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Round Robin Romlang

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The Round Robin Romlang is a collaborative conlang founded by Kenner Gordon, inspired by the Round Robin Conlang. In the Round Robin Romlang, participants take turns adding sound changes to be applied to Latin.

More Specific Rules

Each participant takes turns adding a sound change, in the order of the Current Participants list below. No turns may be taken unless there are at least four current participants.


Current Participants

It is Shair Ahmed's turn.

Possible Participants

These people have displayed interest, but ambiguously; they may or may not actually wish to join.

  • Karen Badham
  • Benct Philip Jonsson

Former Participants

Sound Changes

Each of the "stages" below represents a full round, except the first, which is a group of sound changes from Classical Latin to approximate Vulgar Latin.

Stage 1

  • a: > a
  • e > ɛ
  • e: > e
  • i > e
  • i: > i
  • o > ɔ
  • o: > o
  • u > o
  • u: > u
  • y > i
  • y: > i
  • ai > ɛ
  • oi > e
  • n > Ø / _(f,v,s)
  • h > Ø
  • w > β
  • b > β / V_(V,r)
  • m > Ø / _#
  • m > n / in certain monosyllabic words
  • (e,i) > j / _V
  • u > w / _V
  • VV > V
  • V > ˈV / ˈ(i,e)_
  • V > ˈV / _C*ˈuV

Stage 2

  • [fricative] > Ø / V_V
  • n > r / V_V
  • g > ɣ / V_(V, r)
  • s(p,t,k) > (b,d,g)

Stage 3

  • (k,g) > (ʧ,ʤ) / _(front vowel)
  • s > h / #_V
  • u > ʉ
  • a > æ / _[+anterior]
  • e > ɞ

Stage 4

  • i > ʉ
  • ɛ > æ
  • [single stop] > [fricative] / (V, r, l)_V
  • β > h / _(unstressed vowel)
  • l > λ

Stage 5

  • j > λ
  • (kw, gw) > (p, b)
  • o > u
  • (ˈʉ,ˈɞ) > (ˈy,ˈœ)
  • u > ɯ

Stage 6

  • a > ɑ / #_
  • ɣ > v
  • ɔ > ɤ
  • (ʉ,ɞ,a) >∅ / _[+sonorant]
  • λ > ʎ̥˔

Stage 7

  • s > Ø / _#
  • [alveolar]r > [retroflex]
  • [geminate consonant] > [single consonant]
  • (y,œ) > (i,ɛ) / [-labial]_[-labial]
  • r > ʟ

Stage 8

  • ʟ > l
  • h > ħ / _a
  • h > ç / _[front vowel]
  • (ʉ,ɞ) > (u, ɔ)
  • ɑ > ɒ

Stage 9

  • l > λ > ʎ̥˔
  • h > Ø
  • (ɯ, ɤ) > (ɨ, ɜ)
  • VV > VɾV
  • u > ʏ

Stage 10

  • ɨ > ə


Perhaps we could allow people to do grammatical changes (i.e. "Syntax changes to V2", "Nominative becomes ergative and accusative becomes absolutive", etc.) instead of sound changes if they wish. DCliche 23:56, 9 March 2010 (UTC)

I've taken the liberty of posting conjugation and declension tables so that we may see what peoposed grammatical changes may be based on. Kicgan Vekei 17:10, 10 March 2010 (UTC)
Based on what the sounds changes have produced, I think these changes, at the very least, have happened:
  • Elimination of ablative case in both nouns and pronouns
  • Elimination of accusative case in nouns, but keeping it in pronouns
  • Merging dative case with genitive in nouns
  • Merging ɛ, æa, ɛd with ɛk, æk, ɤk
  • Elimination of vocative case in nouns and pronouns

What think ye? Kicgan Vekei 19:36, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Sounds good; what would the new dato-genitive case be called, though? DCliche 20:12, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

The dato-genitive case would probably be called "indirect."

What about the verbs?

I'm working on those right now, actually. Once I'm done I'll put up a list of proposals. Kicgan Vekei 22:47, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm not quite done yet, but I suggest that ħ spread among all imperfect endings and ç spread among all perfect endings by analogy. What think ye? Kicgan Vekei 03:16, 15 March 2010 (UTC)


girl f.
Singular Plural
Nominative pɨæʎa pɨæʎæ
Indirect pɨæʎæ pɨæʎaʎɨ
field m.
Singular Plural
Nominative kampɨ kampi
Indirect kampi kampɨlɨ
ʎæk, ʎævɛ
king m.
Singular Plural
Nominative ʎæk ʎævɛ
Indirect ʎævɛ ʎævɨ
hand f.
Singular Plural
Nominative marɨ mari
Indirect mari manɨ
thing f.
Singular Plural
Nominative ʎɛ ʎɛ
Indirect ʎæi ʎɛʎɨ
First Person Second Person
I m. and f.

we m. and f.
thou m. and f.
ye m. and f.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative ɛvɛ ti βɨ
Genitive mæi nɛsʈɨ tɨi βesʈɨ
Dative mi nɨçi tɛçɛ βɨçi
Accusative βɨ
—, ɨi
himself, herself
itself, oneself, themselves
Genitive ɨi
Dative çɛçɛ
Accusative çɛ

who? m. and f.
what? n. only
Nominative pæd
Genitive kiʎɨ kiʎɨ
Dative kɨæ kɨæ
Accusative pɛn pæd
ɛk, æk, ɛk
this, this one
ɛʎɛ, ɛʎa, ɛʎɨd
that, that one
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative ek i æk æ ɛk æk ɛʎɛ ɛʎi ɛʎa eʎæ ɛʎɨd ɛʎa
Genitive ɨʎɨ ɨlɨ ɨʎɨ ɒʎɨ ɨʎɨ ɨʎɨ ɛʎiɨ eʎɨʎɨ ɛʎiɨ eʎaʎɨ ɛʎiɨ eʎɨʎɨ
Dative ɨɛk i ɨɛk i ɨɛk i ɛʎi ɛʎi ɛʎi ɛʎi ɛʎi ɛʎi
Accusative ɨnk ɨ ɒnk ɒ ɛk æk eʎɨ eʎɨ eʎa ɒʎa ɒʎɨd eʎa

Relative pronouns

pi, pæ, pɨd
who, which, that
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative pi pi pɨd
Genitive kiʎɨ pɨʎɨ kiʎɨ paʎɨ kiʎɨ pɨʎɨ
Dative kɨæ piɨ kɨæ piɨ kɨæ piɨ
Accusative pɛn pan pa pod


Indicative mood, active voice, present tense
pɛʎtaʎɛ tæʎʎɛʎɛ pɛtɛʎɛ auziʎɛ
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɛʎtɨ pɛʎtamɨ tæʎʎæɨ tæʎʎɛmɨ pæsɨ pæsimɨ auzæɨ auzimɨ
Second Person pɛʎta pɛʎtasɛ tæʎʎɛ tæʎʎɛsɛ pæsɛ pæsɛsɛ auzi auzisɛ
Third Person pɛʎtat pɛʎtant tæʎʎæt tæʎʎænt pæsɛt pæsint auzɛt auzæɨnt
Indicative mood, active voice, imperfect tense
pɛʎtaʎɛ tæʎʎɛʎɛ pɛtɛʎɛ auziʎɛ
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɛʎtaħa pɛʎtaβamɨ tæʎʎɛħa tæʎʎɛβamɨ pæsɛħa pæsɛβamɨ auzæɛħa auzæɛβamɨ
Second Person pɛʎtaħa pɛʎtaβasɛ tæʎʎɛħa tæʎʎɛβasɛ pæsɛħa pæsɛβasɛ auzæɛħa auzæɛβasɛ
Third Person pɛʎtaħat pɛʎtaħant tæʎʎɛħat tæʎʎɛħant pæsɛħat pæsɛħant auzæɛħat auzæɛβant
Indicative mood, active voice, perfect tense
pɛʎtaβɛssɛ teʎʎɨɛsse pɛtɛβɛssɛ auzɛβɛssɛ
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɛʎtaçi pɛʎtaçɛmɨ tæʎʎɨi tæʎʎɨimɨ pæsiçi pæsiçimɨ auziçi auziçɛmɨ
Second Person pɛʎtaβɛsti pɛʎtaβɛstɛ tæʎʎɨɛsti tæʎʎɨɛstɛ pæsiβɛsti pæsiβɛstɛ auziβɛsti auziβɛstɛ
Third Person pɛʎtaut pɛʎtaβɛʎont tæʎʎɨɛt tæʎʎɨɛʎont pæsiçɛt pæsiβɛʎont auziçɛt auziβɛʎont