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Béu : Chapter 9 : Word Building

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TW 415.png Welcome to béu

..... Assembling word

Many béu words can be analysed as being constructed from more basic elements.

In chapter 5 we showed how a noun could be made out of two basic nouns.

Here are some more examples ;-

bái to raise gwaino = a machine gwaino bái = "a machine of levitation" => baino = a lift or an elevator
nandau = a word toili = a book toili nandau = "a book of words" => nandɘli = a dictionary
limba = a tongue or language megau = a body of knowledge, megau limba = "the study of language" => limbəgau = linguistics

And below is a list of the most common words that are made this way. They are grouped according to their tail element.


... Fish ... -SI


fish (uncountable) = fiʒi

cuttlefish = byoʒi


... Side ... -ʔA


ʔá = side

aibaʔa = a triangle

ugaʔa = a square

idaʔa = a pentagon

elaʔa = a hexagon

ò atas nambo = he/she is above the house ... however if "house" is understood, and mention of it is dropped, we must add ʔa to atas ... for example ...

ò atasʔa = he/she is above

dauniʔa = underneath

liʒiʔa = on the left hand side

luguʔa = on the right hand side

noldo, suldo, westa, istu niaka, muaka faceside backside etc. etc.


... Tree ... -PO


trees = ʔupo


Apple trees = amapo

Mango trees = byopo


... Shop ... -FU


shop/stall = kanfu


kanfu pabla = a stall .... "stall" usually simply designated as pabla "table"

gozəfu = a fruit shop, a fruit stall


... Fish ... -SAI


a/the fish (countable) = fizai

a cuttlefish = byozai


... Leaf ... -PAI


a leaf = lapai


Apple tree leaf = almapai

Mango tree leaf = byopai

etc. etc. etc.


... Liquid ... -SE


water = moze


almaze = apple juice

koize = orange juice

habian = bee

bianze = honey ... (some erosion here)

fainze = sauce  : fáin = to enrich


... Group ... -DE


This one deletes the last vowel of the root if attached to a diphthong ...... like -ko or -da or -la.

doIde = a mountain range < dòi

alhade = a bunch of flowers

bodede = a flock of birds

gwaIde = an archipelago < gwái

fizade = a school of fish

ʔupode = forest

ampede = a society, an association < ampeu

lentode = a league

pullde = a team, a club

kodade = cooperative < kodai

treatyde = alliance

doikade = a gang, a band


... Book or -LI


A book = toili


.. Tool ... -MO


gaumo = a tool


This is actually an infix. It signifies a tool that facilitates the action. For example ...

kludau = to write : kludamo = a pen

solbe = to drink : solbemo = a straw

cwá = to cross : cwamo = a bridge

kwè = to turn : kwemo = an axle

bái = to rise : baimo = a ladder

An interesting extention of the above is baiməfan meaning "index", "table of contents", "look up table" or "list"

It means literally "a duo of ladders" ... the idea behind this word can be seen below ...

TW 923.png

In English "list" can be thought of as one dimensional ... in béu however, two dimentional ... either with a column numbering each item, or a column for ticking off after an item has been dealt with (bought).

Table or matrix are translated using the ...béu word for "net".

slòi = to flow : sloimo = drains

gàu to do : gaumo = a tool

pila = to set/place/position/to put something in its proper position and orientation : pilamo = the 17 particles that show "case"


... Fellow ... -PEU


ampeu = a comrade, a fellow, a peer, someone of the same social status as you and on friendly terms with you. Not exactly a friend but you rub along with this person for mutual advantage. Emotionally neutral ... between friend and enemy.


polji = womb ... poljəpeu = a twin

hodo = class (in a school) ... hodəpeu = a class mate

donəpeu = a companion

yearpeu = somebody born in the same year as you

namepeu = a namesake, somebody with the same name as you

countrypeu = a compatriate

gòs = aim, objective, purpose, goal ... gospeu = a comrade, a fellow traveller

All these words are their own plural


... Station ... -HEU


farm = anhèu


ngeuheu = an airport

hauheu = a school

gaudoheu = factory

tunheu = a townhall .... tun = rule, power

The original meaning of anhèu is "farm" .... i.e. a sort of spread out place where many activities take place. There are store houses and/or workshops related to these different activities plus a fair amount of open space.

From this original meaning, hèu has become an affix with the meaning "station". As in police station, army base, petrol station, townhall etc. etc.


... Word ... -DAU


A word = nandau

sky.sound = a vowel = a diphthong or a triphthong sky.sound. nyo = a vowel OR a diphthong/triphthong

earth.sound = a consonant = a consonant cluster earth.sound.nyo = a consonant OR a consonant cluster


.. Wagon ... -WEU


A vehicle = wèu


.. Place ... -DA


kludau = to write : kludada = a scriptorium

flò = to eat : floda = a restaurant

solbe = to drink : solbeda = a bar


.. Master ... -GU


= master, lord

gwí = lady mistress




Also some agjectives from this construction ...

taigu = free < self.master

mpugu = democratic


.. Mistress ... -GWI


.. Machine ... -NYO


ploinyo = a machine


plòi = to use : ploinyo = a machine

gàu = to do : gaunyo = a robot

blá = to speak : blanyo = the telephone

= to think : wenyo = a computer

ngeu = to fly : ngeunyo = an aeroplane

bái = to rise : bainyo = an elevator

kwè = to turn : kwenyo = lathe

mwé = to see : mwenyo = TV


wèu = a vehicle : weunyo = a motor, an engine


.. Building ... -DO


bundo = building ... from the verb ... bunda = "to build"


gaudo = workshop


.. Face/Side ... -ʔAU


For 2D stretch ... but typically non-horizontal ... a horizontal stretch would be a field.


.. Container ... -COI


A container = mencoi


.. Air/gas ... -LU


Air/gas = kalu


hydrogen =

helium = koilu

neon = unmixinglu second

argon = unmixinglu third

krupton = unmixinglu forth

clean = cadai ....

chlorine = cadakuzlu < cadakuʒi-lu

bromine = cadakuze < cadakuʒi-ze

iodine = cadakuʒi- ???

strontium = caimoi fairy metal


.. Member ... -CO


This one deletes the last vowel of the root if attached to a diphthong ...... like -ko or -da or -la.

kuda = a shop

kudaco = a shop assistant

beco = an active member of the béu community ... as opposed to a beumai who follows béu in a private manner ???


.. Metal ... -MOI

metal = delmoi


copper = ʔolimoi

bronze = pwemoi

iron/steel = gumoi

tin = fujemoi

lead = wobumoi

aluminium = yekimoi

zinc <= needle ??

gold = koimoi ... kòi = sun, day (24 hours)

silver = deumoi ... dèu = moon


.. Language ... -BA


A tongue, a language = limba


.. Small bird ... -DAI


bodai = small birds


.. Small birds ... -DI


bodi = a small bird


.. Subject ... -GAU


A field of study, a subject = megau


peugəŋgau = the entirety of human knowledge

slaigau = calculus


.. Stuff/powder ... -YO


powder = ponyo

bunduyo = cement

wheatyo = flour

maizeyo = maize flour

ʔazwoyo = milk powder

fainyo = condiment : fáin = to enrich


.. Volume/room ... -ʔAI


daʔai = volume, room

moʃiʔai = water room = bathrooom

= bedroom

= cookroom

= livingroom

= store room


.. Belief/theory ... - GAI


.. Fruits/nuts/berries ... -SO


gozo = fruit


apple = almazo

orange = koizo < sun fruit

mango = byozo


We do not want a "unit", "boat".

⁕⁕nandauli is a good example of béu word building. toili = book, nandau = word, toili nandaun = book of words. However if two words such as these geudidau means extended word. It is also a good example of an extended word, in itself.

geuda is a verb meanbéuing to extend in one direction (usually not up). geudo is an noun meaning an extension or appendix. geudi is an adjective meaning extended.

nandau geudi = extended word ... now when a noun and a following adjective occur together a lot (and maybe take on a meaning slightly different) the concept they represent is normally upgraded to a word, by deleting all but the last CV (consonant vowel) in the first word, and sticking this CV on to the end of the second word.

Hence we get geudidau. In theory there is no limit to the combinations that can occur. However in practice (outside of technical language) there are slightly under a hundred different CV's, and the number of elements that every CV can combine with, varies from 3 or 4 up to about 40.

In English we have a number of common endings, such as "-ism", "-ology", "ist", etc. etc. In béu the end-stuck CV's can be thought of as equivalent to these English endings : the main difference is that this word building process is much more prevalent in béu.

The CV -dau (from nandau) is found in combination with a number of other elements. For example ;-

Note that in the last example, the meaning of the extended word has shifted a bit with respect to the meaning of the original words.

It is possible to extend further an extended word. For example ;-

kaza is an adjective meaning compicated and also is a noun meaning "a complicated thing" or "a complex".

kaza cwipadaun = a complex of a noun => cwipadauza = a noun phrase



  1. Introduction to Béu
  2. Béu : Chapter 1 : The Sounds
  3. Béu : Chapter 2 : The Noun
  4. Béu : Chapter 3 : The Verb
  5. Béu : Chapter 4 : Adjective
  6. Béu : Chapter 5 : Questions
  7. Béu : Chapter 6 : Derivations
  8. Béu : Chapter 7 : Way of Life 1
  9. Béu : Chapter 8 : Way of life 2
  10. Béu : Chapter 9 : Word Building
  11. Béu : Chapter 10 : Gerund Phrase
  12. Béu : Discarded Stuff
  13. A statistical explanation for the counter-factual/past-tense conflation in conditional sentences