Remdávon Pšálter Pisaw čejntjám Pisajot, Itáliajot, ér. Klóngár pšálter ér. Mejžov ér, dérža ludžás remde. Omenavot ó pšálter pu-rowdejen remdávečejen čownuv, ýbo podarum čefátev ža pare.
The height of the tower is about 55 metres from the ground. Its weight is about 14,500 tonnes. It currently leans at about 5.5 degrees. The tower has 294 steps.
After the third floor was built in 1178, the tower started to lean, due to having a small three-meter foundation in soft soil. The design of this tower was bad from the beginning. Construction was stopped for almost 100 years because the Pisans were often at war with Genoa, Lucca, and Florence.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a building in Pisa, Italy. It is a bell tower. It is famous because it leans to one side. The tower was once leaning more and more to the ground, but recently it has stopped falling.
The height of the tower is about 55 metres from the ground. Its weight is about 14,500 tonnes. It currently leans at about 5.5 degrees. The tower has 294 steps.
After the third floor was built in 1178, the tower started to lean, due to having a small three-meter foundation in soft soil. The design of this tower was bad from the beginning. Construction was stopped for almost 100 years because the Pisans were often at war with Genoa, Lucca, and Florence.