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Senjecas dict. n

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  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

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n – ν – н - ნ - ն - न - ᚾ - ⱀ - ? – נ – ں

  • n001 , adv. as it were, so to speak, almost.
  • n002 ną̋-a, 1. t.v. fear, be afraid of, have an aversion to. 2. i.v. stand in fear, fear, be afraid.
-, intrj. cry of fright.
–a, fear.
–i, adj. afraid, scared, trepid.
-ri, adj. fearful.
  • n003 ną̋ḅ-a, i.v. bill.
-o, bill, beak.
-i, adj. -billed.
  • n004 ną̋-da, 1. t.v. perfume, cense. 2. i.v. smell good, be fragrant, exhale fragrance, cense.
–di, fragrant.
-do, fragrance.
–ðt̬i, perfume.
-ðdę̋ᵹlo, sachet.
  • n005 ną̋ȝ-a, t.v. dog, hound.
–i, adj. doggish, resembling a dog.
-ɱi, adj. doggish, canine, pertaining to dogs.
-o, dog hunt.
  • n006 ną̋l, adj. four.
-e̋n=a, quadrennium.
=mi, adj. four years old.
=ɱi, adj. quadrennial.
-gą̋mi, adj. fourfold, quadruple, quadruplicate.
-kı̋a, t.v. quadruplicate.
–lę̋p=o, tetrahedron.
=i, adj. tetrahedral.
-o, quartet, tetrad, quadruplet.
-pe̋de, quadruped.
-s, adv. four times.
–úru, adv. four at a time.
-a̋ha, quarter day.
–ta, quarter.
-ti, adj. fourth.
  • n007 ną̋l-a, 1. t.v. land. 2. i.v. land.
-ɱűȝo, horizon.
-o, land [as opposed to water]
  • n008 ną̋ł-a, 1. t.v. moderate, temper, bate. 2. i.v. observe moderation, keep within-, -limits, -bounds.
-i, adj. moderate, temperate, sober.
-ta, moderation, temperance.
  • n009 ną̋n-a, 1. t.v. turn-, set-, -back [the clock]. 2. i.v. return, go-, turn-, -back; get back (to, o).
-a, return.
-e̋b=a, i.v. recur.
=i, adj. recurrent, periodic.
-u, adv. again, anew, afresh.
  • n010 ną̋r-a, i.v. strive, strain, struggle.
-a, struggle, zeal.
-i, adj. assiduous, industrious, zealous.
-ta, zealousness, industriousness.
  • n011 ną̋þ-a, t.v. fix, plant, erect, settle [argument], put-, set-, -up; compose [music].
-a, erection.
-lu, composer.
  • n012 ną̋u-ta, t.v. endanger, imperil.
-ti, adj. dangerous, perilous, hazardous, distressful.
-to, emergency, peril, danger, hazard, jeopardy.
-þne̋uo, distress signal.
  • n013 ną̋ƶ-a, i.v. be midday.
–a, midday, noon.
  • n014 na̋b-a, 1. t.v. burst, explode, blow-, -out, -up, detonate, blast, erupt. 2. i.v. burst, explode, blow-, -out, -up, go off, detonate, blast, erupt.
-o, burst, explosion, blow out, eruption.
  • n015 na̋-ca, 1. t.v. tease. 2. i.v. tease.
-slu, teaser.
  • n016 na̋ð-a, t.v. cut into, incise.
–a, surgery.
–i, adj. surgical.
-o, incision, -otomy.
  • n017 na̋i, intrj. then, surely.
  • n018 na̋ȝ-a, 1. t.v. envy. 2. i.v. envy.
-a, envy, jealousy.
-i, adj. envious, jealous.
  • n019 na̋-ka, 1. t.v. see, behold. 2. i.v. see.
–ka, seeing, (eye)sight, vision.
-ką̋ra, field of vision.
–kaþo, sight, scene.
-ḳi, adj. visible, perceptible.
–xde̋mno, blindfold.
-xlo, -scope.
–xve̋=do, eyeglasses, spectacles.
=ðȝőflu, one who wears glasses.
  • n020 na̋la, 1. t.v. squeeze. 2. i.v. squish.
  • n021 nąḷ-a, 1. t.v. make fun of. 2. i.v. jest, joke.
-i, adj. funny, comic.
-ılu, comedian.
-o, jest, joke, pleasantry, fun, raillery, chaff.
  • n022 na̋m-a, 1. t.v. believe (in), think, assume, imagine, deem, hold (to be), consider; mean, intend. 2. i.v. be of the-, express an-, -opinion, think, presume, imagine, deem; mean.
-a, opinion, view, belief, credence, presumption, assumption; spirit.
-i, adj. presumable, presumptive, presumptive, probable, likely.
-ta, probability, likelihood.
-vi, adv. probably, likely.
  • n023 na̋ɱ-a, t.v. force, enforce, constrain, coerce, compel.
-a, force, constraint, coercion, compulsion, duress.
–i, adj. compulsory, coercive, compelling.
–lu, enforcer.
–őp=a, t.v. draft.
=a, draft.
–pő=tu, dictator, despot.
=ti, adj. dictatorial, despotic.
=þta, dictatorship, despotism.
  • n024 na̋n-a, i.v. flower, bloom, blossom forth, open, effloresce.
-ą̋gu, florist.
-a, flower blooming month (Apr 20-May 20).
-a, flower, efflorescence.
–da̋ro, hairy side of leather.
-ðǫ̋ɱ=a, t.v. garland, engarland.
=o, garland.
-(ɘn)i, adj. flowery, resembling a flower.
-fą̋rlu, florist.
-kőlo, calyx.
-melı̋to, nectar.
-mi, adj. in bloom, blooming; florid, flowered, flowery.
-ko, floweret.
-mőlno, pollen.
-ɱi, adj. floral.
-o, flower, blossom; bouquet [of wine]; head [on beer].
-va̋lo, petal.
  • n025 na̋o, piece of wood.
  • n026 na̋p-a, i.v. carry a burden on the back.
-o, burden on the back, backpack, rucksack, knapsack, haversack, packsack.
  • n027 naᵹűr-o, ill omen.
–i, adj. ominous, foreboding.
  • n028 nár-u, intrg. adv. where.
–þim, adv. whither.
-þis, adv. whence.
  • n029 na̋ta, t.v. nettle, irritate, sting.
  • n030 na̋ud-a, i.v. doze, nap.
-o, nap.
  • n031 na̋v-a, 1. t.v. turn down, refuse, deny, decline, reject, rebuff, disavow, gainsay, recant, retract, abjure, renounce, negate, renounce, forswear; fail. 2. i.v. refuse, decline, recant, retract, renounce.
-a, denial, refusal, disavowal, retraction, renunciation, negation.
-i, adj. negative.
-lu, renunciate.
  • n032 nę̋d-a, i.v. rise [of the sun].
–a, sunrise.
  • n033 nę̋-ȝa, t.v. lead a community.
–ilu, leader, head.
  • n034 nę̋l-a, 1. t.v. swing, whirl round, flourish, brandish, wield, wave, toss [a salad]. 2. i.v. swing, whirl round, flourish, wave.
-(ɘl)u, flourisher, brandisher, wielder.
–o, swing.
  • n035 nę̋r-a, t.v. think up, concoct, invent; coin, come up with, make up.
-a, invention.
-i, adj. resourceful, ingenious.
-lu, inventor.
-o, invention.
-ta, resourcefulness, ingenuity.
  • n036 nę̋t-a, t.v. thread.
–ı̋ȝo, harl.
–i, adj. fibrous, filaceous.
-o, thread, fiber.
  • n037 nę̋þ-a, 1. t.v. seek, look for, search-, (-for). 2. i.v. seek.
-a, quest.
  • n038 ne, neg. part. not.
-k̬e, conj. and not, neither. ~...~, neither...nor.
–f̣űni, adj. no-, none-, -other.
-ɱo, conj. or not.
–váu, adv. nowhere.
-váþim, adv. from nowhere.
-váþis, adv. to nowhere.
–xą́lu, adv. nowise.
–xą́ru, adv. for no reason.
-xi, adj. no, not-, -a, -one, none, null.
-xı̋mo, adj. no kind.
-xo, nothing.
–xőto, no amount.
-xu, pron. no one, nobody.
–xum, adv. never.
  • n039 ne̋-bi, adj. recent.
–vi, recently, lately.
  • n040 ne̋-ca, i.v. die (of, ho); die-, fade-, -away.
-ca, death.
–ci, adj. dead, deceased.
–cǫ̋ro, shroud.
–c=o, corpse, cadaver.
=a̋ið→a, t.v. cremate.
→a, cremation.
→de̋mo, crematory.
→(ɘ)ðę̋o, cremation site.
-ċi, adj. mortal [able to die].
–si, adj. deathly, lethal, fatal, mortal.
–sma̋=ƶa, t.v. embalm.
=slu, embalmer.
–sɱe̋ᵹo, hearse.
-sɱ=i, adj. mortal [pertaining to death].
=ɘta, mortality.
–sni, adj. cadaverous.
  • n041 ne̋d-a, 1. t.v. knot, tie in a knot. 2. i.v. knot.
–o, knot.
-i, adj. knotty.
  • n042 ne̋ð-a, i.v. walk.
-antes, the walking ones [the fifth order of living beings].
  • n043 ne̋i-da, t.v. belittle, detract, disparage.
-da, detraction, disparagement.
-ðlu, belittler, detractor.
  • n044 ne̋-ȝi, adj. even.
-ilűki, adj. even-numbered.
  • n045 ne̋-ka, 1. t.v. reach, attain, get to, gain. 2. i.v. reach.
-ka, reach, attainment, gain.
-ḳi, adj. attainable, accessible.
  • n046 ne̋-la, t.v. prefer, better, would rather.
–a, preference.
–ḷi, adj. preferable.
–mi, adj. preferential.
  • n047 ne̋m-a, 1. t.v. divide; share (out), deal out, distribute, partake of. 2. i.v. divide; share, graduate, go around.
-a, division, separation; distribution.
-lu, divider, sharer, distributor.
-o, portion, share, component, element; interest; dividend; constituent.
  • n048 ne̋nþu, maid, maiden.
  • n049 ne̋-ra, 1. t.v. enter by force, break-, -in, -into, invade. 2. i.v. invade, break in.
–ra, invasion, break-in.
-rsi, adj. invasive.
–rlu, invader, intruder.
-ṙi, adj. forcible.
  • n050 ne̋r-i, adj. under, sub-, inferior, lower; sub- [Tax.].
-a, postp. behind, below, beneath, under(neath).
-kı̨̋to, plastron.
-e̋so, substance.
–ȝőba, motif.
–ma̋ri, adj. submarine.
-vi, adv. below, beneath, under(neath).
  • n051 ne̋s-a, t.v. secure, insure, mind; safeguard, save, belay. 2. i.v. insure, belay.
-a, security, safety, certainty; salvation.
-i, adj. undamaged, uninjured, intact, safe, secure.
-lu, savior.
-ƶę̋no, seal.
  • n052 ne̋u-a, 1. t.v. sign, beckon, signal. 2. i.v. sign, beckon, signal.
-ą̋þe, signal fire.
–le̋uxno, semaphore.
-o, sign, signal.
  • n053 ne̋u-da, 1. t.v. use, make use of, avail, utilize, vail. 2. i.v. be of use, avail, vail.
-da, utilization, exploitation, employment.
–dıta, availability.
–do, use, function.
-ḍi, adj. usable, available, functional.
–ðlo, utensil.
–ðɱi, adj. ancillary.
–ðri, adj. useful, utile.
  • n054 ne̋u-ka, 1. t.v. blur. 2. i.v. blur.
-ki, adj. blurry, indistinct, hazy.
-xta, blurriness, indistinctness, haziness.
  • n055 ne̋uva, t.v. woo, court.
-va, wooing, courtship.
-vlu, wooer, suitor.
-v̇i, adj. nubile, marriageable.
-v̇u, marriageable person.
  • n056 ne̋-xa, 1. t.v. bear, carry, convey, bring. 2. i.v. bear, carry.
-xf̣őþlo, flashlight.
–xlu, bearer, porter.
–ẋi, adj. portable.
–xını̨̋zo, umbrella.
  • n057 nı̨̋g-u, pron. each (one).
–gą́lu, adv. each way.
–gą́ru, adv. for each reason.
–gi, adj. each.
–gı̋mo, each kind.
–go, each thing.
–gőtu, each amount.
–gum, adv. each time.
–ᵹnáru, adv. each place.
  • n058 'nı̨̋ka, t.v. dash-, run-, -at, pounce upon.
  • n059 nı̨̋l-a, 1. t.v. conceive. 2. i.v. conceive.
-a, conception.
  • n060 nı̨̋t-i, adj. passionate, vehement, enthusiastic.
-a, passion, vehemence, enthusiasm.
  • n061 nı̨̋v-a, t.v. stroke, touch gently; spread [bread]; apply [salve]; strike [a match]; strike [a flag].
-i, adj. grained [of wood].
-o, stroke, dash, lash; grain [of wood].
-pa̋ko, semicolon.
–xe̋rdo, match.
  • n062 nı̨̋x-a, 1. t.v. serve, work for, minister to, wait on, bestead. 2. i.v. serve, be of service.
-a, service, ministry.
–de̋lto, serving tray.
–lu, servant, minister, waiter.
  • n063 nı̨̋z-a, 1. t.v. shade, shadow. 2. i.v. cast a shadow.
-i, adj. shady, shaded, shadowy.
-o, shade, shadow.
-u, shade [a sundered minister].
  • n064 nı̋ð-a, t.v. handle, hand-, (-on, -down); manage.
-aþo, tradition.
–lo, handle, holder; fig. occasion, pretext.
-lu, handler, manager.
  • n065 nı̋-ga, i.v. glitter, glisten, sparkle.
–gi, adj. glittery.
–go, glitter, glisten, sparkle.
  • n066 niȝűro, ember, gleed.
  • n067 nı̋k-a, 1. t.v. attend, come to. 2. i.v. be present.
-i, adj. present, current, now existing, actual, modern, up-to-date.
-a, present.
-u, adv. at present.
  • n068 nı̋ł-a, t.v. polish, glaze, burnish; flatter, wheedle (out of, ápo; into, éna).
-a, polish; flattery.
-i, adj. polished, sleek; flattering.
-lu, polisher, burnisher; flatterer.
–ta, sleekness.
-t̬i, polish.
  • n069 nı̋m-a, 1. t.v. visit, call on. 2. i.v. visit, pay a call.
–lu, visitor.
–o, visit.
  • n069 nı̋ɱ-a, t.v. depilate.
–t̬i, depilatory.
  • n070 nı̋n-a, 1. t.v. wave, undulate. 2. i.v. wave, undulate.
-a, undulation.
-i, adj. wavy, undulating, undulatory.
–o, wave.
  • n071 ninɱe̋l-u, adolescent.
–i, adj. adolescent.
  • n072 nı̋sta, i.v. blow the nose.
  • n073 nı̋t-a, t.v. pertain-, appertain-, belong-, -to.
–a, pertinence.
–i, adj. pertinent, relevant, relative.
–o, appurtenance.
  • n074 nite̋r-i, adj. low, nether.
–(ɘr)u, lowlander.
-o, foot [of a structure].
-ta, lowness.
  • n075 nı̋þ-a, 1. t.v. weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, enervate, prostrate; impair; tone down. 2. i.v. fail [health].
-cı̋ɱa, t.v. tint, tinge, tone.
–e, weak e (the epenthetic vowel used to avoid disallowed consonant clusters).
–i, weak i (the vocalization of a palatal consonant before another consonant).
-i, adj. weak, faint, feeble, prostrate.
-sűð=i, adj. faint-hearted, pusillanimous, cowardly, caitiff, craven.
=ta, faint-heartedness, pusillanimity, cowardice.
=u, coward, caitiff.
-ta, weakness, feebleness, debility, faintness; foible, fling.
-u, weakling.
–u, weak u (the vocalization of a labial consonant before another consonant).
  • n076 nı̋v-a, 1. t.v. stretch (out). 2. i.v. stretch.
  • n077 nı̋x-a, i.v. ripen, mature.
–i, adj. ripe, mature.
  • n078 nǫ̋a, t.v. look at, view.
-a, view, aspect.
  • n079 nǫ̋di, adj. lovely [of things].
  • n080 nǫ̋-na, t.v. tolerate, put up with, stand for.
-na, tolerance, patience.
-ni, adj. patient, tolerant, forbearing.
-ṅi, adj. tolerable.
  • n081 nǫ̋ri, adj. noble [of things].
  • n082 nől-a, i.v. crawl.
  • n083 nőlk-o, slime; snot.
-i, adj. slimy.
  • n084 nőł-a, 1. t.v. bail (out). 2. i.v. bail.
–lo, bucket.
  • n085 nőm-a, i.v. go-, return-, arrive-, -home.
–a, postp. at the home of.
-o, home, domicile, abode.
–rus, household.
-t̬ę̋u, homemaker.
–þi, adv. at home.
–þim, adv. homeward.
–þis, adv. from home.
–va̋go, homework.
  • n086 nų̋-ba, 1. t.v. divert, entertain. 2. i.v. entertain.
-ba, diversion, entertainment, recreation, pastime.
-bi, adj. diverting, entertaining.
–bo, entertainment.
–vda̋ro, resort.
-vlu, entertainer.
–vsolmı̨̋no, haiku.
  • n087 nų̋ka, i.v. droop.
  • n088 n-u, demon. pron. that one; 3rd pers. proximate he, she, it, they.
–ą́lu, adv. thereby.
–ą́ru, adv. therefore, consequently, hence, so.
–i, adj. the former.
–o, demon. pron. that (thing).
–őti, adj. that much.
  • n089 nű-ȝo, well.
-inőł=o, well bucket.
=d̬ı̋ro, beam lift.
  • n090 nűl-a, t.v. oppress, persecute.
-a, oppression, persecution.
-(ɘl)u, oppressor, persecutor.
  • n091 nűm, adj. nine.
–e̋ni, adj. nine years old.
-gą̋mi, adj. ninefold, nonuple.
-o, ennead.
-s, adv. nine times.
-ti, adj. ninth.
-úru, adv. nine at a time.
  • n092 nűm-o, sky, heavens, firmament, welkin.
-ɱi, adj. heavenly, celestial.
-ǫ̋na, zenith.
-są̋r=a, astronomy.
=ą̋gu, astronomer.
=i, adj. astronomical.
–tę̋r=i, adj. sky-blue, cerulean.
  • n093 nűn-i, adj. fine, elegant.
-k̬o, finery.
-ta, fineness, elegance.
  • n094 nűngo, point of the compass.
  • n095 nű-pa, t.v. clamp, clasp.
–flo, clamp, clasp.
  • n096 nűr-a, 1. t.v. growl. 2. i.v. growl.
-o, growl.
  • n097 nűs-a, 1. t.v. suspect, speculate, suppose, surmise. 2. i.v. suspect, suppose, surmise.
-a, suspicion, speculation, supposition, surmise.
–aþ=u, adj. supposed.
=vi, adv. supposedly.
–aþu, suspect.
  • n098 nűsk-a, 1. t.v. sniff. 2. i.v. sniff.
  • n099 nűv-a, t.v. pin.
-dı̋go, pinprick.
-lo, pin; striker [of a gun], stylus, needle [of a phonograph].
–ę̋lo, pinstripe.
  • n100 nűx-a, 1. t.v. pass, proceed on. 2. i.v. proceed (with, from, ápa), pass, go ahead.
–xa, passage.
-ẋi, adj. passable, open [ice].
  • n101 ṅ-a, postp. down (through).
-u, adv. down(ward).
  • n102 ṅa̋b-o, funeral.
-i, adj. funereal, funerary.
  • n103 ṅa̋da, i.v. languish, flag.
  • n104 ṅa̋m-a, t.v. curse.
–o, curse.
  • n105 ṅa̋r-u, loquent being; man(-kind), humanity, people.
–i, adj. anthropoid, anthropomorphous.
-ɱe̋na, philanthropy.
-ɱ=i, adj. human; humane.
=ɘta, humaneness; humanity.
-są̋r=a, anthropology.
=ą̋gu, anthropologist.
-ƶe̋fu, cannibal.
  • n106 ṅa̋x-a, defy.
-a, defiance.
-a, postp. despite, with.
-i, adj. defiant.
-i, conj. although.
-u, adv. nevertheless.
  • n107 ṅe̋g-a, 1. t.v. forbear, forego. 2. i.v. abstain, refrain, forbear, help.
-a, forbearance, abstinence.
-i, adj. forbearing, abstinent.
  • n108 ṅe̋-tu, enemy, foe.
–(tɘ)ta, hostility.
-ti, adj. hostile, malignant, inimical.
  • n109 ṅǫ̋l-a, 1. t.v. color pink. 2. i.v. be-, become-, -pink.
-i, adj. pink.
  • n110 ṅő-po, front; face [mountain].
–fse̋d=a, 1. t.v. preside, -at, -over, chair. 2. i.v. preside.
=u, presider, president.
–fþi, adv. in (the) front, at the beginning, before.
-pą̋ra, presence.
-pa, postp. in front of, before, ahead of, against.
–pa̋nto, obverse [of a coin].
-pa̋ta, i.v. precede.
-pi, adj. front, anterior, fore.
  • n111 ṅőra, t.v. unwrap.
  • n112 ṅűn-a, 1. t.v. nod, bob. 2. i.v. nod.
-o, nod, bob.
  • n113 ṅűr-a, t.v. steep, macerate, infuse, ret.
–i, adj. sodden, soggy.
-o, infusion, tisane.
  • n114 ṅű-ta, t.v. pestle.
-þlo, pestle.