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Senjecas dict. x

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Pronunciation table

nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb han
x χ ќ խ̣ ח
  • The tengwar are not visible on Frathwiki.


  1. P.N. = proper name, e.g., xasa̋þru, the mage guardian of the Children of Water.
  2. pol = a word having a meaning similar to that of the original lemma, e.g., xı̋fo, switch < xı̋fo, twig.
  3. These words are not numbered, as only lemmata are numbered.
  4. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  5. There are 34 root words (lemmata) of which 12 are verbs and eight are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 59% percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • x001 xa̋a̋|di, adj. indignant [> English hate]. -do, indignity. -ðta, indignation.
  • x002 xa̋ita, 1. t.v. pop, puff; cuff, thump, whack. 2. i.v. pop, puff; thump, whack.
  • x003 xa̋ko, doll [> Turkish kavırçak, doll].
  • x004 xa̋l|a, 1. t.v., linger-, -away, delay, postpone, defer, put off, set aside. 2. i.v. delay, linger, loiter, tarry, defer [> Manchu a-, wait]. -e̋ȝ=a, t.v. belate, make late. =i, adj. belated. -i, adj. tardy, late, dilatory. -ra, delay, postponement, deferment. –vi, adv. late.
  • x005 xa̋no, pit [> English canal].
  • x006 xa̋po, harbor, port, haven [> English haven]. -fve̋e̋l̤u, harbormaster.
  • x007 xa̋ra, i.v. run off, flow down; subside [of water], ebb [of the tide].
  • x008 xa̋s|o, net(ting), gauze; network [> Manchurian asu, net]. -i, adj. reticular, reticulate.
  • P.N. xasa̋þru, the mage guardian of the Children of Water.
  • x009 xe̋e̋l|a, 1. t.v. charm, attract, allure; tempt. 2. i.v. appeal to [> English calumny]. -i, adj. alluring, charming, attractive. -ra, charm, attraction, fascination, allure, allurement, appeal; temptation.
  • x010 xe̋f|i, adj. delicate, fragile, frail, fine [> Japanese kobot-, break]. –ta, delicacy, fragility, frailness. –to, delicacy.
  • x011 xe̋|ȝa, 1. t.v. inherit. 2. i.v. inherit [> Lithuanian sueirī̃-s, widower]. –iȝűm̃o, hereditary right. –ikoovle̋uðu, hereditary nobility. -ilu, heir, successor; oa̋þu ~, heir presumptive. –im̃e̋ko, heirloom. -im̃i, adj. hereditary. –iþűno, gene. –ita, heredity. -ȝa, inheritance. -ȝasűru, crown prince. –ȝaþo, adj. congenital. -ȝi, adj. inheritable. -ȝo, heritage, inheritance, bequest, legacy.
  • x012 xe̋m|o, tool, instrument, implement, device. -a, i.v. tool. -a, postp. with, in, by (means of). -ı̋d̨a,, t.v. tool.
  • x013 xe̋n|i, adj. thin, spare, skinny; rare; infertile [land] [> Japanese こまかい komakai, fine]. -ta, thinness. –u, adv. thinly, scant, scantily.
  • x014 xe̋p|o, cost, charge, price [> Korean 값 gap, price]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. cost, price.
  • x015 xe̋|ra, t.v. pay back, repay, requite [> Japanese kotobuk-, celebrate]. -ro, refund. -r̈a, repayment, requital.
  • x016 xe̋s|o, spool [> Japanese kase, spool]. -a, t.v. spool.
  • pol xı̋fo, switch.
  • x017 xı̋ɫ|a, t.v. fetter, enfetter, shackle; captivate, fascinate, enthrall [> Turkish kesuan, fetters]. -lo, fetter(s), shackles, hobble, gyve.
  • x018 xísu, adv. what if [with sbj.] [> Etruscan xis, temporal-hypothetical conjunction].
  • x019 xőőm|a, t.v. pay respect(s) [> Korean komap- (pay) respect].
  • x020 xoő|ra, t.v. ward (off), avert, repulse, repel, set back, forfend; parry; turn away [> Turkish korumak, protect]. -ro, ward, parry. -r̈a, aversion, setback.
  • x021 xőf|i, adj. absolute, utter, thorough [> Turkish köp, many]. -ta, absolute, thoroughness. -vi, adv. absolutely, utterly, thoroughly, altogether, over.
  • x022 xől|i, adj. unique, special [> Georgian მხოლოდ mxolod, only]. –o, specialty. –ta, uniqueness, specialness. -vi, adv. especially.
  • x023 xőso, umbrella [> Japanese かさ kása, umbrella].
  • x024 xő|ṡa, 1. t.v. entangle, tangle, foul. 2. i.v. tangle, foul. [> Evenki ī-]. -sra, entanglement. -ṡi, adv. afoul. -ṡo, tangle.
  • x025 xőto, hut [Hydoran] Naiki khoṭa, cowshed].
  • pol xűűko, catch [of a buckle] [< xűűko, thorn].
  • x026 x|u, intrg. pron. who. -áálu, intrg. adv. how, in what way. -ár=u, intrg. adv. where. =þim, adv. whither. =þis, adv. whence. -ávu, intrg. adv. why. -i, intrg. det. what, which. -ı̋mi, intrg. det. what kind of. -o, intrg. pron. what, which; emph. how!, what (a)! -őt=i, intrg. det. how-, -much, -many. =u, intrg. adv. how (+ adj.). -óþvi, intrg. adv. how-, -much, -many.
  • x027 xűl|i, adj. yellow [> Turkish kula, light yellow]. -a, i.v. (turn-, become-), -yellow. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. (color-, make-), -yellow. -ta, yellowness.
  • x028 xűm|o, headpad [> Telugu cumma, carrying pad]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. carry on the head.
  • x029 xűr|a, i.v. snore [> Georgian xvrinva, snore]. -o, snore.
  • x030 xűt|a, i.v. huddle. –o, huddle.
  • x031 x̌a̋a̋no, wet ground.
  • x032 x̨e̋m|i, adj. greedy [> Etruscan xiem, greed]. –ta, greed.
  • x033 x̨űűr|i, adj. auburn [> Turkish kızıl, red]. -a, i.v. turn-, become-, -auburn. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. color-, make-, -auburn.
  • x034 x̨űs|o, bad habit [> Turkish küs-, anger]. -a, i.v. behave badly. -lu, brat. -ra, bad behavior.

Senjecas dict. z