Senjecas Travel

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

1. On arrival

Customs Your passport, please. Here is my passport. Are you together? I'm traveling alone. I'm traveling with my wife/husband. I'm here on business/holiday. You must fill in a customs form.
taƣdásxefm̃e̋e̋so (tdxm̃) tu-taƣdőro. tum sőőra: mu-taƣdőro íðu e̋sa: ȝu ṡómu e̋same: mu ka̋im̃u ta̋ƣa: mu-kőzum/me̋rtum súna ta̋ƣa: mu t̨uðős/saraha̋s éra íðu e̋sa: tu táƣxefbı̋ı̋ðom pe̋e̋lu ke̋la:
travel-tax-house your-passport, please my-passport here is you together are-? I alone travel my-wife with travel I business/holiday for here am you tax-paper fill must
How long are you staying here? How much money do you have? I have ... dollars. Which is your luggage? This is my luggage. That is my bag. Have you anything to declare?
tu xőta a̋han íðu ɠą̋la: tu xőto pı̋ı̋nom űða: mu ... dola̋ron űða: xo tu-táƣivkı̋ȝo vűűa: so mu-táƣivkı̋ȝo vűűa: no mu-ma̋ko vűűa: tu k̬énom m̃a̋iþu ƣe̋vame:
you how.many days here stay you how.much money own I ... dollars own which your-luggage is this my-luggage is that my-bag is you anything declare have-?
I have only my personal things in it. Open this bag. Can I shut my case? May I go? Do I pay customs duty for these things? Where is the information bureau? Porter, here is my luggage.
mu nós éna sóólvi mu-homűðon ƣe̋va: i-ı̋vkom lure̋ȝa: mu-ı̋vkom paxe̋ȝame: mu ate̋ȝame: mu i-m̃ekőm túȝa táƣdasxe̋pom þa̋mame: ȝezm̃e̋e̋so xáru e̋sa: nexlű1. mu-táƣivkı̋ȝo íðu e̋sa:
I it in only my-personal.things have this-bag open my-case may.shut-? I may.go-? I this-things for duty pay-? information-bureau where is porter my-luggage here is


1In the vocative case the accent is on the last syllable.

Would you call a taxi? Take my bags to a taxi. Where is the men's/ladies' room? What's the price for each piece of luggage I shall take this myself. That's not mine. How much do I owe you?
tú kuusm̃e̋ƣom hame̋ȝame: kuusm̃e̋ƣom do mu-ma̋kon nexe̋ȝa: m̃irte̋ro/ǧente̋ro xáru e̋sa: taƣívkiȝős nı̋ı̋go le̋mko xőtom xe̋pa: mu-mı̋u som u-ne̋xa: no mús e̋sa ne: mu tús o xőtom vűűma:
you taxi taxi to my-bags take men's-room/ladies'-room where is luggage each piece how-much costs my-self this shall-carry that is not I you to how.much owe
Where can I change money? What is the rate of exchange? How much do you wish to exchange?
pı̋ı̋nom xáru ṡ̨őgu ma̋ƣa: xa ṡ̨oga̋s me̋a vűűa: tu xőta ṡ̨őgu m̃e̋ṡa:
money where can what exchange rate is you how.much wish

2. Buying a ticket

Where's the nearest travel agency? Have you a timetable? What's the tourist return fare to ...? How much is it first/second class to ...? Three singles to ... Return ticket Half fare
ȝŭȝőbo1 taƣm̃e̋e̋so xáru e̋sa: tu ténpafn̨a̋rom ƣe̋vame: taƣlűs náántaƣxe̋po xőto e̋sa: þűnta/d̬őta pa̋fa ... do xőto e̋sa: tı̋r áþtaƣhe̋nos ... do náántaƣhe̋no féltaƣxe̋po
nearest where is you timetable have.? tourist's return-fare how.much is first/second class ... to how.much is three ... to return.ticket half.fare


1The comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives are made by reduplicating the first letter.

How long is this ticket valid? A book of tickets Is there a supplementary charge?
i-taƣhe̋no xőta a̋han f̨űdo e̋sa: táƣhenı̋ȝo m̃őőgo xe̋po vűűlame:
this-ticket how.many days valid is additional cost