Nyenglisk is a language purely based on that of English with some scandanavian extracts. There are some new sounds which will be shown below but nearly 99.9% of words are adapted from english. There are cases such as Dative and Genitive and the definite and indefinite article are suffixes. Has an icelandic/Faroese look.
Example > The man is walking down the street > Manið valke dún strýtiðum.
1) The woman is taking her baby to the pool = Vomanið take hona babý til púliðs 2) I want to go to the cinema tomorrow = Jæ vile að gora til cinemaiðs 3) I could sing but I am bad at it = Jæ kunað singa men jæ er bad at það. 4) I love writing examples = Jæ luve að ræta egsamplea. 5) You should learn New english = þú skalað lerna nyenglisk :).