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Plosive /p b t d k k_s ɡ/ "p b t d k x g" Nasal /m n/ <m n> Fricative /f v θ ð t_s s ʃ z h/ "f v þ ð z c š s h" Aproximant /ɹ l j/ "r l j" Semi-vowels /w/ "w" Vowels /ɑ aʊ ɛ i o ø ʌ ɪ ɛ: u: ɑ: æ/ "a á e i o ø u y é ú aa ae"

Diphthongs /ɔɪ ʌɪ ɪə/ "eu ei ie"

Word finally:

c, /s/ > /k/

e, /e/ > /@/

a, /a/ > /@/

Some speakers would (if there were any) pronounce þorn unvoiced or eþ voiced


A Á B C D Ð E É F G H I J K L M N O Ø P Q R S Š T Þ U Ú V W X Y Z a á b c d ð e é f g h i j k l m n o ø p q r s š t þ u ú v w x y z

Names in Gund pronunciation:

ah á be cé dé eþ uh éh ef gé hé ie je ke le em en oh ø pe ké ahr ess šé té þorn uhe úhe vé wé yx øps zet


Verbs are conjugated for person and tense

1st person: just the stem 2nd person: stem + st or est if the consonat is a t or d 3rd person: stem + t or et if the consonat is a t or d Plural 1st: unconjugated

  • all plural forms of verbs for 2nd and 3rd are the same in plural

there is one prefix in Gund, ge /g@/ which marks the present participle. A final "t" is also added to the verb stem.

ge + stem + t

Gund has 4 suffixes, "and", "os" "ys" "ysan"

"and" marks the present participle.

in Gund the use of the word "am" which is a form of the verb "to be" is unecessary.

"yss" marks the past tense

"os" marks the plural

"ysan" marks the past progressive


Pronouns have three cases, nominative, accusative, and Genitive. Gund has four types of pronouns, Masculine, Feminine, Neuter, and Inanimate

1st person singular nominative...Ek 2nd person singular nominative...Ðú

(3rd person singular nominative: Masculine...Ar Feminine...Sar Neuter...het Inanimate singular

1st person singular accusative...Mec 2nd person singular accusative...Þyk (3rd person singular accusative: Masculine...Arem Feminine...Sarem Neuter...het Inanimate singular accusative...etem)

1st person plural nominative...Uss 2nd person plural nominative...Ðose (3rd person plural nominative: Masculine...Aros Feminine...Saros Neuter...hetos Inanimate plural nominative...etos)

1st person plural accusative...Mec 2nd person plural accusative...Þykos (3rd person plural accusative: Masculine...Arom Feminine...Sarom Neuter...hetos Inanimate plural accusative...etemos)


1st person singular...Mehn 2nd person singular...þehn (3rd person singular: masculine...arehn feminine...sarehn neuter...hetehn inanimate...etehn)

1st person plural...áer 2nd person plural...þehnos (3rd person plural: masculine...arohn feminine...sarohn neuter...hetohn inanimate...etohn)


  • The plural form of all the articles except "this" is the same as the femine form
  • Ðie serz = The girl, Ðie serzos = the girls


    • the:**

masculine --- Ðén feminine --- Ðie neuter --- þy indefinate --- þet

    • a:**

masc. --- an feminine --- anie neuter --- anyn indefinate --- anet


    • the:**

masculine --- Ðénem feminine --- Ðiem neuter --- þym inanimate --- þetem

    • a:**

masc. --- anem feminine --- aniem neuter --- anym inanimate --- anet

This and that don't have gender:

this --- Ðyss plural --- Ðoss accusative --- Ðyssem plural --- Ðosem that --- Ðaet plural --- Ðaetos accusative --- Ðaem plural --- Ðaemos


Gund is SVO with V2 word order like German it has 11 tenses:

Present I write the book, I write the-accusative book Ak šreib þetem buk

Future I will write the book, I will the-acc. book to-write Ak vill þetem buk šreiban

Present Progressive I am writing the book, I am-writing the-acc. book Ak šreiband þetem buk,

Past Progressive I was writing the book, I write-pst-pro the-acc. book Ak šreibysan þetem buk

Future Progressive I will be writing the book, I will the-acc. book to-be to-write-pre-prt Ak vill þetem buk benan šreiband

Present Perfect I have written the book, I have the-acc. book to-write-pst-part. Ak hyv þetem buk gešreibt

Past Perfect I had written the book, have-past-tense the-acc. book to-write-pst-prt Ak hyvys þetem buk gešreibt

Future Perfect I will have written the book, I will the-acc. book to-have to-write-pst-prt Ak vill þetem buk hyvan gešreibt

Present Perfect Progressive I have been writing a book, I have the-acc. book to-be to-write-pr-prt Ak hyv þetem buk benan šreiband

Past Perfect Progressive I had been writting the book, I have-past-tense the-acc. book to-be to-write-pre-prt Ak hyvys þetem buk benan šreiband

Future Perfect Progressive I will have been writting the book, I will the-acc. book to-have to-be to-write-pre-prt Ak vill þetem buk hyvan benan šreiband

The only irregular verb:

Benan - to be 1st person --- ben 2nd person --- best 3rd person --- best inanimate --- best Plural 1st --- benan

Thing you would learn in kindergarten:

Days, months Monday...Mondak Tuesday...Ðúsdak Wednesday...Vensdak Thursday...Donsdak Friday...Frédak Saturday...Samsdak - a tribute to me (my name is Sam  ;) ) Sunday...Sonsdak

Months(in correct order):

Janú Febú Merch Apryl Mei Jún Júle Ágúst Septembar Aktobar Novembar Dézembar


ahn dún þrie fie fef syš seb akt nien zik alf zølf þriezik fiezik fefzik syšik sebzik aktzik nienzik

dúnie þrienie fienie fefie syšie sebie aktie nienie

húndar ahneðehúndar dúneðehúndar...