Senjecas - 1300 Shannon 741-750

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix Q = interrogative particle VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine QUOT = direct quotation YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix REV = reversive
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


  • English Text
  • Senjecan Translation
  • 741. The ocean seemed at rest.
  • tı̋ı̋rte þeƣra̋s éna e-ka̋ȝa:
tı̋ı̋rt-e þeƣr-a̋s éna e=ka̋ȝ-a
ocean-N.s rest-G.s at PST=appear-IND

  • 742. The clouds in the west seemed on fire.
  • m̃esa̋s éna ne̋vos a̋iðos e-ka̋ȝa:
m̃es-a̋s éna ne̋v-os a̋ið-os e=ka̋ȝ-a
west-G.s in cloud-N.p on_fire-N.p PST=seem-IND

  • 743. We were all in most excellent spirits.
  • őru m̃us ṡıṡa̋da iim̃a̋s éna e-vűűa:
őru-Ø m̃-us ṡı~ṡa̋da-Ø iim̃-a̋s éna e=vűű-a
all-ABS 1p-N ELT~excellent-ABS spirits-G.s in PST=be-IND

  • 744. Be of good cheer, brave comrades.
  • ze̋gu eeflűs. la̋ra reeðra̋s e̋se:
ze̋gu-Ø eefl-űs la̋ra-Ø reeðr-a̋s e̋s-e
brave-ABS comrade-V.p good-ABS cheer-G.s be-IMP

  • 745. January is named in honor of Janus, an ancient Roman god.
  • ȝaňa̋r̨a ȝanűs. se̋nu roma̋nu peenűs. þála fe̋e̋taþa ı̋la:
ȝaňa̋r̨-a ȝan-űs se̋nu-Ø roma̋nu-Ø peen-űs þála fe̋e̋t-a-þ-a ı̋l-a
January-N.s Janus-G.s ancient-ABS Roman-ABS god-G.s in_honor_of name-IND-PP-N.s become-IND

  • 746. Out of a low cave of rock at the foot of a limestone crag, the great fountain rose.
  • me̋żo itűro ṡ̬itónfaakős pedős éna sűpo taainfa̋gom éha e-kőþa:
me̋żo-Ø itűr-o ṡ̬itón.faak-ős ped-ős éna sűpo-Ø taain.fa̋g-om éha e=kőþ-a
great-ABS fountain-N.s limestone.crag-G.s foot-G.s at low-ABS stone.crag-A.s out_of PST=rise-IND

  • 747. The little Dutch settlement on Manhattan Island has become the largest and wealthiest city in America.
  • mánxata̋na dimős éva pı̋no níterna̋a̋lo ı̋xo amérika̋s éna mıme̋żok̬e ƣıƣa̋vok̬e riȝo iı̋la:
mánxata̋na dim-ős éva pı̋no-Ø níterna̋a̋lo-Ø ı̋x-o amérik-a̋s éna
Manhattan island-G.s on little-ABS Dutch-ABS settlement-N.s America-G.s in
éna mı~me̋żo-Ø=k̬e ƣı~ƣa̋vo-Ø=k̬e riȝ-o i~ı̋l-a
in ELT~large-ABS=and ELT~wealth-ABS=and city-N.s PRF~become-IND

  • 748. The Pilgrims on board the Mayflower signed an agreement, and then chose John Carver governor.
  • mefla̋uer naam̃ős éva soorta̋ƣlus ṡ̨őxram e-sa̋a̋ba. da pósi ȝóxana̋num ka̋rver da̋slum e-őpa:
mefla̋uer naam̃-ős éva soor.ta̋ƣ-l-us ṡ̨őxr-am e=sa̋a̋b-a da pósi ȝóxana̋n-um ka̋rver da̋s-l-um e=őp-a
Mayflower boat-G.s on agreement-A.s PST=sign-IND and then John-A.s Carver govern-AG-A.s PST=choose-IND

  • 749. All her finery, lace, ribbons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
  • őro eȝu-funı̋ȝo. s̨őko. sı̋ı̋os da fűnos butős éna butı̋d̨aþo e-ı̋la:
őro-Ø eȝu=fun-ı̋ȝ-o s̨ők-o sı̋ı̋-os da fűn-os but-ős éna but-ı̋d̨-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a
all-ABS her=fine-COL-N.s lace-N.s ribbon-N.p and feather-N.p trunk-G.s in pack-TRZ-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 750. Most beloved by Hiawatha was the gentle Chibiabos.
  • n̨űmu ṡíb̨abősu xiáuaþa̋s kía m̃ım̃e̋naþu e-vűűa:
n̨űmu ṡíb̨abős-u xiáuaþ-a̋s kía m̃ı~m̃e̋n-a-þ-u e=vűű-a
gentle-Ø Chibiabos-N.s Hiawatha-G.s by ELT~love-IND-PP-N.s PST=be=IND