Poswa irregular nouns

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Irregular nouns

Some nouns are prone to syncope in their oblique form and forms derived from the oblique.

Syncope is not the only irregularity, however. Some nouns have other unusual quirks, and could be called the irregulars' irregulars. Some of them feature syncope in addition to their other changes.




The declension of baby "all, whole, entire" is below. This is an unusual word because, although it is considered a noun, it is almost always used immediately after another noun and therefore is seen as a modifier. Thus, it becomes unstressed. It thus has undergone the common sound change bVb ---> b in some of its forms but not others.

Note that this word is etymologically identical with the less common plural ending -by and with the pronoun baby meaning "we", but that the three words diverged long enough ago that the meanings have changed:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative baby babo babe baba babo
(Oblique) bo babo
Accusative bop babop babep babap babop
Locative bom babom babem babam babom
Possessive bos babos babes babas babos
Essive babi babi babul babel babi
Instrumental bub babub babi babob babub


The declension of bivibos "skin" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative bivibos bivibo bivibe biviba
(Oblique) bivibo bivibo bivibe biviba
Accusative bivibop bivibop bivibep bivibap
Locative bivibom bivibom bivibem bivibam
Possessive bivibos bivibos bivibes bivibas
Essive bivibi bivibi bivibul bivibel
Instrumental bivibub bivibub bivibi bivibob
Pisfufi bivibap bomby mabiub.
I covered all of her skin with soap.

This word is historically a compound meaning "soft skin", where the original word for skin was bivi and was compounded with bos "soft object". Thus, it became irregular as it inherited the irregular declension pattern of bos. Bos is no longer used as a standalone noun, but it can appear as a suffix on other nouns, sometimes with the simple meaning "soft" and sometimes with the extended meaning "skin, peel".


The declension of bis "substitute, replacement" is below. Note that this word, like baby, was originally an unstressed form of another noun; in this case, biris, which was first syncopated to bris and then simplified to bis. These were both regular sound changes for unstressed syllables, but not for stressed syllables:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative bis bebo bebe beba bebo
(Oblique) bebo bebo bebe beba bebo
Accusative bebop bebop bebep bebap bebop
Locative bebom bebom bebem bebam bebom
Possessive bebos bebos bebes bebas bebos
Essive bebi bebi bebul bebel bebi
Instrumental bebub bebub bebi bebob bebub

Note that the inflected forms of this word (that is, all but the nominative standalone form) do not have syncope, and thus retain the original /i/ as -e-, because another sound change happened first that removed the environment necessary for the syncope. Also, in some words, the sound change of bris --> bis did not happen, but these words decline the same way as the words ending in bis since the -r- had been removed in all of the inflected forms by another sound change anyway. Also, the full form of the word, biris, is still used as a word by itself, and it has a similar series of forms, the only difference being that the original -i- remains -i- instead of changing to -e-. Thus one can say

Bamba mumbebap pypembaba.
The baby is holding up her pacifier.


Below is the declension for blem "bottle":

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative blem mio mie mia mia
(Oblique) mia mio mie mia mia
Accusative miap miop miep miap miap
Locative miam miom miem miam miam
Possessive mias mios mies mias mias
Essive miel mie miul miel miel
Instrumental miob miub mie miob miob


Below is the declension for blub "milk":

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative blub blwo blwe blwa blwo
(Oblique) blwu blwo blwe blwa blwo
Accusative blwop blwop blwep blwap blwop
Locative blwom blwom blwem blwam blwom
Possessive blwos blwos blwes blwas blwos
Essive blwi blwi blwul blwel blwi
Instrumental blwub blwub blwi blwob blwub

Thus one can say:

Tus,₁ bom₂ blwe₃ miom?₄
Is that₁₂ your milk₃ in my bottle?₄


Note that another common, and very similar, word for milk exists: bub. Bub specifically denotes human breast milk.[1] The two words are related at a very deep level, as blub was long ago originally a compound with bub as its second element, despite the fact that blub has a wider range of meaning. The two declensions are exactly identical save for the presence or absence of the -l- in all forms. Below is the declension for bub "breast milk":

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative bub bwo bwe bwa bwo
(Oblique) bwu bwo bwe bwa bwo
Accusative bwop bwop bwep bwap bwop
Locative bwom bwom bwem bwam bwom
Possessive bwos bwos bwes bwas bwos
Essive bwi bwi bwul bwel bwi
Instrumental bwub bwub bwi bwob bwub

Thus one can say

Plefi!₁ Tus₂ nobellam₃ be₄ bwul?
Whoa!₁ This₄ ice cream₃ is₂ made from your breast milk?


The declension of busipatyt "morning" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative busipatyt busipappo busipappe busipappa busipatto
(Oblique) busipatto busipappo busipappe busipappa busipatwo
Accusative busipattop busipappop busipappep busipappap busipatwop
Locative busipattom busipappom busipappem busipappam busipatwom
Possessive busipattos busipappos busipappes busipappas busipatwos
Essive busipatti busipappi busipappul busipappel busipatwi
Instrumental busipattub busipappub busipappi busipappob busipatwub

The word for "(good) morning" is


This is a regularly derived passive voice verb. However, most speakers prefer the shorter Pattwaža!, which removes the morpheme busi "sun".



The declension of fefappo "metal; hard firm object" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative fefappo fefappypo fefappype fefappypa
(Oblique) fefappwo
Accusative fefappwop fefappypop fefappypep fefappypap
Locative fefappwom fefappypom fefappypem fefappypam
Possessive fefappwos fefappypos fefappypes fefappypas
Essive fefappwi fefappypi fefappypul fefappypel
Instrumental fefappwub fefappypub fefappypi fefappypob
Puvapopi tallobi šaliašub fefappwiba.
I opened the door with my metal key.
Pwawam, swombyži potibemwop fefappwi.
Please, buy me the hard candy.




The declension of kuvar "asymmetrical sphere; irregularly shaped bubble" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative kuvar
(Oblique) kuvvo
Accusative kuvvop
Locative kuvvom
Possessive kuvvos
Essive kuvvi
Instrumental kuvvub



The declension of labal "bed" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative labal lablio lablie lablia lablo
(Oblique) lablo lablio lablie lablia labžo
Accusative lablop labliop labliep labliap labžop
Locative lablom labliom labliem labliam labžom
Possessive lablos lablios lablies lablias labžos
Essive labli lablie labliul labliel labži
Instrumental lablub labliub lablie labliob labžub



The declension of mimap "clumsy person, cripple" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative mimap mimpio mimpie mimpia mimpo
(Oblique) mimpo mimpio mimpie mimpia mimpfo
Accusative mimpop mimpiop mimpiep mimpiap mimpfop
Locative mimpom mimpiom mimpiem mimpiam mimpfom
Possessive mimpos mimpios mimpies mimpias mimpfos
Essive mimpi mimpie mimpiul mimpiel mimpfi
Instrumental mimpub mimpiub mimpie mimpiob mimpfub

This word is often used to denote someone with a disability. It originates from a term denoting something draped over a person, as if to imply that if that person could remove what was on top of them, they could be healthy again. Thus, mimap is often preceded by a word describing a disease or disability.


The declension of mipis "sweetheart, lover" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative mipis mipsio mipsie mipsia mipso
(Oblique) mipso mipsio mipsie mipsia mipšo
Accusative mipsop mipsiop mipsiep mipsiap mipšop
Locative mipsom mipsiom mipsiem mipsiam mipšom
Possessive mipsos mipsios mipsies mipsias mipšos
Essive mipsi mipsie mipsiul mipsiel mipši
Instrumental mipsub mipsiub mipsie mipsiob mipšub


The declension of mom "mom" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative mom mama mamap mamas
(Oblique) mio mamwa mamma
Accusative miop mamap mamwap mammap
Locative miom mamam mamwam mammam
Possessive mios mamas mamwas mammas
Essive mie mamel mamwel mammel
Instrumental miub mamob mamwob mammob

For auditory precision, the 3rd possessive forms are often replaced with the otherwise archaic mia- stem, which is the original regular stem of the word. Thus one can say

Mammas! Mias!
His mom's! His mom's!

The mama forms were originally a formal word, and mom was a familiar term, but the two partially switched places when Poswa changed its grammar somewhat and the words for "my mother", "your mother", and so on became three syllables long. For example, the mia above that survives as an alternate form was, at the time, *mugwaba. Mama came to take over because it was a noun of such an old type that it had effectively monomorphemic forms for its possessives, not needing to take a suffix such as -abo.


The declension of mum "nipples (dual)" is below:

Case Free Possessed
1p 2p 3p
Nominative mum vo ve va
(Oblique) miu
Accusative miup vop vep vap
Locative mium vom vem vam
Possessive mias vos ves vas
Essive miel vi vul vel
Instrumental miob vub vi vob

Because of their brevity, the possessed forms of this noun are convenient but can be easily missed in a conversation since the stem of the noun is reduced to a simple v-. They are also homophonous with several short words, although due to the grammar of Poswa, this does not often lead to confusion. Nevertheless, the possessed forms of this noun are often avoided in favor of using the compound noun mumblop, "nipple eyes".




The declension of pamaš "winter" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pamaš
(Oblique) pampo
Accusative pampop
Locative pampom
Possessive pampos
Essive pampi
Instrumental pampub

Thus one can say

Swo, blob blubo nambvap pampom.
I sleep with my window open in winter.


The declension of pes "hands; hand (plural)" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pes pifo pife pifa pifa
(Oblique) pipa pifo pife pifa pifa
Accusative pipap pifop pifep pifap pifap
Locative pipam pifom pifem pifam pifam
Possessive pipas pifos pifes pifas pifas
Essive pipel pifi piful pifel pifel
Instrumental pipob pifub pifi pifob pifob

This noun does not normally take a plural suffix since it is seen as plural by default.

Pwopwa₁ pifas₂ plopum₃ pilabel.₄
The children₁ dipped₄ their hands₂ in the paint.₃

Note that the verb is intransitive and that the word for "their hands" is in the possessive case rather than the accusative.


The declension of pešaf "book, poem, work of literature" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pešaf pešio pešie pešia pešfo
(Oblique) pešfo pešio pešie pešia pešfo
Accusative pešfop pešiop pešiep pešiap pešfop
Locative pešfom pešiom pešiem pešiam pešfom
Possessive pešfos pešios pešies pešias pešfos
Essive pešfi pešie pešiul pešiel pešfi
Instrumental pešfub pešiub pešie pešiob pešfub

Thus one can say:

Pešiom₁ pwaefae!₂
You're sitting₂ on my books!₁

Note that this is an intransitive verb and that there is no object in this sentence.


The declension of pfop "hips (dual)" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pfop putšo putše putša putša
(Oblique) puwa putšo putše putša putša
Accusative puwap putšop putšep putšap putšap
Locative puwam putšom putšem putšam putšam
Possessive puwas putšos putšes putšas putšas
Essive puwel putši putšul putšel putšel
Instrumental puwob putšub putši putšob putšob

Note that this is the dual form of the word, not the plural, and thus is only used to describe one person's two hips.

Many of this word's forms collide with those of the unrelated word pwap "buttocks" (see below). The primary verb for walking, puwap, is originally derived from pfop, as one walks by moving the hips, but because of the collision, it appears equally proper to relate it to pwap "buttocks" instead. Indeed, pwap is also an acceptable variant form of puwap, as it has been reanalyzed.

For further clarity, fep "side" can be added to specify the hips, which turns the word into a regular noun. However, this is mostly done with the singular word for hip rather than the dual.

Note that Poswa uses the dual form in many cases where an English speaker would expect the singular:

Putšos mupawabub babužvabbi.
My hip measurement is seven hands.

Using the singular form puvos would be generally understood but would imply that only one hip was measured.


The declension of pfwu "diaper" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pfwu pfwo pfwe pfwa
Accusative pfwup[2] pfwop pfwep pfwap
Locative pfwum pfwom pfwem pfwam
Possessive pfwus pfwos pfwes pfwas
Essive pfwi pfwi pfwul pfwel
Instrumental pfwub pfwub pfwi pfwob

Thus one could say

Bwumbom₁ pfwem?₂
What's that₁ in your diaper?₂

This word is sometimes replaced by taeppfwu, which historically means "diaper diaper", formed from two different words for two different styles of diaper. However, because tae meant "toddler" at the time, it came to be seen as if it meant "diaper on a toddler" (taep was the accusative form of tae) and the new meaning stuck.


The declension of piraf "goal, planned victory" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative piraf piffo piffe piffa piffo
(Oblique) piffo piffo piffe piffa piffo
Accusative piffop piffop piffep piffap piffop
Locative piffom piffom piffem piffam piffom
Possessive piffos piffos piffes piffas piffos
Essive piffi piffe pifful piffel piffi
Instrumental piffub piffub piffe piffob piffub

Note that piraf and pešaf do not follow similar patterns because the origins of their final /fʷ/ are different. Pešaf comes from Babakiam peišafu, and piraf comes from Babakiam pivafiu.

Note also that this word is often seen as the second element of the compound bespumpiraf which has the same meaning.


The declension of pobba "oak tree" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pobba pupo pupe pupa
(Oblique) pobba pupo pupe pupa
Accusative pobbap pupop pupep pupap
Locative pobbam pupom pupem pupam
Possessive pobbas pupos pupes pupas
Essive pobbel pupi pupul pupel
Instrumental pobbob pupub pupi pupob

Thus one can say

Pupopi bipempupebi.
I climbed up my oak tree.
Lypel pobbam pwabapaba.
The squirrel is hiding in an oak tree.
Pampeftio pobbel.
My arrow is made of oak wood.


The declension of pobbas "war" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pobbas pobbavo pobbave pobbava
(Oblique) pobbava pobbavo pobbave pobbava
Accusative pobbavap pobbavop pobbavep pobbavap
Locative pobbavam pobbavom pobbavem pobbavam
Possessive pobbavas pobbavos pobbaves pobbavas
Essive pobbavel pobbavi pobbavul pobbavel
Instrumental pobbavob pobbavub pobbavi pobbavob
Potibi pobbavas fub bibubbies.
I fought in the war against the spiders.
Bum pobbavopub waporbub!
Let us win our war!


The declension of pobbop "dung, feces, “poop”" is below. This is a suppletive noun, with part of its declension borrowed from a different (though related) noun that later fell out of use:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pobbop pobbo pobbe pobba poppwo
(Oblique) poppwo pobbo pobbe pobba poppwo
Accusative poppwop pobbop pobbep pobbap poppwop
Locative poppwom pobbom pobbem pobbam poppwom
Possessive poppwos pobbos pobbes pobbas poppwos
Essive poppwi pobbi pobbul pobbel poppwi
Instrumental poppwub pobbub pobbi pobbob poppwub

The suppletive forms above (the middle three columns) came into use because the speakers were uncomfortable with having a three syllable word for such a commonly talked about thing.[3] If the old forms had survived, they would have become bisyllabic like those of other similar words, but the change happened at a fairly early stage in the language:

Pobbopi pirtafwabo wublob.
I'm pushing my poop away with a stick.

Unlike most of their neighbors, the Poswobs have no significant differences between adults' speech and children's speech; everyone uses the same words for everything. However, they are fond of metaphors and will use unrealistic mental imagery to clearly communicate the thoughts in their mind.

pop (1)

The declension of pop "couple, double, twins; natural pair" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pop puwio puwie puwia
(Oblique) pwo
Accusative pwop puwiop puwiep puwiap
Locative pwom puwiom puwiem puwiam
Possessive pwos puwios puwies puwias
Essive pwi puwie puwiul puwiel
Instrumental pwub puwiub puwie puwiob

This noun is actually regular, but behaves as an irregular in some setups because it is very common as a marker of the dual number, which means it is unstressed, which means the expected forms would be *piop, piep, piap, and so on, because the -uw- would have been merely -w- which would then have been deleted entirely. But instead, the full forms survived.

pop (2)

The declension of pop "bathtub, bathing area; shower stall" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pop poppo poppe poppa poppae
(Oblique) poppe poppo poppe poppa popfwe
Accusative poppep poppop poppep poppap popfwep
Locative poppem poppom poppem poppam popfwem
Possessive poppes poppos poppes poppas popfwes
Essive poppul poppi poppul poppel popfwul
Instrumental poppi poppub poppi poppob popfwi

Thus one can say

Bwumbebe₁ pwarbiep₂ poppem?₃
What did you do₁ to the bubbles₂ in the bathtub?₃


The declension of poppel "pen for writing, especially one made from a feather" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative poppel popfo popfe popfa
(Oblique) popfa popfo popfe popfa
Accusative popfap popfop popfep popfap
Locative popfam popfom popfem popfam
Possessive popfas popfos popfes popfas
Essive popfel popfi popful popfel
Instrumental popfob popfub popfi popfob


Pube is a stem-changing noun, like most nouns that end in -be. This is due to a very old sound change of /bi/ > /ž/ when followed by a vowel. The declension of pube "plant, plants in general" is below:

Case Free Possessed
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pube pužo puže puža
(Oblique) pube pužo puže puža
Accusative pubep pužop pužep pužap
Locative pubem pužom pužem pužam
Possessive pubes pužos pužes pužas
Essive pubul puži pužul pužel
Instrumental pubi pužub puži pužob

Thus one can say

Pubes₁ beblalio₂ rappa,₃ bubum?₄
What's₄ the name₃ for these plants₁ growing on me?₂


The declension of pumes "hip" is below. Pumes is a partly suppletive noun which also has a suppletive dual and plural form (listed separately):

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pumes puvo puve puva pumpae
(Oblique) pumpe puvo puve puva pumpe
Accusative pumpep puvop puvep puvap pumpep
Locative pumpem puvom puvem puvam pumpem
Possessive pumpes puvos puves puvas pumpes
Essive pumpul puvi puvul puvel pumpul
Instrumental pumpi puvub puvi puvob pumpi

Thus one can say:

Puvo puvapwop sapwel.
My hip opened the swinging door.
Puvo pamwiržom bavbažel.
My hip was injured by the wine glass.

Note that nonliving objects such as wine glasses are inanimate in Poswa, and thus cannot be the subject of a sentence even when they are in motion and would be considered the agent of the verb in languages such as English. Thus, a passive verb is needed. The sentence above translates literally as "My hip was injured on the wine glass," with the wine glass in the locative case.


The declension of pupu "round object" is below. Note that this word does not normally occur by itself, as it is homophonous with several other words.[4] Rather, it appears as the second element of various compounds:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pupu puppo puppe puppa
(Oblique) pupo
Accusative pupop puppop puppep puppap
Locative pupom puppom puppem puppam
Possessive pupos puppos puppes puppas
Essive pupi puppi puppul puppel
Instrumental pupub puppub puppi puppob

Note that the very common word pobby "wheel" uses this morpheme (technically, a related one) at the beginning of the word, rather than the end, and therefore does not follow this pattern of declension. Instead, it declines normally.


The declension of pwap "buttocks (dual)" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pwap pwatšo pwatše pwatša
(Oblique) puwa pwatšo pwatše pwatša
Accusative puwap pwatšop pwatšep pwatšap
Locative puwam pwatšom pwatšem pwatšam
Possessive puwas pwatšos pwatšes pwatšas
Essive puwel pwatši pwatšul pwatšel
Instrumental puwob pwatšub pwatši pwatšob

Note that this is the dual form of the word, not the plural, which is pres (which is also irregular) or prebum (which is regular).

Pintatšopi pwatšom pampam pebwebi.
I placed my ticket into my back pocket.

Note that only pwatšom "butt" is marked with a possessive suffix, because the possessive does not carry over to modifiers, even if they are semantically also possessed.

The free forms of the word, except for the nominative, are the same as those of pfop, the dual form of the word for hips. This has led to the verb for "to walk", originally derived from pfop "hips", to be reinterpreted as having been derived from pwap "buttocks" instead, as pwap was a more common word and the two stems were homophonous. More recently, that verb, originally derived from the accusative, has been reinvented as a nominative stem by analogy with most other verbs, which overwhelmingly build from the nominative. But it is the nominative form of pwap, rather than the original pfop, which is used. Thus in Poswa both pwap and puwap are verb stems meaning "to walk", and have no significant difference in meaning.


The declension of pypae "hat, cap, protection from rain" is below:

Case Free Possessed
1p 2p 3p
Nominative pypae pypo[5] pype pypa
(Oblique) pfwe
Accusative pfwep pypop pypep pypap
Locative pfwem pypom pypem pypam
Possessive pfwes pypos pypes pypas
Essive pfwul pypi pypul pypel
Instrumental pfwi[6] pypub pypi pypob

Many of the forms of this word collide with forms of #pfwu "diaper". The two words are related, as they both describe articles of clothing that protect the wearer from wetness.




The declension of sabas "man, adult male human" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative sabas sapšo
(Oblique) sapsa sapšo
Accusative sapsap sapšop
Locative sapsam sapšom
Possessive sapsas sapšos
Essive sapsel sapši
Instrumental sapsob sapšub




The declension of tos "capable" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative tos tatio tatie tatia
(Oblique) tato
Accusative tatop tatiop tatiep tatiap
Locative tatom tatiom tatiem tatiam
Possessive tatos tatios taties tatias
Essive tati tatie tatiul tatiel
Instrumental tatub tatiub tatie tatiob


The declension of tones "party, celebration" is below:[7]

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative tones
(Oblique) tonto
Accusative tontop
Locative tontom
Possessive tontos
Essive tonti
Instrumental tontub


The declension of twu "water" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative twu tšio tšie tšia two
(Oblique) two tšio tšie tšia tšio
Accusative twop tšiop tšiep tšiap tšiop
Locative twom tšiom tšiem tšiam tšiom
Possessive twos tšios tšies tšias tšios
Essive twi tšie tšiul tšiel tšie
Instrumental twub tšiub tšie tšiob tšiub

Note that most of the forms of this word collide with those of #twub "urine". Thus one should be careful using sentences like

Tšiopi bwurbub!
Let me drink my water!

Without being mindful of the pissibility of alternative interpretations. Nevertheless, just as Poswobs generally do not have a problem with mentioning potty problems in polite company, they do not find coincidences such as this as disturbing as most of their neighbors do, and have happily gone on using a word that means both "water" and "urine" for hundreds of years (in the much longer history before the recent sound changes, the two words were still distinct, as they still are in Pabappa). Nevertheless, when clarity is needed, other words can be pulled into use, such as rumu,[8] a synonym for water in general, or a compound with more specific meaning such as satwu "drinking water" or listwu "bathwater". There are some semantic differences here; for example, putting the two words in the locative case, twom means "wet", but rumom means "in the water", implying that the water is stably surrounding something.

On the other side of the divide, one can use a compound such as potwub "down-(flowing) urine" or replace the term entirely with a word such as puspo, which literally means water flowing downhill but has come to be used as another word for urine. Nevertheless, none of these terms have driven the tw- words out of their positions as the primary terms.


The declension of twub "urine" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative twub tšio tšie tšia two
(Oblique) two tšio tšie tšia tšio
Accusative twop tšiop tšiep tšiap tšiop
Locative twom tšiom tšiem tšiam tšiom
Possessive twos tšios tšies tšias tšios
Essive twi tšie tšiul tšiel tšie
Instrumental twub tšiub tšie tšiob tšiub
Tšie soppu, vwom waebwos.
My urine sample is ready for the lab.

Most of the forms of this word are identical to the forms in the same positions for #twu "water". This is a coincidence, as the two words are unrelated and are distinct in close relatives such as Pabappa, where the word for urine is wupur and the word for water is wap. The coalescence happened only a few hundred years ago, and although the Poswobs have alternate words available to express these concepts, they are generally pushed into use only when confusion could result. The situation is plain enough that it would be seen as strange to substitute one of the less-used words solely for the sake of euphemism.


Note that the corresponding verb forms are formed from the nominative, which is the only form wherein the two words differ. Thus, the verbs are distinct, and both are regular:

Sambvabiepi₁ tuwebi.₂
I watered₂ the flowers.₁
Bimuwopi₁ twirebi.₂
I peed on₂ the carpet.₁[9]





The declension of wiwi "tooth; sharp object; to blow forcefully" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative wiwi wiwio wiwo
(Oblique) wiwe wiwio wiwio
Accusative wiwep wiwiop wiwiop
Locative wiwem wiwiom wiwiom
Possessive wiwes wiwios wiwios
Essive wiwi wiwie wiwie
Instrumental wiwub wiwiub wiwiub
Tašepi₁ nabi₂ wiwiub.₃
I carried₂ the apple₁ with my teeth.₃
Wiwepi₁ miswarabo!₂
I need₂ something sharp!₁


The declension of wup "message, information, data" is below:

Case Free Possessed Attached
1p 2p 3p
Nominative wup wupio wupie wupia
(Oblique) wupwo wupio wupie wupia
Accusative wupwop wupiop wupiep wupiap
Locative wupwom wupiom wupiem wupiam
Possessive wupwos wupios wupies wupias
Essive wupwi wupie wupiul wupiel
Instrumental wupwub wupiub wupie wupiob
Wupiopi puvebe, pa?
Did you hear my message?



blank noun table:


The declension of NOUN " " is below:

Case Free Possessed
1p 2p 3p


  1. And no, it's not a loan from English.
  2. earlier pfwop
  3. Help! This conflicts with "wheel" and I should've known it at the time.
  4. This is actually a regular noun, although the declension pattern is found only in nouns ending in -pu. Also, this could possibly provide suppletion for pyp "insect", as that noun was found mostly as the second element of a compound, and in some compounds pupu ---> pyp anyway.
  5. From a previously existing pybžo. Normally, this would actually change to bybžo, but inflections that change the entire word are often analogized.
  6. If analogy kicks in. Previously, it would have been pfwu, which is also the word for diaper. But this collision would have happened more than 4000 years ago, so it would likely have been resolved at a very early date.
  7. Could be an error for tobwes. Since this is just ton with an infix, this word assumes the infix was regularized to treat -ui-- as a single unit, thus becoming a plain /e/ rather than /ʷe/.
  8. Earlier had umu, possibly a typo.
  9. However, it could be twurebi if we assume that the original form was retained instead of changing due to analogy with most other -ub verbs.