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Howdy. My name is Sai.
My main conlang-related endeavors are:
- founding the Language Creation Conference, LiveJournal Conlangs community, and Language Creation Society
- teaching the UC Berkeley Conlangs DE-Cal class for two years (a college-level semester-long class on conlanging)
- a non-linear fully two-dimensional language and gripping language, both w/ Alex Fink
- an old essay on the design of an ideal language.
I am mostly a meta-conlanger; I am interested primarily in conlang as technology, that is, as a means of pushing the boundaries of what language is capable of doing. In my organizer role, however, I am supportive of all sorts of conlanging (not just my own), and try to encourage diverse perspectives on linguistics, conlanging, and the world in general.
If you want to know more about me personally, see my website.
Sai 08:09, 1 May 2012 (PDT)