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Senjecas - Jonah's Anger: God's Reproof (Jonah 4:1-11)

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


jonahűs ge̋ƣra. ȝuműs k̬e̋e̋ðra

योनहु॓स् गे॓ग़्र। युमु॓स् क्वै॓ध्र

Jonah's Anger: God's Reproof (Jonah 4:1-11)

ivrĕȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Hebrew
  • English Text
  • Literal Hebrew Translation
  • Devanāgari Text
  • Senjecan Translation
  • 1. But this was greatly displeasing to Jonah, and he became angry.
  • to-Jonah calamity great and it.was.kindled.for.him
  • da me̋ża dősa ȝonahűs t̬alőm o e-e̋sa da éȝum e-gegı̋d̨a:
da me̋ża-Ø dős-a ȝonah-űs t̬al-őm o e=e̋s-a da éȝ-um e=geg-ı̋d̨-a
and great-ABS calamity-IND Jonah-G.s eye-G.p to PST=be-IND and 3-A.s PST=anger-TRZ-IND

  • 2. "I beseech you, Lord," he prayed, "is not this what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I fled at first to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, rich in clemency, loathe to punish.
  • and.said please JHWH the.not-was my.word while-I.was therefore flee to.Tarshish for I.know that you God gracious and.compassionate slow anger and.great.of-grace and.who.repents over-calamity
  • da e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ȝahm̃ű. so mu-sa̋m̃o e-e̋sa ne me—métu mu-mexa̋s éna e-vűűa: náru tóðvi tarsı̋sam do e-ɫ̨őka—hi tum fa̋ṡumk̬e ga̋vumk̬e. ge̋gu ǧɔ̋dum da me̋ża fasta̋s ȝűmum e̋su da—táu dosa̋s ha s̨a̋a̋na—sa̋a̋ra:
da e=te̋e̋-a m̃a ȝahm̃-ű s-o mu=sa̋m̃-o e=e̋s-a ne me métu mu=mex-a̋s éna e=vűű-a
and PST=say-IND QUOT JHWH-V.s this-N.s my=word-N.s PST=be-IND not Q when my=land-G.s in PST=be-IND
náru tóð=vi tarsı̋s-am do e=ɫ̨ők-a hi t-um fa̋ṡ-um=k̬e ga̋v-um=k̬e
therefore begin=ADV Tarshish-A.s to PST=flee-IND for 2s-A gracious-A.s=and compassionate-A.s=and
ge̋g-u ǧɔ̋d-um da me̋ża-Ø fast-a̋s ȝűm-um e̋s-u da tá-u dos-a̋s ha s̨a̋a̋n-a sa̋a̋r-a
anger-SUP slow-A.s and great-ABS grace-G.s God-A.s be-SUP and who-N.s calamity-G.s because.of repent-IND know-IND

  • 3. And now, Lord, please take my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live."
  • JHWH please.take for better my death
  • da ímu. ȝahm̃ű. tum sőőra. mum ápa ǧı̋ı̋tam oȝe̋ȝa—hi ne̋sra ǧiita̋' sóma ee̋ra e̋sa m̃ar:
da ímu ȝahm̃-ű t-um sőőr-a m-um ápa ǧı̋ı̋t-am oȝ-e̋ȝa hi ne̋sr-a ǧiit-a̋-' sóma e~e̋r-a e̋s-a m̃ar
and now JHWH-V.s 2s-A please-IND 1s-A from life-A.s take-SBJ for death-N.s life-G.s-ELIS than EL~good-IND be-IND QUOT

  • 4. But the Lord asked, "Have you reason to be angry?"
  • and.said JHWH rightly is.kindled
  • da ȝa̋hm̃u e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu m̃éérvi ge̋ga me m̃ar:
da ȝa̋hm̃-u e=te̋e̋-a m̃a t-u m̃éér=vi ge̋g-a me m̃ar
and JHWH-N.s PST=say-IND QUOT 2s-N right=ADV be.angry.IND Q QUOT

  • 5. Jonah then left the city for a place to the east of it, where he built himself a hut and waited under it in the shade to see what would happen to the city.
  • and.went.out Jonah and.sat on.the.east and.he.made for.himself there booth and.sat under it in.shade until he.see what-would.happen
  • da ȝona̋hu rı̋ȝom e-vı̋da da riȝős ápa ausa̋s ena e-se̋da da tóru miűs éra tala̋som e-va̋a̋na da eȝo-niizős éna e-se̋da—sííri—táo rı̋ȝom u-ebe̋ȝa—u-nake̋ȝa:
da ȝona̋h-u rı̋ȝ-om e=vı̋d-a da riȝ-ős ápa aus-a̋s ena e=se̋d-a
and Jonah-N.s city-A.s PST=leave-IND and city-G.s from east-G.s on PST=seat-IND
da tóru mi-űs éra tala̋s-om e=va̋a̋n-a da eȝo=niiz-ős éna e=se̋d-a sííri tá-o rı̋ȝ-om u=eb-e̋ȝa u=nak-e̋ȝa
and there self-G.s for hut-A.s PST=make-IND and its=shade-G.s in PST=seat-IND until what-N.s city-A.s FUT=see-SBJ

  • 6. And when the Lord God provided a gourd plant, that grew up over Jonah's head, giving shade that relieved him of any discomfort, Jonah was very happy over the plant.
  • and.appointed JHWH-God plant and it.came.up over Jonah shade over-his.head to.deliver him from.his.misery and.rejoiced Jonah over-the.plant joy great
  • da ȝa̋hm̃u műlim e-fe̋e̋ta da eȝu-nı̋ı̋mom éra nı̋ı̋zo vűűu da eȝu-puuƣra̋s ápa éȝum še̋evı̋d̨u tááda ȝona̋hum úpa e-na̋ila:
da ȝa̋hm̃-u műl-im e=fe̋e̋t-a da eȝu=nı̋ı̋m-om éra nı̋ı̋z-o vűű-u
and JHWH-N.s plant-A.s PST=appoint-IND and his=head-A.s for shade-N.s be-IND
da eȝu=puuƣr-a̋s ápa éȝ-um še̋ev-ı̋d̨-u tááda ȝona̋h-um úpa e=na̋il-a
and his=misery-G.s from 3-A.s free-TRZ-SUP Jonah-A.s over PST=spoil-IND

  • 7. But the next morning at dawn God sent a worm which attacked the plant, so that it withered.
  • and.appointed God worm in.rising.of the.dawn of.morrow the.plant
  • da ȝűmu—métu ṡum̃a̋s za̋ȝa e-kőþa—k̬ɔ̋mem e-fe̋e̋ta. da műlim e-tűűga da éȝi e-sa̋usa:
da ȝűm-u métu ṡum̃-a̋s za̋ȝ-a e=kőþ-a k̬ɔ̋m-em e=fe̋e̋t-a da műl-im e=tűűg-a da éȝ-i e=sa̋us-a
and God-N.s when tomorrow-G.s dawn-N.s PST=arise-IND worm-A.s PST=appoint-IND and plant-A.s PST=strike-IND and 3-N.s dry.up-IND

  • 8. And when the sun arose, God sent a burning east wind; and the sun beat upon Jonah's head till he became faint. Then he asked for death, saying, "I would be better off dead than alive."
  • and.struck the.sun on-head.of Jonah and.he.fainted and.he.asked.for to.die and.he.said better my.death
  • da sűűle ȝonahűs nı̋ı̋mom e-tűűga. da éȝu e-te̋e̋la. da eȝu-ǧı̋ı̋tam ne̋ṡu e-ı̋ga. da e-te̋e̋a: m̃a mu-ne̋sra ǧiita̋' sóma u-ese̋ȝa m̃ar:
da sűűl-e ȝonah-űs nı̋ı̋m-om e=tűűg-a da éȝ-u e=te̋e̋l-a da eȝu=ǧı̋ı̋t-am ne̋ṡ-u e=ı̋g-a da e=te̋e̋-a
and sun-N.s Jonah-G.s head-A.s PST=strike-IND and 3-N.s PST=faint-IND and his=life-A.s die-SUP PST=request-IND and PST=say-IND
m̃a mu=ne̋sr-a ǧiit-a̋-' sóma u=es-e̋ȝa m̃ar
QUOT my=death-N.s life-G.s-ELIS than FUT=be-SBJ QUOT

  • 9. But God said to Jonah, "Have you reason to be angry over the plant?" "I have reason to be angry," Jonah answered, "angry enough to die."
  • and.said God to-Jonah rightly over-the.plant and.he.said rightly to-death.
  • da ȝűmu ȝonahűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu méérvi műlim sépa ge̋ga me m̃ar. da éȝu e-te̋e̋a: m̃a mu m̃éérvi nesra̋s o ge̋ga m̃ar:
da ȝűm-u ȝonah-űs o e=te̋e̋-a m̃a t-u m̃éér=vi műl-im sépa ge̋g-a me m̃ar da éȝ-u e=te̋e̋-a
and God-N.s Jonah-G.s to PST=say-IND QUOT 2s-N right=ADV plant-A.s concerning be.angry-IND Q QUOT and 3-N.s PST=say-IND
m̃a m-u méér=vi ne̋sr-as o ge̋g-a m̃ar
QUOT 1s.N right=ADV death-G.s to be.angry-IND QUOT

  • 10. Then the Lord said, "You are concerned over the plant which cost you no labor and which you did not raise; it came up in one night and in one night it perished.
  • and.said JHWH you had.compassion on-the.plant which not-you.labored and.not which-son.of.night was and.son.of night it.perished
  • da ȝűmu e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu mulı̋s éra—taís túȝa e-da̋a̋ra n'—e-ga̋va. da éȝom taal̨e̋ta ne: laata̋s pőiku e-e̋sa. da ítu e-bűra:
da ȝűm-u e=te̋e̋-a m̃a t-u mul-ı̋s éra ta-ís túȝa e=da̋a̋r-a n-' e=ga̋v-a
and God-N.s PST=say-IND QUOT 2s-N plant-G.s on which-G.s with PST=work-IND not-ELIS PST=compassion-IND
da éȝ-om taal̨-e̋t-a ne laat-a̋s pőik-u e=e̋s-a da ítu e=bűr-a
and 3-A.s grow-CAUS-IND not night-G.s son-N.s PST=be-IND and so PST=perish=IND

  • 11. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left, not to mention the many cattle?"
  • and.I not should.have.compassion on-Nineveh great which more than-twelve ten.thousand men who not-know between.his.right to.his.left and.cattle many
  • da mu ninua̋s me̋żo riȝős éra—taós éna m̃iirűm d̬őfoos t̨umő' sóma m̃ĭm̃e̋umus—táus éȝu-m̃asős ápa ta̋ɫom sa̋a̋ra ne—da m̃e̋ume ȝűnes vűűla—ga̋vu ke̋la ne me⁝
da m-u ninu-a̋s me̋żo-Ø riȝ-ős éra ta-ós éna m̃iir-űm d̬ő.foos t̨um-ő-' sóma m̃ĭ~m̃e̋um-us
and 1s.N Nineveh-G.s great-ABS city-G.s for which-G.s in man-G.p two.tens thousand-G.s-ELIS than EL~many-N.p
tá-us éȝu=m̃as-ős ápa ta̋ɫ-om sa̋a̋r-a ne da m̃e̋ume-Ø ȝűn-es vűűl-a ga̋v-u ke̋l-a ne me
who-N.p their=left.hand-G.s from right.hand-A.s know-IND not and many-ABS cow-N.p have.compassion-SUP should-IND not Q

Senjecas - The First Mission (Jonah 1:1-2:2)