Romance: ā ē ī ō ū ȳ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ y̆ ạ̄ ẹ̄ ī͏̣ ọ̄ ụ̄ ỵ̄ ặ ẹ̆ ĭ͏̣ ọ̆ ụ̆ ỵ̆ ą̄ ę̄ ī͏̨ ǭ ų̄ ȳ̨ ą̆ ę̆ ĭ͏̨ ǫ̆ ų̆ y̨̆ {{SC|}}
Rhodrese and Burgendish: Çç ſ ſſ ſs ß
Knoschke: Ő ő Ű ű a̋ A̋ e̋ E̋ I̋ ı̋ A ̋ E˝ I˝ Ą ą Á͏̨ á͏̨ a̋͏̨ A̋͏̨ Ę ę É͏̨ é͏̨ e̋͏̨ E̋͏̨ Į į Í͏̨ í͏̨ I̋͏̨ ı̋͏̨ Ǫ ǫ Ó͏̨ ó͏̨ Ų ų Ú͏̨ ú͏̨ Č č Ľ ľ Ň ň Š š Ž ž
Combining Grapheme Joiner: ◌͏ (The Combining Grapheme Joiner is the legitimate means to prevent Mediawikis canonical "recomposition" of unicode characters with diacritics. This is often useful e.g. to get í͏̨ with the CGJ against į́ without it. NB that the CGJ character itself is zero-width and invisible, so care should be taken to delete the preceding ◌ without deleting the Combining Grapheme Joiner itself!)