Asking a question in Seuna
There are three ways that a Y/N question can be asked. 1) HA opens the sentence. 2) KA closes the sentence. (or KI "verb" ???). 3) A question can also be posed by using a exp.rising tone towards the end of the sentence. NEED A SYMBOL ??
Nouns which are both touchable and countable usually have a JISTO head event or first span is double-state. Therefore we have 100,856 possible "words" for nouns.
Verbs must have a double.ton as a "mid-sound". Hence we have 103,320
possible "words" for verbs. However this should be divided by 5 or 6
because in the active form, the final vowel can not be expressed
Adjectives have the form S A G X. There are 14,080 possible "words' available.
Note that quite a number of words (66,360) can be both nouns and verbs. Maybe we should give these ones like MAN, TO MAN : BICYCLE, TO GO BY BICYCLE : ...
- Introduction to Seuna
- Seuna : Chapter 1
- Seuna word shape
- The script of Seuna
- Seuna sentence structure
- Seuna pronouns
- Seuna nouns
- Seuna verbs (1)
- Seuna adjectives
- Seuna demonstratives
- Seuna verbs (2)
- Asking a question in Seuna
- Seuna relative clauses
- Seuna verbs (3)
- Methods for deriving words in Seuna
- List of all Seuna derivational affixes
- Numbers in Seuna
- Naming people in Seuna
- The Seuna calendar
- Seuna units