Senjecas - Jesus in the Desert

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective) CONV = conversive F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix Q = interrogative particle
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle SBJ = subjunctive


  • Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-2; Luke 4:1-2
  • As this is a cento of verses, the numbering indicates the number of Senjecan sentences, not of the Biblical verses.


m̃aastős éna ȝe̋su - Jesus in the Desert
múkanȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • New American Bible
  • Literal Greek Translation
  • Senjecan Text
  • 1. Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, then returned from the Jordan and was conducted by the the Spirit into the desert
  • Jesus and full of.Spirit Holy returned from the Jordan and was.being.led by the Spirit in the desert
  • da sa̋ku m̃iiműs pe̋e̋lu ȝe̋su ȝarde̋nem ápa e-ke̋ra da m̃iiműs kía m̃a̋a̋stom éna de̋ukaþu e-ı̋la
da sa̋ku-Ø m̃iim-űs pe̋e̋lu-Ø ȝe̋s-u ȝarde̋n-em ápa e=ke̋r-a da m̃iim-űs kía m̃a̋a̋st-om éna de̋uk-a-þ-u e=ı̋l-a
and holy-ABS spirit-G.s full-ABS Jesus-N.s Jordan-A.s from PST=return-IND and spirit-G.s by desert-A.s into lead-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 2. for forty days and forty nights where he was tempted by the devil.
  • days forty and nights forty being tempted by the devil
  • táádi na̋a̋l foos a̋hank̬e na̋a̋l foos la̋a̋tank̬e sazlűs kía sape̋ȝa:
táádi na̋a̋l foos a̋h-an=k̬e na̋a̋l foos la̋a̋t-an=k̬e saz-l-űs kía sap-e̋ȝa
in.order.that four tens day-A.p=and four tens night-A.p=and slander-AG-G.s by test-SBJ

  • 3. During that time he ate nothing, and at the end of it he was hungry.
  • and not he.ate nothing in the days those and having.been.completed they he.hungered
  • d' a-a̋hanĕ néom e-e̋da da. eȝám þűkaþas iilanta̋m. e-gősa:
d-' a=a̋h-an=ĕ né-om e=e̋d-a da eȝ-ám þűk-a-þ-as i~il-a-nt-a̋m e=gős-a
and-ELIS that=day-A.p=EP nothing-A.s PST=eat-IND and 3-G.p complete-IND-PP-N.p PRF~become-IND-AP-G.p PST=be.hungry-IND

  • 4. He was with the wild beasts, and angels waited on him.
  • and he.was among the wild.beasts and the angels were.ministering to.him
  • da ƣ̌ere̋m ȝúṡa e-vűűa d' anga̋rus eȝús o e-nı̋ı̋xa⁝
da ƣ̌er-e̋m ȝúṡa e=vűű-a d-' anga̋r-us eȝ-ús o e=nı̋ı̋x-a
and wild-G.p among PST=be-IND and-ELIS angel-N.p 3-G.s to PST=minister-IND