Senjecas Tax. Mammalia

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ɪ ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
ए पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


  1. In the Sefdaanian cultures, each individual is a member of a hierarchy of communities The Ethrans have used this hierarchy as a pattern for their classification of life forms
  2. The individual is, first of all, a member of one of the six Loquent Peoples The largest of the taxonomic communities is that of the le̋uða [le̋uðu, people] Thus, there are "animal people" and "plant people" This division corresponds to "kingdom" in modern taxonomy
  3. Next, the individual lives in one of the seven regions (watersheds) of Sefdaania This division, the ta̋im̃a [ta̋im̃a, region], corresponds to "class" in modern taxonomy
  4. Within the several regions, the individual lives in a commune This division, the kőina [kőino, commune], corresponds to "order" in modern taxonomy
  5. Each commune is comprised of a number of families This division, the ða̋ma [ða̋mu, family], corresponds to "family" in modern taxonomy
  6. Within the family, the individual is usually one of several siblings This division, the ȝőőra [ȝőőru, sibling], corresponds to "genus" in modern taxonomy
  7. And finally there is the individual himself This division, the še̋ða [še̋ðu, individual], corresponds to "species" in modern taxonomy
  • Finer divisions can be made with the use of prefixes, eg:
    • uf-, higher = super-
    • ner-, under = sub-
    • sup-, low = infra-
    • loi-, tiny = parv-
  • This table makes use of the following ranks:

Order (O) - kőina Suborder (sO) - nerkőina

Infraorder (iO) - sufkőina
Parvorder (pO) - loikőina
Superfamily (SF) - ufða̋ma
Family (F) - ða̋ma
Subfamily (sF) - nerða̋ma
Tribe (T) - sufða̋ma
Subtribe (supergenus) (sG) - ufȝőőra


  1. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., hűro, water + mőxe, mole = hurmőxe, Russian desman.
  2. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., tal̨őnu, human; ta̋lo, earth.
  3. pol = a word with a different, but related sense to an original root, e.g., sűűbe, camel; sűűbo, hump.
  4. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  5. Names in red are those of mammals that did not exist in Sefdaania.

Taxonomy Table - taƣsaar̈a̋s ȝezgı̋ı̋ro

O Erinaceomorpha - ehkőina

F Erinaceidae - ehða̋ma
sF Erinaceinae - éhnerða̋ma
001 e̋he, European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) [> Old English igil, hedgehog]
002 siȝe̋le, northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) [> Finnish siili, hedgehog]
003 he̋e̋re, long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) [> Latin ēr, hedgehog]

O Soricomorpha - šorkőina

F Soricidae - šorða̋ma
sF Soricinae - šórnerða̋ma
004 šőre, common shrew (Sorex araneus) [> Latin sōrex, shrew]
cpd ǧaršőre, alpine shrew (Sorex alpinus) [ǧa̋ro, mountain]
F Talpidae - moxða̋ma
sF Talpinae - móxnerða̋ma
T Talpini - mőxsufða̋ma
005 mőxe, European mole (Talpa europaea) [> Japanese モグラ mògura, mole]
T Desmanini - hurmóxsufða̋ma
cpd hurmőxe, Russian desman (Desmana moschata) [hűro, water; mőxe, mole]

O Chiroptera – mánforkőina [ma̋no, hand; főro, wing]

sO Microchiroptera - pínmanfórnerkőina [pı̋ni, adj. small]

F Vespertilionidae - váápalða̋ma
006 vaapa̋le, common pipistrelle (P. pipistrellus) [> Tamil vāval, bat]
007 ɫőőþe, common noctule (Nyctalus noctula)

O Primates - mézt̬inkőina [me̋żi adj., big; t̬ı̋no, brain]

F Cercopithecidae - nááimesða̋ma
sF Cercopithecinae - naaimésnerða̋ma
cpd naaime̋ṡe, Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) [na̋a̋ȝe, dog; me̋ṡe, monkey]
sF Colobinae - mésnerða̋ma
007 me̋ṡe, monkey (†Dolichopithecus ruscinensis) [> Old Japanese masi, monkey]
SF Hominoidea – tal̨ónufða̋ma
F Hominidae - tál̨onða̋ma
sF Ponginae - reuðávnerða̋ma
cpd reuða̋be, orangutan (Ponga spp.) [re̋uðe, red; a̋be, ape]
sF Homininae - tal̨ón̈erða̋ma
T Gorillini – ṡuþnéðsufða̋ma
cpd ṡuþne̋ðe, gorilla (G. gorilla) [ṡűþo, knuckle; ne̋ða, i.v. walk]
T Panini - ṡimpánzɛsufða̋ma
008 ṡimpa̋nze, common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
cpd f̨úxṡimpa̋nze, bonobo (Pan paniscus) [f̨űxu, dwarf; ṡimpa̋nze, chimpanzee]
T Hominini - tal̨ónsufða̋ma
sT - pézufȝőőra [pe̋zo, (solid) bone]
drv iðr̨őnu, ethran (Homo primicreatus)
drv tal̨őnu, human (Homo sapiens)
drv taain̨őnu, lithan (Homo monticola)
sT - kúlufȝőőra [kűlo, hollow bone]
drv aaþ̨őnu, pyran (Homo ripacola)
drv hur̨őnu, hydoran (Homo lacucola)
drv maat̨őnu, xylan (Homo silvicola )
F Hylobatidae - šéȝavða̋ma
cpd šeȝa̋be, gibbon (Hylobates spp) [ še̋ȝa, i.v. swing; a̋be, ape]

O Carnivora - íþżefkőina [ı̋þo, meat; że̋fa, t.v. eat [of animals]]

sO Feliformia - máɫnerkőina

F Felidae - maɫða̋ma
sF Felinae - máɫnerða̋ma
009 ba̋a̋ve, domestic cat (Felis catus) [> Tamil kkan, cat]
010 ma̋ɫe, wild cat (Felis sylvestris) [> Mongolian malur, wild cat]
011 sı̋nɫe, cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) [> Armenian ինձ inj, leopard ]
cpd m̃esbı̋ı̋re, cougar (Puma concolor) [m̃esa, west; bı̋ı̋re, lion]
012 lűűƣe, Eurasian lynx (L. lynx) [> English lynx]
sF Pantherinae – bíírnerða̋ma
013 ȝa̋rge, clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) [> Manchu jarχa, leopard]
014 bı̋ı̋re, Eurasian cave lion (†Panthera spelaea) [> Turkish börü, wolf]
cpd biɫhɛbı̋ı̋re , lion (Panthera leo) [bı̋ɫho, mane]
cpd m̃espɔde, jaguar (Panthera onca) [m̃e̋sa, west; pɔ̋de, leopard]
015 pɔ̋de, leopard (Panthera pardus) [> English, leopard]
016 ka̋d̨e, Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) [> Kolami keḍiak, tiger].
017 t̨űnge, Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
018 zı̋ke, snow leopard (U. uncia)
F Hyaenidae - b̨ónða̋ma
sF Hyaeninae - b̨ón̈erða̋ma
019 b̨őne, cave hyena (†C. crocuta spelaea) [> Old Turkish manu, wild cat]
sF Protelinae - soiðb̨ón̈erða̋ma
cpd soiðb̨őne, aardwolf (Proteles cristata) [soiðe, ant; b̨őne, hyena]
F Herpestidae – náákulða̋ma
020 naakűle, mongoose (†Herpestes lemanensis) [Tocharian B nakūle, mongoose].
F Viverridae – puzúngɛða̋ma
021 puzűnge, civet (Viverridae spp.) [> Tamil puẓuku, civet]

sO Caniformia - m̃áilnerkőina

F Canidae - m̃ailða̋ma
sF Caninae - m̃áilnerða̋ma
T Canini - m̃áilsufða̋ma
022 m̃a̋ile, Mosbach wolf (†Canis lupus mosbachensis) [> Armenian գայլ gayl, wolf]
023 mege̋le, Etruscan wolf (†Canis etruscus)
024 na̋a̋ȝe, dog, hound (Canis familiaris) [> Tamil nāy, dog]
025 tűre, Arno River dog (†Canis arnensis)
026 erı̋ke, dhole (Cuon alpinus) [> Parji iric netta, wild dog .
sT Canina - m̃áilsufða̋ma
027 toonde̋le, golden jackal (Canis aureus)
T Vulpini - púxsufða̋ma
028 ulı̋ƣe, arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) [> Yupik ulīq, fox]
029 pűke, red fox (V. vulpes) [> English fox]
030 ka̋rse, Corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) [> Mongolian kirsa, steppe fox]
031 k̨űte, Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) [> Japanese きつね kìtsune, fox]
032 alőőpe, gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) [> Lithuanian lapė, fox]
033 ȝa̋nte, racoon dog (†Nyctereutes donnezani) [> Negidal jandako, racoon dog]
SF Arctoidea - vérufða̋ma
F Ursidae - verða̋ma
sF Ailuropodinae - aiþvérnerða̋ma
cpd aiþve̋re, giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [a̋ita, t.v. variegate; ve̋re, bear]
sF Ursinae - vérnerða̋ma
034 ve̋r|e, brown bear (Ursos arctos) [> English, bear]. -i, adj. ursine.
035 la̋xle, polar bear (Ursus maritimus) [> Yupik lakɫaq, polar bear]
cpd pinve̋re, small bear (†Ursus minimus) [pı̋ni, adj. small; ve̋re, brown bear]
036 ȝőlże, cave bear (†Ursus spelaeus) [> Konda olzu, bear]
037 na̋ňe, Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus)
038 da̋st̬e, Etruscan bear (†Ursus etruscus)
039 kara̋de, sloth bear (Melurus ursinus) [> Tamil karaṭi, sloth bear].
SF Musteloidea - ðúsufða̋ma
F Ailuridae - ȝantɛða̋ma
040 ṡa̋ƣe, red panda (†Parailurus anglicus) [> Manchu ǯajra, bear]
F Mustelidae - ðusða̋ma
sF Mustelinae - ðúsnerða̋ma
041 bőrse, wolverine (G. gulo)
042 lűȝe, pine marten (M. martes) [> Mansi Vagil, loisa, M. martes]
043 ke̋ṡe, beech marten (Martes foina) [> Sanskrit kaśīkā́, weasel]
044 ke̋une, sable (Martes zibellina) [> Lithuanian kiaunė, marten]
045 va̋rke, European badger (M. meles) [> Irish broc, badger]
046 muste̋le, stoat, ermine (Mustela erminea) [> English mustelid]
047 he̋he, steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) [> Lithuanian šeškas, polecat]
048 ke̋sle, European mink (Mustela lutreola)
049 pőite, least weasel (Mustela nivalis) [> Sami puoita, least weasel]
050 ðűse, polecat, fitch (Mustela putorius) [> Latin fūrō, ferret]
051 solűxe, kolinsky, Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) [> Mongolian soluŋɣa, kolinsy]
sF Lutrinae - dáƣnerða̋ma
052 dage̋re, Eurasian otter (L. lutra) [> Navarrese igaraba, otter]
SF Pinnipedia - em̃pédufða̋ma [e̋m̃o, fin; pe̋do, foot]
F Odobenidae - áiveƣða̋ma
053 aive̋ƣe, walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) [> Greenlandic Inupik avik, walrus]
F Phocidae - sélaxða̋ma
cpd niláƣsela̋ke, Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica)
054 sela̋xe, Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) [> English seal]

O Artiodactyla - s̨udkőina [şűdo, cloven hoof]

sO Tylopoda – buus̨̈úðnerkőina [bűűso, pad]

F Camelidae - þivnɛða̋ma
sF Camelinae - þívn̈erða̋ma
T Camelini - þívnɛsufða̋ma
055 þı̋vne, Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) [> Turkish deve, camel]
pol sűűbe, dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) [sűűbo, hump]
T Lamini - þívnɛsufða̋ma
056 la̋me, llama (Lama glama)
057 m̃ana̋ke, guanaco (Lama guanacoe)
058 m̃ikűn̨e, vicuña (V. vicugna)
059 alpa̋ke, alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

sO Suina - šos̨̈úðnerkőina [šőso, toe; şűdo, cloven hoof]

F Suidae - éperða̋ma
sF Suinae – epérnerða̋ma
T Suini - epérsufða̋ma
060 epe̋re, wild swine (Sus scrofa) [> German Eber, boar]
061 hőre, domestic pig (Sus domesticus) [> Greek χοῖρος, pig]
T Phacochoerini - fégepérsufða̋ma
cpd fégepe̋re, common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) [fe̋go, wart]
F Tayassuidae - żiféperða̋ma
cpd żífepe̋re, peccary (Tayassuidae spp.) [żífo, musk; epe̋re, wild swine]

sO Whippomorpha - k̬áldaamórnerkőina [k̬a̋le, whale; daamőre, hippopotamus]

F Hippopotamidae - dáámorða̋ma
cpd daamőre, hippopotamus (Hippopotamus africanus) [da̋a̋e, river; mőre, horse]
cpd daamőrke, pigmy hippo (Choeropsis liberiensis)

sO Ruminantia - rúsnerkőina

iO Pecora - kíðsufkőina
SF Giraffoidea - ufða̋ma
F Giraffidae - nérkosþða̋ma
cpd piðkűże, giraffe (Giraffa camelopardis) [pı̋ði, adj. long; kűżo, neck]
cpd eel̤a̋ke, okapi (Okapia johnstoni) [e̋e̋lo, stripe; la̋ko, leg]
F Antilocapridae - aiþða̋ma
062 a̋ite, pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)
F Cervidae - laanða̋ma
sF Cervinae - láán̈erða̋ma
T Cervini - láánsufða̋ma
063 se̋se, fallow deer (D. dama) [> Korean 사슴 saseum, deer]
064 la̋a̋ne, red deer (Cervus elaphus) [> Greek ελλός, roe fawn]
065 műűne, giant deer (†Megaloceros giganteus) [> Japanese まなか manaka, respectful name for a deer]
sF Capreolinae - róisnerða̋ma
T Capreolini - róis̈ufða̋ma
066 ȝőle, elk (moose) (A. alces)
067 rőiṡe, European roe deer (C. capreolus) [> English roe]
T Rangiferini - tűntɛsufða̋ma
068 tűnte, caribou (Rangifer tarandus) [> Yupik, tuntu, caribou]
F Bovidae - taurða̋ma
sF Alcelaphinae – písnerða̋ma
069 pı̋ṡe, unicorn (†Alcephalus monoceros) [> Sanskrit piśá-, kind of deer]
sF Antilopinae – íþnerða̋ma
070 ı̋te, saiga (Saiga tartarica)
071 sı̋ı̋le, chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii) [> Korean 화살 hwasal, arrow]
sF Bovinae - táurnerða̋ma
072 xa̋xþe, water buffalo (B. bubalis) [> Turkish xotoz, yak]
073 ta̋ure, aurochs (†Bos primigenius) [> English Taurus]
074 ṡőne, yak (Bos grunniens) [> Finnish sonni, bull]
075 ȝűne, domestic cow (Bos t. taurus) [> Turkish inek, cow]
cpd suuvȝűne, zebu (Bos taurus indicus) [sűűbo, hump; ȝűne, cow]
cpd kiðkı̋ı̋te, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) [kido, horn; kı̋ı̋te, shield]
076 m̃isőnte, wisent, bison (Bison bonasus) [German Wisent, wisent]
cpd m̃ésm̃isőnte, American bison (B .bison) [m̃e̋sa, west; m̃isőnte, bison]
077 űike, steppe wisent, (†Bison priscus) [> Manchu wejxen, a kind of horned animal]
sF Caprinae - kíþnerða̋ma
T Ovibovini - żífuð̤a̋ma
cpd żifűde, musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) [żı̋fo, musk; űde, yak]
T Caprini - kíþsufða̋ma
078 kı̋te, tur (Capra caucasica)
079 a̋iże, markhor (Capra falconeri) [> English aegis]
080 ƣa̋ide, bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus) [> English goat]
081 ȝőőde domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus).
082 k̬ı̋ṡe Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) [> PKart *ḳwic-, mountain goat > Svan ḳvic-ra, mountain goat].
083 pe̋ke, argali (Ovis ammon) [> English pecuniary]
084 őm̃e, domestic sheep (Ovis aries) [> English ewe]
cpd m̃espe̋ke, bighorn (Ovis canadensis) [m̃e̋sa, west; pe̋ke, argali]
T Naemorhedini - k̬íís̈ufða̋ma
085 k̬ı̋ı̋ṡe chamois (Rupricapra caucasica) [> Georgian კვიცი ḳvici, foal]

O Hyracoidea – ṡáfm̨ondɛkőina

F Procaviidae - ṡáfm̨ondɛða̋ma
cpd ṡafm̨őnde hyrax (Hyracoidea spp.) [ṡa̋fo, hoof; m̨őnde, marmot]

O Proboscidea – muundɛkőina [műűndo, trunk]

sO Mammutida - ǧíinerkőina

F Mammutidae - ǧíiða̋ma
086 ǧı̋ȝe mastodon (†Mammut borsoni)

sO Elephantida - kamáxnerkőina

F Elephantidae - kámaxða̋ma
sF Elephantinae
T Loxodontini
087 kama̋ke, wooly mammoth (†Mammuthus primigenius) [> Naukan kamaʁiʁin, mammoth]
088 tűlƣe, African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
T Elephantini
089 ȝe̋e̋ne, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) [> Malayalam āna, elephant]

O Perissodactyla - ṡafkőina [ṡa̋fo, solid hoof]

sO Hippomorpha - mórnerkőina

F Equidae - morða̋ma
090 e̋ṡe, tarpan (Equus ferus) [> English equine]
091 mőre, Przewalsky’s horse (Equus przewalskii) [> Korean 말 mal, horse]
092 ka̋be, domestic horse (Equus ferus caballus) [> English cavalry]
093 e̋ɫże, donkey (Equus africanus) [> Turkish èšek, donkey]
094 le̋mre, onager (Equus hemionus)
095 kűlme, kulan (Equus luteus)[> Mongolian qulan, ass]
096 kaazűde, European ass (Equus hydruntinus) [> Tamil kaẓutai, ass]

sO Ceratomorpha - naskíðnerkőina

F Tapiridae – sééfnasða̋ma
cpd seefna̋se, tapir (Tapirus spp.) [se̋e̋pa, t.v. grasp; na̋se, nose]
F Rhinocerotidae - kirsɛða̋ma
sF Rhinocerotinae - kírsɛnerða̋ma
T Rhinocerotini - naskı̋ðsufða̋ma
cpd naskı̋de, Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) [na̋so, nose; kı̋de, horn]
T Dicerorhinini - kírs̈ufða̋ma
097 kı̋rse, wooly rhinoceros (†Coelodonta antiquitatis) [> Mongolian kiris, rhinoceros]
T Dicerotini - láf̤emða̋ma
cpd laf̤e̋me, white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) [la̋fi, adj. broad, fe̋me, lip]
cpd keƣfe̋me, black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) [ke̋ga, t.v. hook; fe̋me, lip]
sF Elasmotheriinae - þ̨ááxnerða̋ma
098 þ̨a̋a̋ke, elasmotherium (†Elasmotherium caucasicum) [> Mongolian togij, elk]

O Rodentia – vaaskőina [va̋a̋sa, t.v. gnaw]

sO Castorimorpha - vévrɛnerkőina

F Castoridae - vevrɛða̋ma
099 ve̋vre, European beaver (Castor fiber) [> English beaver]

sO Myomorpha – múúsnerkőina

SF Dipodoidea - ƥúnufða̋ma
F Dipodidae – ƥunða̋ma
sF Sicistinae - alíxnerða̋ma
100 alı̋ke, birch mouse (Sicista spp.) [> Turkmen alaqa, jerboa ]
sF Dipodinae - ƥúnerða̋ma
101 ƥűne, three-toed jerboa (Stylodipus telum) [> Evenki hińekī, jerboa]
SF Muroidea - múúsufða̋ma
F Cricetidae - kamða̋ma
sF Arvicolinae - żámlɛnerða̋ma
T Arvicolini - żámlɛsufða̋ma
102 ża̋mle, water vole (Arvicola amphibius) [> Old Georgian zaml-, rat]
103 simı̋ı̋e, Caucasian snow vole (Chionomys gud) [> Old Greek σμίνθος, mouse]
cpd ǧarża̋mle, European snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) [ǧa̋ro, mountain; ża̋mle water vole]
T Lemmini - maxsɛða̋ma
104 ma̋xse, Norway lemming (L. lemmus) [> Mordvinic maksaźej, mole]
sF Cricetinae - xámnerða̋ma
105 xa̋me, common hamster (C. cricetus) [> German Hamster, hamster]
F Muridae - muusða̋ma
sF Murinae – múúsnerða̋ma
106 ṡ̨a̋mre, Ural field mouse (Apodemus uralensis)
cpd aivműűse, Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) [aibi, grass]
107 műűse, house mouse (Mus musculus) [> English mouse]
cpd kébarműűse, steppe mouse (Mus specilegus) [keba̋ro, steppe]
108 ṡőm̃e, brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

sO Sciuromorpha - om̃érnerkőina

F Gliridae - galða̋ma
109 ga̋le, fat dormouse (G. glis) [> English galea]
F Sciuridae - óm̃erða̋ma
sF Sciurinae - om̃érnerða̋ma
T Sciurini - om̃érsufða̋ma
110 om̃e̋re, Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) [> Old English āc-worna, squirrel]
T Pteromyini - d̨ársufða̋ma
111 d̨a̋re, Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) [> Japanese いたち itachí, weasel]
sF Xerinae - lúngɛnerða̋ma
T Marmotini - lungɛða̋ma
sT Marmotina – lúngufȝőőra
112 lűnge, Alpine marmot (M. marmota) [> Mongolian naɣai, female tarbagan]
113 m̨őnde, Bobak marmot (Marmota bobak) [ Evenki mundukān, hare]
sT Spermophilina – dórkufȝőőra
114 dőrke, suslik (Spermophilus citellis)
115 ṡuża̋ke little ground squirrel (Spermophilus pygmaeus )

sO Hystricomorpha - sééðnerkőina

F Hystricidae - seeða̋ma
116 se̋e̋de, crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) [> PDrav *śēd-, porcupine > Tamil ey, porcupine]

O Lagomorpha - ṡeskőina

F Leporidae - ṡesða̋ma
117 þőƣse, European hare (Lepus europaeus) [> Old Greek κεκήν, hare]
118 ṡe̋ṡe, mountain hare (Lepus timidus) [> Korean 토끼 thok:í, hare]
F Ochotonidae - mumða̋ma
119 műme, steppe pika (Ochotona pusilla) [> Mongolian mamuuna, rabbit]