'ižiitsigh is created by tvk. It grammaticalizes many constructions, using affixes where English and many other languages would require additional words or phrases. It is agglutinating with some inflecting characteristics. It is designed to be expressive and "attractively ugly" (muxši).
The vocabulary is a priori. There are two open classes, nouns (idi'itjun) and verbs (ixa'autjim). All other morphemes fall into the class of izje'ekrel or affixes. The category for all morphemes, including root words, is ižiitsigh.
Nouns fall into one of 8 classes. The first two, called iřuušidjim and ibuubedjim correspond to masculine and feminine. Nouns are assigned to the classes according to form, function, or association. All noun roots end in a consonant.