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Tōžetăna is the Khulls name for a country located at the southern extreme of the continent of Rilola, the home of all humans on planet Teppala. It is similar in size and shape to Subumpam but its climate is much warmer. Tōžetana stretches from 10°N to 14°N and from 9°E to 13°E. The climate of the entire nation is tropical savanna, with little difference from place to place because the topography is flat. However, there is a marked dry season during the Northern Hemisphere winter, so the climate cannot support a true rainforest.

Tōžetăna was founded in 2131 as Tūġyaităna.[1] Its inhabitants were the dark-skinned Crystal people, who considered themselves a single tribe of people united by their shared religion, language, and way of life.[2] There was a small minority of people who called themselves Pastip, and stood out starkly from the majority because of their pink skin and blonde hair. The Pastip had begun moving into Tūġyaităna about a hundred years earlier, from their homeland of Paba, and were involved in Tūġyaităna's secession from its parent empire, Kxesh. There were also minorities consisting of dark-skinned people who resembled the Crystals visually but did not follow their religion; these people were welcomed by the Crystals, who saw them as allies against the oppressive Gold Empire.


At the time of its founding, Tōžetana spoke the Gold language. This language soon came to be called Khulls. However, the Gold Empire's control over Tožetana was very weak, since the tropical climate allowed the inhabitants to be self-sufficient and not need to rely on the Gold Empire for food. Thus, in Tōžetăna, the Gold language soon developed into another branch of the family, no longer mutually intelligible with Khulls despite their intimate contacts with the peoples of the other areas of the Gold Empire.


  1. Date is approximate, and can only be stated to be "no earlier than 2131". Not 2175 as previously stated; 2175 was the date of a treaty between Tōžetăna and Subumpam.
  2. Wouldnt they be Kxeshians instead?