sotho)
- Libya, libűn̨a (land of the Libu)
- Madagascar, mádagásika̋ra
- Mauretania, ma̋ur̨a (land of the Mauri)
- Morocco, mara̋ka
- Namibia, na̋m̨a (land of the Nama)
- Rwanda, řa̋nda
- Senegal, m̃olőf̨a (land of the Wolofs)
- Sierra Leone, bíírmoonı̋ȝa (lion mountain range)
- Somalia, sama̋a̋l̨a (land of the Somalis)
- Tanganyika, tángan̨ı̋ka
- Tanzania, tanza̋n̨a
- Togo, e̋vn̨a (land of the Ewe)
- Uganda, ga̋nd̨a (land of the Ganda)
- Zambia, zámbezme̋xa (Zambezi nation)
- Zanzibar, konk̨űda (black coast)
- Zimbabwe, kala̋nɠa (land of the Kalanga)
- Afghanistan, pastűn̨a (land of the Pashtuns)
- Assyria, áṡuura̋a̋ȝa
- Bangladesh, va̋nga
- Bhutan, burűxpa
- Brunei, vurűna
- Burma, bama̋r̨a (land of the Bamar)
- Cambodia, kámpuṡe̋a
- Ceylon, veðdı̋mo (island of the Veddas)
- China, ha̋n̨a (land of the Han)
- India, ǫnsı̋nð̨a (beyond Indus River land)
- Iraq, urűk̨a
- Iran, eera̋a̋n̨a
- Israel, ȝísrae̋la
- Japan, nihőna
- Kazakhstan, kaza̋k̨a (land of the Kazakhs)
- Korea, kogűr̨a
- Kuwait, faila̋ka
- Kyrgyzstan, kirkűr̨a
- Laos, la̋on̨a (land of the Lao)
- Lebanon, foinı̋xs̨a (land of the Phoenicians)
- Malaya, mela̋in̨a (land of the Malays)
- Malaysia meláiƣeðme̋xa (Malay federation)
- Mongolia, dőnƣ̨a (land of the Donghu)
- Nepal, nem̃a̋r̨a (land of the Newar)
- Persia, pa̋a̋rsa
- Philippines, fílipı̋nas
- Qatar, kata̋ra
- Saudi Arabia, sáudara̋b̨a
- Singapore, síngapűra
- Sri Lanka, la̋nka
- Swaziland, ša̋z̨a (land of the Swazi)
- Syria, sűra
- Taiwan, táȝua̋na
- Tajikistan, tażı̋k̨a (land of the Tajiks)
- Thailand, ta̋in̨a (land of the Thai)
- Timor, timőra
- Turkey, ha̋t̨a (land of the Hatti)
- Turkmenistan, oƣűz̨a (land of the Oghuz)
- Uzbekistan, uzbe̋k̨a (land of the Uzbeks)
- Vietnam, v̨e̋t̨a (land of the Viet)
- Yemen, sa̋ba
- Cuba, kűba
- Dominican Republic, k̬isk̬e̋ȝa
- Haiti, aȝı̋t̨a
- Jamaica, xaima̋ka
- Nevis, ua̋la
- Puerto Rico, bórike̋na
- St. Kitts, l̨am̌ı̋ga
- Trinidad, ka̋ira
- Tobago, alúbae̋ra
- Albania, ilı̋r̨a
- Andorra, andőra
- Armenia, hain̨a (land of Hay)
- Austria, austa̋ima (eastern region)
- Azerbaijan, aþrópate̋na
- Bavaria, bőin̨a (land of the Boii)
- Belarus, pairűs̨a (white Russia)
- Belgium, bélɠa
- Bohemia, boinőma (home of the Boii)
- Bosnia, bősn̨a
- Britain, pírita̋n̨a
- Bulgaria, þara̋k̨a (land of the Thracians)
- Croatia, xóroa̋þ̨a (land of the Croats)
- Cyprus, rauðdı̋mo (copper island)
- Czech Republic, boinőma (home of the Boii)
- Denmark, dan̨a (land of the Danes)
- England, ange̋l̨a (land of the Angles)
- Estonia, estĕme̋xa (eastern nation))
- Finland, sa̋m̨̃a (land of the Saami)
- France, fara̋nk̨a (land of the Franks)
- Georgia, kártave̋l̨a (land of the Kartvelians)
- Germany, germa̋n̨a (land of the Germans)
- Greece, muka̋n̨a (land of the Mycenaeans)
- Herzegovina, hérṡĕgovı̋na
- Holy See, nőiva se̋da
- Hungary, panőn̨a
- Iceland, ȝeƣdı̋ma (ice island)
- Ireland, ive̋r̨a
- Italy, enőþr̨a
- Liechtenstein, f̨oþta̋a̋ina (light stone)
- Lithuania, l̨eetűv̨a
- Luxemburg, pinðűna
- Macedonia, mákedőn̨a (land of the Macedonians)
- Malta, melı̋ta
- Mann, Isle of, mandı̋ma
- Monaco, monőika
- Montenegro, dóxlea̋t̨a (land of the Docleatae)
- The Netherlands, níterna̋a̋las
- Norway, kuða̋t̨a
- Portugal, lúsita̋n̨a (land of the Lusitanians)
- Rumania, da̋k̨a (land of the Dacians)
- Russia, rűs̨a (land of the Rus)
- San Marino, sáxmarı̋na
- Scotland, káledőn̨a (land of the Caledonians)
- Serbia, se̋rb̨a (land of the Serbs)
- Slovakia, nı̋þra
- Slovenia, kórota̋na
- Spain, ibe̋r̨a
- Sweden, še̋d̨a (land of the Swedes)
- Switzerland, helve̋t̨a (land of the Helvetii)
- Ukraine, sarma̋t̨a (land of the Sarmatians)
- United Kingdom, ƣőda reeƣa̋a̋ra
- Vatican City, vátika̋na rı̋ȝa
North America
- America, United States of, amérika̋s ƣődo mexne̋mos, A.Q.M.
- U.S.A., aƣa̋ma
- The Bahamas, baha̋ma
- Canada, cana̋da
- Costa Rica, ɫenk̨űda (rich coast)
- Guatemala, meeha̋iṡa (many trees)
- Honduras, ǧaiműra
- Mexico, meṡı̋k̨a (land of the Mexicas)
- Nicaragua, níkara̋n̨a (land of the Nicarao)
- Panama, pana̋ma
- Paraguay, ǧara̋n̨a (land of the Guaraní)
- Fiji, vı̋ta
- Nauru, na̋uřa
- Samoa, samőa
- Tonga, tőnga
- Tuvalu, bindı̋mos (eight islands)
- Vanuatu, vaňa̋t̬a
South America
- Argentina, kúrdaame̋xa (silver river country)
- Bolivia, bolı̋v̨a
- Brazil, várazı̋la
- Chile, ṡı̋la
- Colombia, kolőmb̨a
- Ecuador, v̌eeþme̋ða (earth waist)
- Guyana, meea̋a̋ma (many flowing waters)
- Peru , aima̋r̨a (land of the Aymara)
- Suriname, súrina̋ma
- Venezuela, véneže̋la
States, Provinces, etc.
- St. Helena, sáxhele̋na
- Galilee, galı̋la
- Judah, ȝehűd̨a
- Judea, ȝéhude̋a
- Mesopotamia, énterda̋a̋n̨a
- Zion, ṡiȝőőna
- Crimea, ta̋ur̨a (land of the Tauri)
- Faroe Islands, om̃dı̋mos
- Holstein, holke̋t̨a (land of the Holcetae)
- Gibraltar, ǧarka̋lpa
- Guernsey, lı̋s̨a
- Jersey, a̋nɠa
- Kosovo, darda̋n̨a (land of the Dardanians)
- Latium, la̋t̨a (land of the Latins)
- Sicily, sika̋n̨a (land of the Sicani)
- Touraine, turőn̨a (land of the Turones)
- Wales, ke̋mr̨a (land of the Cymry)
North America
- Mississippi, mezda̋a̋n̨a
South America
- French Guyana, fara̋nka meea̋a̋m̨a
American capitals
- Asuncion, asűns̨on
- Belize, belı̋za
- Bogota, bogota̋
- Brasilia, bárazı̋l̨a
- Buenos Aires, vaðga̋a̋l̨a
- Caracas, kara̋ka
- Cayenne, kaȝe̋na
- Godthåb, vadı̋ṡ̨a
- Georgetown, géorgĕrı̋ı̋ka
- Guatemala City, kamínal̨űȝu
- Hamilton, hámiltőna
- Havana, haba̋na
- Kingston, reeƣrı̋ı̋ka
- La Paz/Sucre, mı̋r̨a/ṡa̋rka
- Lima, ı̋sma
- Managua, mánah̬a̋ka
- Mexico City, méṡixrı̋ȝa
- Montevideo, montévide̋a
- Nassau, nasa̋ua
- Ottawa, ota̋m̃a
- Panama City, pánamrı̋ȝa
- Paramaribo, parámarı̋ba
- Port-au-Prince, ásurxa̋pa
- Port-of-Spain, íberxa̋pa
- Quito, kı̋ta
- San Jose, sa̋ku ȝose̋fu
- San Salvador, sa̋ku ne̋slu
- Santo Domingo, sa̋ku dóminı̋ku
- Tegucigalpa, kur̈a̋ȝa
- Washington, uaṡı̋nton
E.U. capitals
- Amsterdam, ámstelpa̋ða
- Athens, aþe̋na
- Berlin, berlı̋na
- Bratislava, barátisla̋va
- Brussels, vúruxse̋la
- Bucharest, búkure̋sta
- Budapest, ak̬ı̋nka
- Copenhagen, faarlĕxa̋pa
- Dublin, duvlı̋na
- Helsinki , helsı̋nga
- Luxemburg, lúxsemðűna
- Lisbon, lisbőa
- Ljubljana, l̨uvl̨a̋na
- London, londı̋n̨a
- Madrid , maþrı̋da
- Nicosia, le̋ðra
- Paris, párisrı̋ȝa
- Prague, para̋ha
- Riga, rı̋ga
- Rome, rőma
- Skopje, sukűpa
- Sofia, se̋rd̨a
- Stockholm, áƣnafı̋ta
- Talinn, talı̋na
- Valetta, vale̋ta
- Vienna, víndobőna
- Vilnius, vı̋lna
- Warsaw, varṡa̋va
- Zagreb, kaftőla
Non-E.U. capitals of Europe
- Andorra la Vella, sénandőra
- Kiev, k̨e̋va
- Minsk, m̨enı̋ska
- Moscow, moskőva
- Podgorica, bírzimı̋n̨a
- San Marino, sánmarı̋na
- Sarajevo, sáraȝe̋va
- Vaduz, fadűṡa
- Reykjavik, réxȝarvı̋ka
- Tbilisi, tíbilı̋sa
- Baku, baðkűba
- Yerevan, érebűna
- Tirana, tira̋na
- Douglas, duƣla̋sa
- Belgrade, pairı̋ȝa
Other Cities
- Bethany, beþa̋n̨a
- Bethlehem, béþlexe̋ma
- Calais, kale̋ta
- Hong Kong, naaðxa̋fa
- Jerusalem, urúṡalı̋ma
- Milan, méd̨ola̋na
- Nazareth, nasra̋ta
- Nice, nika̋ȝa
- Turin, taura̋s̨a
Physical features
- Aegean Sea, múkanĭma̋re
- Amu Darya, lúm̃d̬intĕda̋a̋e
- Arctic Ocean, kuðtı̋ı̋rte
- Atlantic Ocean, m̃estı̋ı̋rte
- Azov, Sea of, þifma̋re
- Balkan Mountains, m̃ésmoonı̋ȝo
- Black Sea, m̃esma̋re
- British Isles, m̃esdı̋mos
- Caspian Sea, ausma̋re
- Carpathian Mountains, þífmoonı̋ȝo
- Caucaus Mountains, ȝusmármoonı̋ȝo
- Danube River, m̃esda̋a̋e
- Dnieper, meðda̋a̋e
- Dniester, móniida̋a̋e
- Don, þífmarda̋a̋e
- East Indies, ausdı̋mos
- Indian Ocean, lum̃tı̋ı̋rte
- Indus River, sı̋nðe
- Mediterranean Sea, mezma̋re
- Mississippi River, mezda̋a̋e
- Mt. Elbruz, oond̬a̋kos
- Nile River, haxa̋pe
- Pacific Ocean, austı̋ı̋rte
- Southern Bug, pinda̋a̋e
- Syr Darya, kúðd̬intĕda̋a̋e
- Ural Mountains, v̌ééþn̨akı̋ȝo
- Ural River, ausda̋a̋e
- Volga, áusmarda̋a̋e
- West Indies, kárivdı̋mos
- nume̋e̋nta, latitude (celestial)
- numpı̋ðta, longitude (celestial)
- v̌eete̋e̋nta, latitude
- v̌eeþpı̋ðta, longitude
- Latitude is meaured north and south of the equator, the earth’s ‘waist’ (v̌eeþme̋ðo).
- kúðv̌eete̋e̋nta – north latitude
- lúm̃v̌eeþpı̋ðta – south latitude
- Longitude is meaured east and west of a line from pole to pole through Mt. Elbrus (oond̬a̋kos – "highest-two-peaks") in the Caucasus Mountains (43° 21' 18" N; 42° 26' 21"E).
- áusv̌eeþpı̋ðta – east longitude
- m̃ésv̌eeþpı̋ðta – west longitude