Tōžetăna is the Khulls name for a country located at the southern extreme of the continent of Rilola, the home of all humans on planet Teppala. It is similar in size and shape to Subumpam but its climate is much warmer.
Tōžetăna was founded in 2175 as Tūġyaităna.[1] Its inhabitants were the dark-skinned Crystal people, who considered themselves a single tribe of people united by their shared religion, language, and way of life.[2] There was a small minority of people who called themselves Pastip, and stood out starkly from the majority because of their pink skin and blonde hair. The Pastip had begun moving into Tūġyaităna about a hundred years earlier, from their homeland of Paba, and were involved in Tūġyaităna's secession from its parent empire, Kxesh.