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Senjecas dict. o

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb kat hir han
o ο o օ ? מֹ ع
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  1. comp = a word made of two or more roots, e.g., oork̬a̋pu, cloth merchant < őőro, cloth; k̬a̋pu, merchant.
  • derv = a word derived from a root, e.g., őrl̨l̨e, eaglet < őre, eagle.
  • poly = a word with a different but related sense, e.g., őőuma, i.v. scheme, intrigue, conspire < őőuma, set up a warp.
  • Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  • o001 őő|da, i.v. flee, take flight, run away, retreat [> Tamil ōṭu, flee]. –ðlu, fugitive.
  • o002 őőða, lunar year [> Finnish vuosi, year].
  • o003 őőfo, [Lithan] clan [> Mongolian ob, clan].
  • o004 őőko, hole in ice. [> Turkish öɣü, hole in ice].
  • o005 őőla, 1. t.v. scorch, singe, sear; toast; carbonize. 2. i.v. water [> Telugu oliki, funeral pyre].
  • o006 őőm|i, adj. raw, unrefined, untanned, undressed, unformed, unwrought, crude, rough. -ta, rawness, roughness, crudeness [> Old Greek ὠμός, raw].
  • o007 őőn|i, adj. tall, high, lofty [inam. obj.]. –ta, height. -u, adv. aloft [> Korean undu, height].
  • comp oor|k̬a̋pu, cloth merchant [< őőro, cloth; k̬a̋pu, merchant ]. -sı̋do, tapestry [< sı̋do, hanging].
  • o008 őős|a, 1. t.v. seize-, catch-, -in the mouth. 2. i.v. enter a-, -river, -channel; mouth. -ne̋mo, mouthpiece [> English oral].
  • poly őőum|a, i.v. contrive a plot, scheme, intrigue, conspire. -lu, plotter, schemer, intriguer, conspirator.-ra, plot, scheme, conspiracy.
  • o009 ő, intrj. vocative particle.
  • o010 o, postp. for, to [indirect object]; to [when there is no motion, e.g. return to work].
  • o011 o-, demon. proclitic, yon [> Turkish o, that].
  • o012 ő|da, 1. t.v. smell, scent (out). 2. i.v. smell, scent. –ðra, (sense of) smell, olfaction. -di, adj. scented, odorous. -do, smell, scent, odor [ > English odor].
  • o013 őg|a, t.v. orphan. –aþu, orphan [ > Korean we, orphan].
  • o014 ői|ki, adj. mad, crazy, insane, daft. –xta, madness, craziness, insanity.
  • o015 őisa, 1. t.v. move-, rush-, -quickly past; run-, fly-, sweep-, -over; cut-, plow-, -through [the waves]; fig. plunge into. 2. i.v. move-, rush-, -quickly past; run-, fly-, sweep-, -over; cut-, plow-, -through [the waves], flit.
  • o016 ői|ta', i.v. swear an oath (by, dása); take an oath [ > English oath]. -to, oath; ~om ȝa̋fa, i.v. perjure. –þȝa̋f=a, perjury, forswear. =a̋a̋gu, perjurer. =m̃i, adj. perjured, forsworn. –þvi, adv. by-, upon-, -oath.
  • o017 ő|ȝa, t.v. remove, take-, -off, -out, -away, omit, detach, rule out, clear [the dishes, the snow, etc.]; eliminate; elide; wash away, rule out [> Tamil oy, carry away]. –ira, removal, omission. -ȝi, adj. removable, detachable.
  • o018 ők|a, 1. t.v. recite. 2. i.v. recite [> Turkish oku-, recite]. –o, recital.
  • o019 ő|la, 1. t.v. tear down, destroy, demolish, raze, wreck. 2. i.v. destroy, havoc, wreck [> English lethal]. -lra, destruction, demolition. -lo, wreck. –l̤u, destroyer, demolisher; sundered adept. -l̨i, adj. destructible.
  • comp oɫ|ȝa̋mo, wormhole. -ka̋a̋ðt̬i, vermicide, vermifuge, anthelminthic. -sa̋a̋r̈a, vermeology.
  • derv őɫ|m̃i, adj. vermicular, pertaining to worms. -ri, adj. wormy, vermiculate, infested with worms.
  • o020 őm|u, army, host, militia [> Georgian om-, war]. -i, adj. military. -xa̋po, army base.
  • o021 őn|a, t.v. burden, load, weigh down, encumber, lade; charge (with, súna) [> English onerous]. -i, adj. burdened, weighted, encumbered, cumbersome, burdensome, onerous, laden, fraught. -o, load, burden, weight; cargo, freight, encumbrance; charge. -þa̋se, beast of burden.
  • o022 ő|pa, t.v. choose, select, pick out, go with; elect, vote; draw [a card] [> English option]. –fda̋so, elective office. –fȝőma, suffrage, franchise. -flu, chooser, elector, voter. –fmi, adj. optional, alternative. –fm̃i, adj. choice, select. -frı̋l=a, age of choice. =i, adj. of the age of choice. –pa, choice, selection, alternative, election, option, adoption. -paþu, delegate. -pi, adj. adopted. -po, choice, selection, vote. -ƥi, adj. eligible.
  • o023 őrb|a, 1. t.v. color-, make-, -purplish-red. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -purplish-red. -i, adj. purplish-red.
  • o024 őr|i, adj. all, whole, complete, total, aught, pan-, omni-, entire, universal [> Gipuzcoan oro, all]. -fa̋a̋ra, t.v. sell out. -ı̋mi, adj. all kinds. -ȝe̋ko, panacea. –ȝumőa, pantheism. -móxsu, adv. much too soon. -sem̨ı̋ȝo, pandect. -s̨a̋fo, cosmos. -ta, wholeness, completeness, thoroughness, entirety. -vi, adv. wholly, completely, thoroughly, all, in all, all the way. -że̋f=e, omnivore. =i, adj. omnivorous.
  • comp őr|f̨őbo, aerie. -t̬a̋lmi, adj. eagle-eyed.
  • derv őr|l̨e, eaglet [< őre, eagle]. -m̃i, adj. aquiline, pertaining to eagles. -ni, adj. aquiline, similar to an eagle.
  • o025 őrm̃-a, t.v. urge (on), impel, importune. -ĕĕra, urgency, importunity. -i, adj. urgent, importunate.
  • o026 őrp|u, tribe. –i, adj. tribal.
  • o027 őrs|o, hind-, back-, -part; crupper [> English ass]. –ĕȝa̋mo, asshole.
  • o028 ő|sa, t.v. incriminate, inculpate, accuse of [> Turkish osal, bad]. -si, adj. guilty, at fault. -sra, guilt. -s̨i, adj. inculpatory. –ta, guilt.
  • o029 ő|ṡa, 1. t.v. speed, accelerate, step up [> English accipiter]. 2. i.v. speed, accelerate. –sta, fastness, rapidity, speed. –svi, adv. fast. -ṡi, adj. fast, rapid.
  • o030 ő|ta, 1. t.v. change places with. 2. i.v. change places [> Japanese utsúr-, change place]. -þlu, changeling.
  • o031 őþ|a, i.v. take lodging [> Jap. utena, high building]. -lu, lodger. -ra, lodging for the night.
  • o032 őun|a, t.v. sanitize. -bı̋ı̋ðo, toilet paper. -ṡ̨űgo, sanitary napkin. -i, adj. sanitary. -t̬i, sanitizer.
  • o033 őuþ|a, t.v. censure, reprehend, condemn. –ra, censure.
  • o034 őx|a, t.v. notch [an arrow], mill; tally, score; tap [> Manchu oki jōro, arrow with wooden head]. -i, adj. jagged, notched. -ȝa̋ro, scorecard. -o, notch, nick; tally, score.
  • o035 őz|a, t.v. torment, molest. –lu, tormenter, molester.