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Round Robin Romlang

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Revision as of 16:56, 9 March 2010 by DCliche (talk | contribs)
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The Round Robin Romlang is a collaborative conlang founded by Kenner Gordon, inspired by the Round Robin Conlang. In the Round Robin Romlang, participants take turns adding sound changes to be applied to Latin.

More Specific Rules

Each participant takes turns adding a sound change, in the order of the Current Participants list below. No turns may be taken unless there are at least four current participants.


Current Participants

It is Kelvin Jackson's turn.

Possible Participants

These people have displayed interest, but ambiguously; they may or may not actually wish to join.

  • Karen Badham
  • Benct Philip Jonsson

Former Participants

Sound Changes

Each of the "stages" below represents a full round, except the first, which is a group of sound changes from Classical Latin to approximate Vulgar Latin.

Stage 1

  • a: > a
  • e > ɛ
  • e: > e
  • i > e
  • i: > i
  • o > ɔ
  • o: > o
  • u > o
  • u: > u
  • y > i
  • y: > i
  • ai > ɛ
  • oi > e
  • n > Ø / _(f,v,s)
  • h > Ø
  • w > β
  • b > β / V_(V,r)
  • m > Ø / _#
  • m > n / in certain monosyllabic words
  • (e,i) > j / _V
  • u > w / _V
  • VV > V
  • V > ˈV / ˈ(i,e)_
  • V > ˈV / _C*ˈuV

Stage 2

  • [fricative] > Ø / V_V
  • n > r / V_V
  • g > ɣ / V_(V, r)
  • s(p,t,k) > (b,d,g)

Stage 3

  • (k,g) > (ʧ,ʤ) / _(front vowel)
  • s > h / #_V
  • u > ʉ
  • a > æ / _[+anterior]
  • e > ɞ

Stage 4

  • i > ʉ
  • ɛ > æ
  • [single stop] > [fricative] / (V, r, l)_V
  • β > h / _(unstressed vowel)
  • l > λ

Stage 5

  • j > λ
  • (kw, gw) > (p, b)
  • o > u
  • (ˈʉ,ˈɞ) > (ˈy,ˈœ)
  • u > ɯ

Stage 6

  • a > ɑ / #_
  • ɣ > v


Perhaps we could allow people to do grammatical changes (i.e. "Syntax changes to V2", "Nominative becomes ergative and accusative becomes absolutive", etc.) instead of sound changes if they wish. DCliche 23:56, 9 March 2010 (UTC)