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Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Labiovelar Glottal
Plosives p   b t   d k   g ʔ (q)
Nasals m n
Fricatives s ʃ (sh)
Approximants l j (y) w h
Trill r
Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a


Ilya is an agglutinating language. Its vocabulary consists of basic roots (that tend to be -CVC-) which can be extended into different parts of speech, their meaning changed or modified, with various affixes. Ilya has an extremely regular grammar, with very few exceptions to its rules. Sentences are made up of one or more phrases. Each phrase consists of a verb (optionally followed by modifying particles) and a subject (optionally followed by modifying particles).


Ilya relies on verbs and their modifiers to express many subtleties of meaning, the Ilya verb can generally function as a verb, adjective, or preposition, but the rules of use are very simple.

  • wa-shab-a
I know. (or I am knowing)
  • awe-gan-ó
They usually see me.

There are no personal pronouns-- they aren’t needed, since persons are indicated on the verb.

verb modifiers

  • - progressive [PROG]
ayemá - He is eating.
  • -ái - imperative [IMP]
yemái - Eat!
  • -bá - negative [NEG]
abáyemá - He is not eating.
  • -bó - causative [CAUS]
abóyemá - He causes to eat...
  • - interrogative [Q]
ayemé - Is he eating?
  • -ká - repetitive [REP]
akáyemá - He is eating again.
  • - habitual [HAB]
ayemó - He usually eats.
  • -sh - past tense [PST]
ashyemá - He ate.
  • -tá - tentative [TEN]
ayemtá - He may eat.
  • -wí - durative [DUR]
awíyemá - While he eats.


  • x - future tense [FUT]
  • x - augmentative [AUG]
  • x - diminutive [DIM]
  • x - ability [ABIL]
  • x - possibility [POSS]
  • x - obligation [OBL]
  • x - necessity [NEC]
  • x - probably; likely [PROB]
  • x - perfect [PFT]
  • x - volitive [VOL]
  • x - attemptive [ATT]



subject object possessive
1 sg wa- we- -wai
2 sg ga- ge- -gai
3 (q)a- (q)e- -qai
1 pl ha- he- -hai
2 pl ya- ye- -yai
someone kí- kí- -kai

There are a limited number of deictics and quantifiers:

  • kú- - this
  • shú- - that (by you)
  • ú- - that (over there); other; another
  • dá- - same; the same
  • ná- - each; every
  • kí- - some
  • bá- - none

noun modifiers

  • bí- - few; a small amount
  • kí- - some
  • tí- - many; much