Folksprak/Word formation guidelines

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Proto-Germanic To Folksprak: Typical Consonant Changes

PG *b > b [b] at the beginning of a syllable. PG *baunō > boen [bøːn]. PG *brōþēr > broder [ˈbroːdər]

PG *ƀ > v [v] at the end of a syllable: PG *weƀaną > wéve [ʋeːvə]. Can be bb [b] if the PG consonant was geminated or *ƀj. PG *reƀja- > ribb [rɪb]

PG* w > w [ʋ] at the beginning of a syllable. PG *wīdaz > wid [ʋiːd]

PG *w > w [w] or [ʊ] at the end of a syllable. Inter-vocally is [w], at the end of a word makes a [ʊ] diphthong with the stem vowel. PG grǣwaz > graw [graʊ], PG *snaiwaz > snéw [sneːʊ]

PG *sk > sh [ʃ] in almost all cases. PG *skamō > sham [ʃaːm]. PG *fiskaz > fish [fɪʃ]