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Romanal was a proposed international auxiliary language created by Dr. Alfred Michaux of Boulogne-sur-Med in 1909. Michaux was active in the Interlingua community.

Romanal verbal conjugation is interesting and rather complex, including these gems: me amavun, I should have loved; amerav, to have the duty to love; amerant, having the duty to love as well as amerat, having the duty to be loved.

Numbers 1 to 10: uni, dui, tri, quadri, quinti, sexti, septi, octi, noni, deci

Li meliori lingue auxiliari est ille quel possan facilim comprendar li americanos del norde et illos del sude.

Patro nostri,
qui est en cieles,
sanctificat estas nomine tui,
advenias regne tui,
fias volite tui,
sicut en ciele, et en terre.
Il pane nostri quotidiani das ad nos hodie,
et dimittas nostri debites,
sicut et nus dimitta debitantos nostri,
et ne nos inducas in tentatione,
sed liberas nos ex male.

See the Wikipedia article on Romanal.
Delphos, 1927, Sylvia Pankhurst, p.79