The title of this article is wrong. It should be Fínlǣsk.
Holding Page
This is a holding page for Fínlǣsk /viːnlãʒ/, one of the languages of my forthcoming AU North America.
It is derived from Old Norse, with adstrates from Scots, Scots Gaelic, English, Algic, Iroquoian, Eskimo-Aleut and Beothuk.
The tentative alphabet is something like
a b d ð e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v x y z æ œ ᵫ (Orthographic)
ɑ b d * e f g † i k l m n o p r s t u v x ə z a ø y (IPA)
* The glyph ð marks either interdental fricative.
† The glyph h is used to prefix voiceless liquids where phonotactic devoicing is not expected.
Doubled ðð, ff, kk, pp, ss, tt, xx force voiceless sounds where phonotactic voicing would be expected.
Doubled bb, dd, ðð, gg and liquids force voiced sounds where phonotactic devoicing would be expected.
Diacritics include acute for long vowels, and macron for nasal vowels. I don't know whether there will be long nasal vowels yet, nor whether tone or phonation will be employed.
Right now, I don't know enough about the language families involved, so this is about all I can say.