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Kor Sanbe berTase

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Kor Sanbe berTase (Athain 2 - Sora 27) is a famous bladesmith who was appointed Emperor's Swordsmith during Lein Sora's reign. Through the course of his long career under the Emperor, who appointed him on Sora 5, he forged many swords both for the Emperor and his family, as well as for other generals and famous personalities with the Emperor's approval.

Famous Works

Working for none other than the supreme authority of the Lein Empire, many of Sanbe's works have naturally become very famous due to their associations with the greatest men of Sora's time. These are some of his most famous swords.


Navarasna, which could be translated to "Pallor of Heaven" or "Light of Heaven", is a long sword forged in Sora 6 for the Emperor himself. A classic Ezrike sword, with a sinusoidal inner edge and a firm, slight curve for the outer edge, it was famous for the sharp final taper from the sinusoidal edge to the tip, as well as the almost angular re-narrowing, creating a sword that was highly distinctive while retaining its deadly effectiveness. Its blade was around 70 cm long, while the whole sword was around 96 cm long.

As with most such swords made for prominent personalities, the sword is engraved with words. In this case the inscription reads, "Kor Sanbe, swordsmith, forges the sword Navarasna for He (who is) Always Victorious" (Itrani: Sberetaro Kor Sanbe sbaro ezrike Navarasna nite Kasagaimi Nikaile Hiruva). This refers to the primary title of the Emperors of the Lein, Nikaile Hiruv' ase Varya Hiruva (Always Victorious and Virtuous).


Ganudarai, which can be translated as "Darkness of Earth", is another long cavalry sword ordered by Sora and completed in Sora 6. Being presented with the Navarasna at the same time, it is often considered a paired sword with the Emperor's sword; however, its design is very different, and Sanbe had instead intended the sword Rikasei as the partner of the Navarasna. Rendered a much deeper grey than usual by an unknown process, the Ganudarai is a classic, heavy cavalry marakarai, with a 84 cm blade and a total length of 1.15 metres.

Unlike the Navarasna, the Ganudarai was not meant for Sora himself but rather for Sora to present as a gift; this had been an idea of his own, that an excellent sword should be made as a reward for whoever was the greatest of his generals. Accordingly, the sword is inscribed: "Kor Sanbe, swordsmith, forges the sword Ganudarai for he whom Heaven has appointed to the aid of the Emperor". Eventually, as might be expected, Sora gifted the sword to Van Itei in Sora 35, before a great gathering of Lein officials, generals, and foreign dignitaries (many of whom had met Itei himself in battle, to be vanquished).


Rikasei, which is a poetic name for the first snows of early winter, was a sword made for Tairasantha Areya, and the actual paired sword of the Navarasna. Sanbe, keeping in mind the Tairasantha's love for beauty, put great effort into the shaping and carving of the Rikasei, delaying the sword's completion such that it was only presented to the Empress four months after the Emperor had been presented with both his swords.

Certainly the Rikasei was lauded as legendarily exquisite. A specially narrowed and lightened Ezrike for a woman, its grain and the quenching marks left by the cooling process were described as being "like a breeze amongst soft winter clouds", while its scabbard was ivory wrapped around fragrant wood, carved into a scene of migrating birds. The hilt, topped with ivory, was carved into the shape of a heron - considered a lucky bird and the bringer of the news of spring. The blade was 58 cm long, while the whole sword was around 85 cm long.