Conlang Recognition Chart

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This article describes a variety of simple clues one can use to determine what conlang a document is written in with high accuracy.


  • Orthography: ptkbdgmnvshrly aāeēiīoōuū (older transcriptions use c for k)
  • Non-ASCII: āēīōū (ạẹịọụ ạ̄ẹ̄ị̄ọ̄ụ̄ have also been used in older transcriptions)
  • Unused ASCII: cfjqwxyz
  • Dipthongs: au, ay, ey, oy (also uses 'iy' frequently, but that is no diphthong)
  • Common words: ang, sira, eng, le, si, yam, ya
  • Common morphemes: -ang, -aris, -reng, -ley, -yam, -ea, -iya, -ara, -in, -on
  • Other common features: Words can get quite long due to its agglutinativeness.


  • Non-ASCII: áéíóú àèìòù ë ðñ and $ or š
  • Unused ASCII: jk
  • Diphthongs: aw, iw, ow, ay, ey, oy, uy
  • Digraph: ii
  • x and q are common
  • Words starting with f- or s- (like f-qúba)
  • Words of more than one syllable contain at least one acute accent
  • Common one- and two-letter words: a, e, i, h, o, on, so, se, fh, el, en, iw, fa


  • ASCII orthography:
  • Uses w, y, 3 and 0 as vowel letters
  • Upper- and lowercase consonants are distinct (e. g., K vs. k)
  • Use of double vowel letters to indicate length: 00, ww.
  • Use of apostrophe after vowels to indicate stress: 00', yy'.
  • LaTeX orthography:
  • Use of ø and ɜ as vowel letters
  • Multiple diacritics over single vowel letters, up to 4 (macron, acute, tear-drop accent, subscript tilde).
  • Subscript tilde to indicate nasality.
  • Tear-drop accent in vowel-initial words (looks like a superscript opening left single quote)
  • General:
  • Common single-word sentences with i in the last syllable.
  • Common words: Ke, ve, ke, je, re (always clause-final), keve, tømø, tɜmɜ, timi, tama, tumu.


  • Non-ASCII: Ää Öö Üü Éé
  • Digraphs: ch cj dj gj tj tz
  • Common words: a de ez ést héz il la las los


  • Non-ASCII: ċ č ł ŋ ö ř š ż ž
  • Unused ASCII: q w x
  • Digraphs: ch, gh
  • Combinations: ië, yö, uö, öy, -h after vowels, łř, nř
  • Common words: ai, ba, ċi, die, en, fi, ida, ja, kam, keh, ła, łu, min, nu, öych, ři, šei, šö, vö, yn, zmi


  • Non-ASCII: Þþ|ǂáíúýàìùỳ
  • Unused ASCII: bpmfvweoczj
  • Combinations: nq qþ rq ql tl hh nǂg n!g n||g ǂk ái áu úi íu ài àu ùi ìu
  • All words start with a consonant and end with a vowel
  • Very long words


Regimonti is a Romance language with vocabulary based on classical Latin rather than Vulgar Latin.

  • Its name is "Rumanşa" in Regimonti
  • Latin Alphabet with three additional characters: è, ņ, ş which make the following sounds: /E/ /J/ /S/ respectively.
  • Diphthongs: ai, au, oi, ua
  • common words: unu, una, lu, la. First person singular pronoun: O
  • Listen to the Babel Text in mp3 format


  • 7-bit ASCII characters only.
  • All upper case or all lower case letters, no mixed case.
  • Unused punctuation symbols: ; " ? !
  • Unused letters: C, Y.
  • No doubled letters.
  • Empenthetic X (=/@/) used to in compounds.
  • Single bracket quotes: < >
  • Apostrophe to break up numbers or long words to make them more readable: 1'000'000
  • Colon used for abbreviations: k:m: (=kilxmitros)
  • Proper name marker "li".

Senjecas (sj)

  • No capitalization

Latin script

  • Non-ASCII consonants: ɱ; þ; ð; ł; ß; к; ħ; ʒ
    • Until yogh is made available on Wiki, I am using j.
    • к /k/ = Kalaallisut (Greenlandic) kra - kappa <&#kappa;>
    • On the conlang list: ɱ = mh, ł = lh, ß = ts, ʒ = dz, ħ = jh, r = rh
  • Breve under or over to indicate labialization: ğ, ð̬
    • On the conlang list labialization is indicated by ü
  • Cedilla under or apostrophe over to indicate palatalization: ç, g̓
    • On the conlang list palatalization is indicated by ï
  • Non-ASCII vowel: ø; all vowels with acute accent: í, é, á, ǿ, ó, ú; all vowels with double acute accent: i̋, e̋, a̋, ø̋, ő, ű
    • On the conlang list the double acute accent is replaced with a circumflex
  • Non-ASCII weak vowels: ı, ɶ, æ
    • On the conlang list ı = ï

Cyrillic script

  • Non-Russian consonants:
    • My own invention: м̀
    • Serbian: ђ
    • Macedonian: љ; s; j
    • Tajik: ғ
  • Archaic Russian consonant:
    • is the old Cyrillic letter fita, an "o" with a tilde through it, derived from the Greek θ.[1] On the conlang list θ will be used.
  • Breve under or over to indicate labialization: г̆, б̬
  • Archaic Russian vowel: ѫ; all vowels with acute accent: и́, é, á, ѫ́, ó, ý; all vowels with double acute accent: и̋, e̋, a̋, ѫ̋, ő, y̋
    • On the conlang list the double acute accent is replaced with a circumflex.
    • On the conlang list ø will be used for ѫ yus.
  • Palatalization is indicated with the iotacized vowels: i, є, я, ё, ю (Palatalization does not occur before ѫ. This is not a rule, it just so happens.).
  • Weak vowels:
    • Russian: ь
    • Belarusian: ў
    • Bulgarian: ъ

Greek script

  • Alternate Greek consonants: ϐ beta /b/; ϑ theta /D/; ƛ lambda with slash /l_0/; j yot /j/; ς (final sigma) /ts/
  • Archaic Greek consonants: ϡ sampi /dz/; ϙ qoppa /j\/
  • Coptic consonant:ϩ hori /j_0/
  • Greek Vowels: with acute accent: ί, ή, ά, ό, ώ, ύ; with double acute accent: ι̋, η̋, α̋, ο̋, ω̋, υ̋
    • On the conlang list the double acute accent is replaced with a circumflex
  • Weak vowels: ϊ, ϋ, ε

Other Scripts

The Armenian, Devanagari, Georgian, Hebrew and Tengwar alphabets have also been adapted for Senjecas.

Tatari Faran

  • Uses subset of Latin alphabet: a, b, d, e, f, h, i, j, k, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u.
  • Unused letters: c, g, l, q, v, w, x, y, z.
  • No capitalization, not even in proper names.
  • Glottal stop in words, indicated by apostrophe (').
  • ts used as a digraph.
  • d is always word-initial, and r is always medial.
  • The only consonant clusters are double consonants beginning with m or n.
  • Common words: ka, kei, ko, sa, sei, so, na, nei, no, ei (never at the beginning of a sentence); e (never at the end of a sentence); da (always follows a word ending in -n).


Latin script

  • Non-ASCII: Ää Åå Čč Ǧǧ Ňň Öö Šš Üü Žž
  • Unused ASCII: Jj Qq (except in foreign names)

Cyrillic script

  • Non-Russian: Әә Ғғ Ңң Өө Ɔɔ Ўў Үү Һһ
  • Unused Russian: Ее Щщ Ъъ Ыы Ьь Юю Яя.
  • Foreign names not originally written in Cyrillic may occur in Latin orthography within otherwise Cyrillic text.

The whole Russian alphabet is technically defined for Terzemian, but the "unused" characters are normally never encountered in texts not issued by the Soviet goverment (which use the iotated vowels for jV sequences), though Ыы is sometimes used for non-harmonic or non-Terzemian vowels in foreign words.


  • Non-ASCII: ÁÐÉÍÓÚÝÞÆÖáðéíóúýþæö
  • Unused ASCII: cqz
  • Combinations: pp tt kk gj ggj kj kkj
  • Frequent words: ún únn á í eð er þiss þissi þissa