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This is where we'll put proposed and approved sentences in Naeso, exemplifying the uses of words and suffixes and grammatical structures.

If something hasn't yet been voted in, but you use it here anyway, please please please link to the relevant vote.


If you're not sure how to format a sentence gloss, see the Leipzig Glossing Rules.

The following abbreviations are Naeso-specific and don't appear in the Leipzig list.

  • MB — morpheme boundary
  • INC — inceptive aspect
  • NEW — someone who has just joined the conversation (as in pae)
  • OLD — someone who has been part of the conversation for a while (as in tha)
  • T — temporal preposition

Proposed Sentences

None yet! Feel free to propose a new sentence!

Accepted Sentences

Sanzuja ku si pan soenu.

read-PRF A 1SG FOC book

I finish reading the book (at some unspecified time, but probably recent past). — 3/0 (JH,BF,FH,/0)

Lavao'am ku Jaeku va zaevu.

write-MB-PROG A Jim P sentence

jim_henry is writing a sentence. — 3/0 (JH,FH,BF,/0)
  • The above uses glottal stop as a liason consonant, written as an apostrophe between the root's vowel cluster and the affix's vowel; the basics of it would be unaffected if the liason consonant were something different.

Zelthizo ku lynh va do.

make-INC A we;INCL P language

We are beginning to make a language. — 3/0 (JH,BF,FH,/0)

Eana pan pae!

hello FOC 2SG;NEW

Hello! (said to someone who's just joined the chat) — 3/0 (JH,BF,FH,/0)

Kal pan tha!

goodbye FOC 2SG;OLD

Goodbye! (said to someone who's been on the chat for a while) — 3/0 (JH,BF,FH,/0)
  • The above are proposed more-formal variants of basic "Eana!" and "Kal!"

Zelthija ku si va jan.

make-PRF A 1SG P word

I have (just) made a word/words. — 3/0 (JH,FH,BF,/0)

Sunhsa'am ku si va silzu.

edit-MB-PROG A 1SG P page

I am editing the (wiki) page. — 3/0 (JH,FH,BF,/0)

Sifi benh bu dakai.

unreliable again TOP network.

The network is unreliable again. — 3/0 (JH,FH,BF,/0)

Tseltsinh sinte syn kunoypavi pan tthaikin.

contain full in hovercraft FOC eel-PL

My hovercraft is full of eels. — 3/0 (FH,JH,BF,/0)

Jia ku y panli onan pfe bam Inhthaja bu kunoy nhu, bam Mansu so inna?

Speak A 2SG FOC-Q man or;EXCL REL enter-PRF P vehicle public, REL sit LOC that

Are you talking about the man who just entered the subway or about the man who is sitting there? — 3/0 (FH,JH,BF,/0)

Sou benh ku si so ua fui poynh?

be again A 1SG LOC this T Q?

"I'll be back in a" what? — 3/0 (FH,JH,BF,/0)
  • The original text was What's bbiab? Be back in a ¿?, in other words, What does the last 'b' stand for?Fenhl 18:12, 23 October 2010 (PDT)
  • It seems to me it could also be glossed as "When will you I be here again?" —Jim Henry 18:36, 23 October 2010 (PDT)
    • It could, yes. —FH

Jia ku tha pan poynh?


What did you say?/What are you saying? — 3/0 (JH,FH,BF,/0)
What does what you just said mean? — 3/0 (FH,JH,BF,/0)
General:VotingMember listAn Introduction to Naeso
Phonology and orthography:PhonologyStressOrthographyTransliteration
Lexicon and corpus:Naeso-EnglishEnglish-NaesoProposed wordsSwadeshNamesCorpus of SentencesMath
Conlang relay torches:LCC4 Relay
This page is part of the project Naeso. We meet up to discuss changes in 'real time' in #naeso on Freenode.