Senjecas - Tabitha

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Pronunciation table

nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective) CONV = conversive F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix Q = interrogative particle
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle SBJ = subjunctive


  • New American Bible translation
  • Literal English translation
  • Senjecan text
tabı̋þu – Tabitha ( Acts 9:36-43)
mukánȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • 36: Now in Joppa there was a certain woman convert named Tabitha (in Greek Dorcas, meaning a gazelle). Her life was marked by constant good deeds and acts of charity.
  • In Joppa and certain was disciple Tabitha, which being.translated is.called gazelle: she was full good and of.alms which she did.
  • da tabı̋þu fe̋e̋taþu te̋vu tűnlu ȝopa̋s éna e-vűűa: fe̋e̋to ı̋te tarne̋xaþo ı̋la: éȝu va̋do—tan e-da̋a̋ra—daarőmk̬e peeðdőmk̬' e-pe̋e̋la:
da tabı̋þ-u fe̋e̋t-a-þ-u te̋vu-Ø tűn-l-u ȝop-a̋s éna e=vűű-a fe̋e̋t-o ı̋t-e tarne̋x-a-þ-o ı̋l-a
and Tabitha-N.s name-IND-PP-N.s certain-ABS learn-AG-N.s Joppa-G.s in PST=be-IND name-N.s gazelle-N.s translated-IND-PP-N.s become-IND
éȝ-u va̋do-Ø t-an e=daar-a daar-őm=k̬e peeðd-őm=k̬-' e=pe̋e̋l-a
she-N.s good-ABS which-N.p PST=work-IND work-G.p=and alm-G.p=and-ELIS PST=be.full-IND

  • 37: At about that time she fell ill and died. They washed her body and laid it out in an upstairs room.
  • it.became And in the days those, having.ailed she died: having.washed and they.put her in
  • d' a-aha̋m éna e-e̋ba dĭda̋mantu éȝu e-ne̋ṡa: éȝus éȝum e-ba̋na da ufte̋rom éna e-ðe̋e̋a:
d-' a=ah-a̋m éna e=e̋b-a dĭ~da̋m-a-ntu-Ø éȝ-u e=ne̋ṡ-a éȝ-us éȝ-um e=ba̋n-a
and-ELIS that=day-G.p in PST=happen-IND PRF~become.ill-IND-AP-ABS she-N.s PST=die-IND they-N.p her-A.s PST=wash-IND
da uf-te̋r-om éna e=ðe̋e̋-a
and upper-room-A.s in PST=place-IND

  • 38: Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples who had heard that Peter was there sent two men to him with the urgent request, "Please come over to us without delay."
  • near And being Lydda to.the Joppa the disciples having.heard that Peter is in it they sent two men to him begging, Not to.delay to.come to them.
  • da ȝopa̋s ȝóba e̋santa lı̋da. peþrum tóru vűűu vĭve̋nantu tűnlus éȝum do d̬ő m̃ı̋ı̋run e-mı̋þa. éȝum éȝun do ǧe̋mu xa̋lu ne ɫe̋e̋ðantus:
da ȝop-a̋s ȝóba e̋s-a-nta-Ø lı̋d-a pe̋þr-um tóru vűű-u vĭ~ve̋n-a-ntu-Ø tűn-l-us éȝ-um do
and Joppa-G.s near be-IND-AP-ABS Lydda-N.s Peter-A.s there be-SUP PRF~hear-IND-AP-ABS learn-AG-N.p he-A.s to
d̬ő m̃ı̋r-un e=mı̋þ-a éȝ-um éȝ-un do ǧe̋m-u xa̋l-u ne ɫe̋e̋ð-a-nt-us
two man-A.p PST=send-IND he-A.s they-A.p to come-SUP delay-SUP not beg-IND-AP-N.p

  • 39: Peter set out with them as they asked. Upon his arrival they took him upstairs to the room. All the widows came to him in tears and showed him the various garments Dorcas had made when she ws still with them.
  • rising And Peter went.with them: whom arriving they.led.up to the, and him all the widows weeping and showing tunics and garments made with them being the Dorcas.
  • da pe̋þru e-e̋e̋gak̬e éȝun e-sűnak̬e: éȝus tőpantum ufte̋rom ánu e-de̋uka: őru ɫı̋ı̋gantu mőőaþus eȝús kóma e-ṡűra: éȝus eȝús o eȝúm súna itűs kía va̋a̋naþo m̃e̋stonk̬e őutonk̬e e-sűűta:
da pe̋þr-u e=e̋e̋g-a=k̬e éȝ-un e=sűn-a=k̬e éȝ-us tőp-a-nt-un uf-te̋r-om do ánu e=de̋uk-a
and Peter-N.s PST=arise-IND=and they-A.p PST=accompany-IND=and they-N.p arrive-IND-AP-A.s upper-room-A.s to up PST=lead-IND
őru-Ø ɫı̋ı̋g-a-ntu-Ø mőő-a-þ-us eȝ-ús kóma e=ṡűr-a
all-ABS weep-AP-ABS make.a.widow-IND-PP-N.p he-G.s PST=stand-IND
éȝ-us eȝ-ús o eȝ-úm suna it-űs kía va̋a̋n-a-þo-Ø m̃e̋st-on=k̬e őut-on=k̬e e=sűűt-a
they-N.p he-G.s to they-G.p with gazelle-G.s by make-IND-PP-ABS tunic-A.p=and garment-A.p=and PST=show-IND

  • 40: Peter first made everyone go outside; then he knelt down and prayed. Turning to the dead body, he said, "Tabitha, stand up." She opened her eyes, then looked at Peter and sat up.
  • throwing And out all the Peter and placing the knees prayed, and turning to the body he.said, Tabitha, arise. she and opened the eyes of.her, and seeing the Peter sat.up.
  • da őrun éhu ȝe̋e̋antuk̬e tőgantuk̬e pe̋þru e-lı̋la. da bődom do sűkantu e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tabiþű. e̋e̋ge m̃ar—da eȝu-t̬a̋lon e-lűra da pe̋þrum na̋kantu ánu e-se̋da:
da őr-un éhu ȝe̋e̋-a-ntu-Ø=k̬e tőg-a-ntu-Ø=k̬e pe̋þr-u e=lı̋l-a da bőd-om do sűk-a-nt-u e=te̋e̋-a
and all-A.p out throw-IND-AP-ABS=and kneel-IND-AP-ABS=and Peter-N.s PST=pray-IND and body-A.s to turn-IND-AP-N.s PST=say-IND
m̃a tabiþ-ű e̋e̋g-e m̃ar da eȝu=t̬a̋l-on e=lűr-a da pe̋þr-um na̋k-a-nt-u ánu e=se̋d-a
QUOT Tabitha-V.s arise-IMP QUOT and her=eye-A.p PST=open-IND and Peter-A.s see-IND-AP-N.s up PST=sit-IND

  • 41: He gave her his hand and helped her to her feet. The next thing he did was to call in those who were believers and the widows to show them that she was alive.
  • giving And her hand raised.up her calling and the saints and the widows presented her living.
  • da éȝum do ma̋nom fe̋ɫantu éȝum e-e̋e̋ga: da sa̋kunk̬e mőőaþunk̬e ha̋m̃antu éȝum ǧı̋ı̋u e-de̋iṡa:
da éȝ-um do ma̋n-om fe̋ɫ-a-nt-u éȝ-um e=e̋e̋g-a da sa̋k-un=k̬e mőőaþ-un=k̬e ha̋m̃-a-nt-u
and she-A.s to hand-A.s offer-IND-AP-N.s she-A.s PST=raise-IND and saint-A.p=and widow-A.p=and call-IND-AP-N.s
éȝ-um ǧı̋ı̋-u e-de̋iṡ-a
she-A.s alive-N.s PST=present-IND

  • 42: This became known all overJoppa, and because of it, many came to believe in the Lord.
  • known And it.became through all the Joppa, and many believed on the Lord.
  • da ȝopa̋s ṡ̨úfa sa̋a̋raþo e-ı̋la. da m̃e̋umus anderűs éna e-őőa:
da ȝop-a̋s ṡ̨úfa sa̋a̋r-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a da m̃e̋um-us ander-űs éna e=őő-a
and Joppa-G.s throughout know-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND and many-N.p Lord-G.s in PST=believe-IND

  • 43: Thus it happened that Peter stayed on in Joppa for a considerable time at the house of Simon, a tanner of leather.
  • it.became And days sufficient to.remain him in Joppa with certain Simon tanner.
  • da e-e̋ba—ȝa ma̋ta a̋has e-ɠa̋a̋la—ƥűvi ȝopa̋s éna te̋vu simonűs ȝoðlű' súna e-še̋da⁝
da e=e̋b-a ȝa ma̋ta-Ø a̋h-as e=ɠa̋a̋l-a ƥűvi ȝop-a̋s éna te̋vu-Ø simon-űs ȝoðl-ű-' súna e=še̋d-a
and PST=happen-IND that sufficient-Ø day-N.p PST=remain-IND so.that Joppa-G.s in certain-ABS Simon-G.s tanner-G.s with PST=stay-IND