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Senjecas religion

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religion – ȝőuna

  • álkįᵹtǫ̋a, Jainism (< alkı̨̋ᵹta, nonviolence; ǫ̋a, belief)
  • álkįᵹtǫ̋lu, Jain
  • álȝumną̋a, impiety (< al, not; ȝumu, God; ną̋a, fear)
álȝumną̋i, adj. impious
  • alȝumsı̋to, idol (< al, not; ȝumu, God; sı̋to, representation)
alȝúmsiþtőza̋gu,, idolater
alȝúmsiþtőza, idolatry
alȝúmsiþtőzi, adj. idolatrous
  • álnespǫ̋ȝo, soma, haoma, wine after the consecration (< al, not; ne̋ca, death; pǫ̋ȝo, drink)
  • ánera̋isa, ancestor reverence (< ane̋ru, ancestor; a̋isa, revere)
ánertőza, ancestor worship
  • a̋ta, Tao (< a̋to, way)
atǫ̋a, Taoism
atǫ̋lu, Tao
  • cuvda̋ro, Purgatory (< cűva, purge; da̋ro, place)
  • 001 ċų̋u, soul
  • 002 de̋ipe, sacrificial animal
  • 003 ḍe̋ɱa, heaven
  • ðęsðų̋pa, t.v. baptize (< ðęs-, spiritual; ðų̋pa, immerse)
ðęsmą̋ma, abbess
ðęstą̋ta, abbot
ðęsve̋uðlu, bishop

004 fı̋ra, 1. t.v. bless. 2. i.v. bless

fı̋ri, adj. blessed
fı̋ro, blessing, boon
fı̋rta, blessedness
  • f̣oþmődo, halo
  • 005 ha̋rmo, temple
  • 006 ı̨̋ra, 1. t.v. augur, betoken, portend. 2. i.v. augur
ı̨̋ra, augury
ı̨̋ro, omen, augury
įrlu, augur, seer, soothsayer
  • 007 ı̋lmu, god of the Children of Air
  • 008 ȝa̋usi, adj. ritually pure
ȝa̋usta, ritual purity
  • 009 ȝa̋ƶa, t.v. venerate
ȝa̋ƶa, veneration, devotion
ȝa̋ƶ̇i, adj. venerable
  • ȝaƶǫ̋a, Sikhism
  • ȝaƶǫ̋lu, Sikh
  • ȝehűðru, Jew
ȝehűðri, adj. Jewish
  • ȝéhuðrǫ̋a, Judaism
  • 010 ȝe̋ra, 1. t.v. curse, execrate, beshrew. 2. i.v. curse.
ȝe̋ra, execration
ȝe̋ri, adj. accursed, damned
ȝe̋ro, curse, execration
ȝe̋ṙi, adj. execrable
  • ȝe̋su, Jesus
ȝésu ma̋ƶaþu, Jesus Christ
  • 011 ȝőuna, right-, true-, -way; religion
ȝőuni, adj. religious
  • 012 ȝűdi, adj. supernatural
  • 013 ȝűmu, god(dess)
ȝumdı̋lu, avatar
ȝumdǫ̋o, grace
ȝűmi, adj. divine, godly, spiritual
ȝume̋xno, oracle
ȝumḷőmi, adj. mythic, mythical
ȝumḷőmo, myth
ȝumḷómsąrą̋gu, mythologist
ȝúmḷomsą̋ra, mythology
ȝumną̋a, fear of god, piety
ȝumną̋i, adj. pious; god-fearing
ȝumsą̋ra, theology
ȝűmta, divinity
  • 014 kabe̋iru, god of the Chil¬dren of Stone
  • kaiɱe̋sa, i.v. live as a hermit
kaiɱę̋slu, hermit, solitary, anchorite, recluse
kaiɱę̋sli, adj. eremitical
kai(ɱɘ)ɱę̋so, hermitage, hermitary
  • 015 kı̋lþo, sanctuary
  • 016 ḳa̋mu, ghost
  • kaxle̋ƶo, karma
  • kóinkaltı̨̋δlu, monk (< kóini, communal; kaltı̨̋δlu, ascetic)
koinkáltįδɱę̋so , monastery
  • kővlu, Muslim (< kőba, submit)
kovlǫ̋a, Islam
  • koi(nɘ)nőnlu, monk
  • kɔncu, Confucius
kɔncúdokǫ̋a, Confucianism
kɔncúdokǫ̋lu, Confucianist
  • 017 lı̋la, 1. t.v. pray. 2. i.v. pray
lı̋la, prayer
lı̋lo, prayer
lil(ɘl)u, prayer
  • 018 lı̋ta, t.v. sacrifice, bring, offer, make [a sacrifice]
lı̋taþu, sacrificial victim
lite̋do, sacrificial meal
lı̋te, sacrificial animal
lı̋ti, adj. sacrificial
lı̋to, offering, sacrificial object
liþlu, sacrificer
  • 019 mąɱőrtu, agricultural god
  • ma̋ƶaþu, Christ
ma̋ƶaþɱi, adj. Christian
ma̋ƶaþɱu, Christian
máƶaþɱǫ̋a, Christianity
  • mevȝűmu, Nataraja
  • miþą̋gu, angel
  • ɱéskaiþme̋xa, land of western happiness
  • 020 ɱı̨̋me sacred primordial force
ɱįma̋ta, Shinto
ɱı̨́mtatǫ̋lu, Shintoist
ɱı̨̋mu, God at work
sa̋ku ɱı̨̋mu, the Holy Spirit
  • 021 na̋pe, soul
  • 022 nę̋ru, god of the Children of Water
  • 023 nőna, t.v. make a religious vow
nőni, adj. votive
nőnlu, votary
nőno, vow
  • 024 nőiva, t.v. consecrate
nőiva, consecration
noivda̋ro, shrine
nőivi, adj. sacred
nőivo, sacred object
nőivta, sacredness
  • 025 ǫ̋a, t.v. believe, have faith in
ǫ̋a, belief, faith; -ism
ǫ̋ita, credibility
ǫ̋ȝi, adj. believable, credible
ǫkőinta, church [people]
ǫ̋lu, believer
ǫ̋ri, adj. faithful
ǫ̋rta, faithfulness
ǫtőlk̬o, creed
  • 026 ǫ̋ra, i.v. pronounce a ritual formula
ǫrɱę̋ro, ritual formu¬la
ǫ̋ro, religious ceremony, ritual, rite
  • 027 orgűma, the underworld, the abode of the damned; Hades; hell
  • ɔ́nsindǫ̋a, Hinduism
ɔ́nsindǫ̋lu, Hindu
  • 028 perk̬űnu God of the Children of Wood
  • 029 perǫ̋unu, name for Yumu
  • 030 p̌ase̋nu, God of the Children of Fire
  • ṗűdaþu, the Buddha
ṗúdaþǫ̋a, the Buddhism
ṗúdaþe̋slu, bodhisattva
ṗúdaþǫ̋a, the Buddha
ṗúdaþǫ̋lu, Buddhist
  • ᵹǫnőivi, adj. sacrosanct
  • 031 ᵹősa, t.v. eat ritual food
ᵹőso, ritual food
  • rı̋zla, Dharma
  • 032 rűta, 1 t.v. incense. 2 i.v. incense
rűto, incense
ruþpę̋do, censer, thurible
  • sątą̋nu, satan, devil
  • 033 sa̋ka, t.v. hallow, sanctify, sanction.
sa̋ka, sanctification, sanctity
sa̋ki, adj. holy, godly, hallowed, saintly
sa̋ku, saint, holy man/woman
sa̋xta, holiness, godliness, saintliness
saxtą̋ta, pope
saxtą̋ti, adj. papal
  • 034 sa̋mu, shaman
  • 035 sɔ̋þa, i.v. chant an incantation
sɔ̋þo, incantation
  • 036 šı̨̋to, sacrificial place
  • 037 ta̋ᵹa, life force
  • tarne̋ca, afterlife
  • 038 tarőnu, god of the Children of Earth
  • 039 te̋mo, sacred place
  • sa̋ku tı̋ru, Holy Trinity
  • todt̬ą̋ko, Paradise
  • 040 tove̋ru priestess
  • úftove̋ru, high priestess
  • 041 tőza, 1. t.v. worship, adore. 2. i.v. worship, adore
tőza, worship, adoration
tozte̋ro, worship room, chapel
tozde̋mo, church
  • 042 þangı̋ru, god
  • 043 þőxa, celebrate a-, -ceremony, -ritual
þőxo, ceremony
þőxlu, presider at a ceremony
  • úfðęsve̋uðu, cardinal
  • 044 ų̋nu, spirit [being]
ų̋na, spirit [abstraction]
ų̋ni, adj. spiritual
ųnɱa̋ko, fetish
ų̋nta, spirituality
  • vaðtę̋o, gospel
  • 045 va̋ma, i.v. preside, officiate [as a priest]
va̋mi, adj. priestly
vamlu, priest
  • zaraþűstaru, Zoroaster [irregular accent]
zaraþústarǫ̋a, Zoroastrianism
zaraþústarǫ̋lu, Zoroastrian
zaraþústarǫ̋ɱi, adj. Zoroastrian