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Senjecas wildlife

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  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

Wildlife - h̬ęrı̋ȝes

  • 01 arűto, seal skin
  • 02 ba̋be, spider
  • bara̋me, pachyderm
  • 03*bų̋i, mold
  • 04 cą̋ra, i.v. grow antlers
cą̋rmi, adj. antlered
caxcą̋ro, forked antler
  • 05 ca̋ða, rutting season
  • 06 calűfo, turtle shell
  • 07 cą̋mre, small animal
  • 08 ca̋ᵹvo, fluke, tail of sea mammal
  • caxlɘpe̋zo, furcula
caxlɘȝőrke, brocket
  • 09 ce̋le, hunting spider
  • 10 ce̋rte, web-spinning spider
  • 11 cı̨̋me, bug.
  • 12 cilűᵹo, dorsal fin
  • 13 cı̋ta, 1) t.v. lair. 2) i.v. den, lair
cı̋to, lair, den
  • 14 cűvᵹo, baleen, whale-bone
  • darɱe̋je, passerine bird
darɱe̋je, adj. passerine
  • dę̋o, lair of a stag
  • 15 de̋mle, caterpillar; grub
  • doxƶe̋ro, plastron
  • ðűno, [beaver’s] lodge
  • 16 e̋ɱo, fin
e̋ɱi, adj. finny, finlike
e̋ɱmi, adj. finned
  • éperı̋ȝo, sounder
  • erpe̋do, webbed foot
erpe̋ðmi, adj. web-footed
  • ęþb̬űdo, eider down
  • 17 f̣ą̋ne, hen, female bird
  • 18 ga̋to, fur on an animal’s foot
  • ge̋mle , predator, predatory animal
gemɱe̋ȝe, bird of prey, raptor
ge̋maþe, prey animal
  • geurűto, gizzard
  • golrűto, crop, maw
  • 19 ǧı̨̋no, hide, pelt
  • 20 ha̋łe, chick, young of any bird
  • 21 hę̋me, caterpillar
  • hurkǫ̋ze, waterfowl
  • h̬ę̋re, wild animal
  • 22 ke̋lso, spine, quill [on animals]
  • 23 kę̋ᵹe, doe, female of any small ungulate
  • ke̋rɱe, stag
  • 24 kǫ̋go, peacock’s tail
  • 25 kǫ̋ze, fowl
  • 26 kontǫ̋re, maggot
  • 27 kupe̋no, fish bladder
  • ląþzǫ̋le, moth
  • 28 kűða, i.v. spawn
  • 29 ḳűme, engorged tick
  • 30 ma̋nde, elk bull
  • 31 mę̋le, small animal
  • 32 mų̋o, snout, muzzle
  • muþpőło, scut
  • 33 ɱa̋se, elk calf
  • ɱe̋ipe, snake
  • 34 ɱı̨̋sa, t.v. envenom
ɱı̨̋si, venomous
ɱı̨̋so, venom
  • ɱı̨̋st̬i, anti-venin
  • ɱisrı̨̋so, fang
  • ɱicą̋ra, i.v. shed antlers
  • 35 na̋rge, fawn
  • nąþha̋łe, duckling
  • 36 nı̨̋mo, velvet [on antlers]
  • 37 nőᵹa, 1) t.v. claw. 2) i.v. claw
nőᵹo, claw, talon
noᵹsı̨̋o, jess
  • 38 núnava̋ᵹe, walrus on ice
  • 39 pa̋rƶe, boar
  • 40 pı̨̋no, pectoral fin
  • pőło, tail
  • 41 pų̋nƶe, cock, rooster
  • 42 rűco, cocoon
  • ruþčą̋re, hart
  • 43 sa̋nko, bird dung
  • 44 se̋ṡe, deer, wild animal
  • 45 ta̋vto, fish scale
  • 46 teᵹa̋ᵹe, rutting seal
  • 47 tǫ̋re, young camel
  • 48 tűᵹa, t.v. hit with tusks
tűᵹo, tusk
  • 49 þ̇ų̋þe, female camel
  • unþɘƶe̋ro, carapace
  • 50 va̋ka, 1. t.v. claw. 2. i.v. claw
va̋ko, claw
  • 51 ƶa̋ňe, bear cub