Senjecas - Conspiracy of Judas

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p b f v ƿ m t d þ ð ł l c ƶ s z r n k g x h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Diatessaron of the Conspiracy
Mark 14:10-11; Matthew 26:14-16; Luke 22:3-6; my additions
helȝeka̋s ų́da tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek

Literal translation of the Greek text

  • 1: and the feast of.the Unleavened.Bread, the being-called Passover, was.approaching
  • 2: and the chief.priests and the scribes were.seeking the how they.might.destroy Jesus.
  • 3: and Satan entered into Judas, the being-called Iscariot, being of the number of.the twelve.
  • 4: in.order.that he.might.betray him to.them and having.departed he.spoke.with the chief.priests and commanders the how he.might-hand.over him to.them.
  • 5: he.said what to.give me and I will.hand.over him
  • 6: and the having.heard rejoiced and they.weighted.out for.him thirty silver.pieces.
  • 7: and he.consented and he.was.seeking opportunity to.betray him to.them without crowd.

Senjecan text

  • 1: da ðǫnő' sa̋rno fę̋taþo pεsa̋xa e-ȝőba:
  • 2: da uftove̋rusk̬e ȝa̋rlusk̬e e-nę̋þa. xálu num őlo. hi le̋uðum e-ną̋a:
  • 3: da sątą̋nu ȝεhűdum ískaṙǫ̋þum fę̋taþu lukű' núm za̋l e̋santu e-tı̋ra:
  • 4: da tádi nu þúm o þu' mőco. vıvı̋dant' uftove̋runk̬e soþla̋gunk̬' e-sunsa̋ƿa. xálu nún o þum se̋ƿo:
  • 5: e-tę̋a. ƿa ȝus mús o xom dǫ̋u łę̋la da mu ȝúm o þum u-se̋ƿa ƿar:
  • 6: da vıve̋naþus e-főga da nús éra ẋűr fǫ kuṙőnon e-te̋la:
  • 7. da nu e-he̋na da núm o þu' mįlű' sána mőcu mą̋tam e-nę̋þa⋮


da ðǫn-ő-' sa̋rn-o fę̋t-a-þ-o pεsa̋x-a e=ȝőb-a
and unleavened.bread-GEN.SG-EL feast-NOM.SG name-IND-PP-NOM.SG Passover-NOM.SG PST=approach-IND
da uf-tove̋r-us=k̬e ȝa̋rl-us=k̬-' e=nę̋þ-a xálu n-um ől-o hi le̋uð-um e=ną̋-a
and chief.priests-NOM.PL=and scribes-NOM.PL=and-EL PST=seek-IND how 3-ACC.SG destroy-SBJ because people-ACC.SG PST=fear-IND
da sątą̋n-u ȝεhűd-um ískaṙǫ̋þ-um fę̋t-a-þ-u luk-ű-' n-úm za̋l e̋s-a-nt-u e=tı̋r=a
and Satan-NOM.SG Judas-ACC.SG Iscariot-ACC.SG call-IND-PP-NOM.SG number-GEN.SG-EL 3-GEN.SG twelve be-IND-AP-NOM.SG PST=enter-IND
da tádi n-u þ-u-' mőc-o vı~vı̋d-a-nt-' uf-tove̋r-un=k̬e soþla̋g-un-k̬-' e=sun-sa̋ƿ-a
and in.order.that 3-NOM.SG 4-ACC.SG-EL betray-SBJ PRF~depart-IND-AP-NOM.SG chief-priest-ACC.PL=and commander-ACC.SG=and PST=with-speak-IND
xálu n-ún o þ-um se̋ƿ-o
how 3-ACC.SG to 4-ACC.SG betray-SBJ
e=tę̋-a ƿa ȝ-us m-ús o x-om dǫ̋-u łę̋l-a da m-u ȝ-úm o þ-um u=se̋ƿ-a ƿar
PST=say-IND QUOT 2p-NOM.SG 1s-GEN.SG to what-ACC.SG give-SUP will-IND and 1s-NOM.SG 2p-ACC.PL to 4-ACC.SG FUT=betray-IND QUOT
da vı~ve̋n-a-þ-us e=főg-a da n-ús éra ẋűr kuṙőn-on e=te̋l-a
and PRF~hear-IND-PP-NOM.PL PST=rejoice-IND and 3-GEN.SG for twenty ten made.of.silver-ACC.PL PST=weigh-IND
da n-u e=he̋n-a da n-úm o þ-u-' mįl-ű-' sána mőc-u mą̋t-am e=nę̋þ-a
and 3-NOM.SG PST=consent-IND and 3-GEN.PL to 4-ACC.SG-EL crowd-GEN.SG-EL without betray-SUP opportunity-ACC.SG PST=seek-IND